Yes they do come to a shot ....but they will also follow you around .....I live on Chichagof Is. ..So my primary brown bear education,,has to do with bears in the Southeast Jungles .... ..

......Brown bears are very intelligent , but unlike black bears they can rely on their strength and abilities more ....... They also tend to act like they know they are the boss ...Until they get great big , then they seem to get so they really want to avoid people as they usually have eaten siblings and other bear carcasses that hunters have killed .....They figure out what we are all about ,,..........One thing a bear never forgets is where and how it got a meal ...And very old bears will crowd people to get what ever they can.....They are the most dangerous ones .

.... .Sows teach cubs to take deer from people and or to wait around for people to leave so they get the gut pile...Eagles and Ravens can make a deer gut pile disappear in like 15 minutes or less ,,,so the bears are pretty aggressive to get to the kill site before its all gone and before another bear gets on it........Seldom is it the 10 ft. bears who fool around with deer kills but it must be remembered ,,most brown bears arn,t 10 ft bears..

..Some of the biggest bears never come down to the bays , or mouths of criks .......I,ve talked to several ADF&G and USFS biologists who have confirmed this ....They will find some mountains and stay up high eating grass ,berries , Mt.Goat and deer .....However big sows will fish as much as they can and tend to be pretty tough to be around ,,if there is a good bear population in the area,, from protecting their cubs from other bears ....Both boars and sows....The denser the bear population the more encounters with them you will have ......

.....Say you go goat hunting on Bear Mountain in Sitka ......There will be plenty of bears in your vicinity will use the same trail to get to and from the top of the mountain and they will try to beat the birds to the gut pile at the least ......Remember bears and raptors live to be 25 yrs old and more ,,, they don,t do so by forgetting how to get groceries.....

..........just like a dog can smell you and remember you,, so can bears ......Especially if you yield your kill to them ......Thats a real life example of training bears to be aggressive toward people in genral and hunters in particular ...........Leave your fish on the bank and back away from a bear ,,,, you just taught that bear to be aggressive to fishermen ..

........The old timers ,,,men that I respect ,,,had great ways of dealing with bears .....I learned alot from them .........I hunt deer with a 416 ........
.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....