Moderators: Paul H
Alaskan guides
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Picture of The Senator
Are there any Alaskan guides that share this site?
Maby we can get some straight info on various things. Thanks the senator
P.S. Be prepared to prove it. Company name, or lic # etc.
Posts: 535 | Location: Lincoln, CA 95648 | Registered: 19 April 2003Reply With Quote
<Big Stick>
Your presentation needs much work. Perhaps reel in,rebait the hook and try another cast?!!?

My perception is that you wish to rake someone over the coals,though you negate the incentive for the unsuspecting to eagerly accept the invite.

In other words,stand up to the plate and ask just what it is,that is upon your mind. While I'm largely of the anti-Guide establishment,one should grant a fair shake(especially in his opening line).

Curious to hear just how big your axe is,that you wish to grind?..................
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Picture of CK
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Good word smithing "Stick"......Couldn't have said it better myself.........If I was a guide, I sure wouldn't lay my neck on the chopping block. [Big Grin]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gator1
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Nicely put 'stick. But he is a Senator don'tyaknow. I would think that if you knew any guides you had better tell them to hop to on this pronto. [Roll Eyes]
Posts: 2753 | Location: Climbing the Mountains of Liberal BS. | Registered: 31 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bob in TX
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If you are a "Senator" and from Kalifornia, you better be ready to prove your party affiliation and voting record..... [Wink] [Big Grin] [Wink]

It sounds like you are just frustrated...good luck!

Posts: 3065 | Location: Hondo, Texas USA | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
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We're not real fond of Californians this week. Try back later.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
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Originally posted by yukon delta:
We're not real fond of Californians this week. Try back later.

Whatdya mean, yogi says they taste just like chicken [Big Grin]
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of The Senator
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I know that Maddog is a registered guide up in Alaska. Just likes to keep it quite. What is the problem with you guys, why fire back at me the way that you do. TS
Posts: 535 | Location: Lincoln, CA 95648 | Registered: 19 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Your comment "be prepared to prove it" came across a little rude.

Posts: 314 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Well, I like the bait Senator put out...

I'm a wilderness guide in Alaska, owner of an outfitting business, and a real ass kicker, is there anything I can answer for you?

I place UN-guided hunters on productive river systems and schedule all their logistics and such.

The reason I strayed away from becoming a Big Game Guide is because I too am an advocate for self-guided hunts at fair prices. Merely a choice.

Larry Bartlett
Posts: 9 | Location: Fairbanks Alaska | Registered: 02 October 2003Reply With Quote
<Big Stick>
Duh Senator,

No real problem on my end,though I'm more open minded than most.

What I've seen/found/realized,is that folks stating California as their residence are either bitching or bragging and generally mad about somethin' and often at Alaska in general.

Your embracing of Ca. residency reminds of a Sean Connery line in The Untouchables and to paraphrase: "Who'd say he is one,when he ISN'T?!!". 'Course he meant Revenuers and I mean Californiacators,but the jist is same/same.

Long way of sayin'(again),that you've an axe to grind and are sheepish about it.

What gives? Cut to the chase man..................
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Picture of MADDOG
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Thanks a lot Senator; One of the other guys e-mailed me and told me that this post was going on over here.
I am a registered guide in Alaska, Have been for many years. At the age of 49 have got the stiff joints, ( to many years of construction along with the guiding ), and have in the last 3 years done only select hunts for brown bear. Some moose 100% for the last 5 years on both. Secret is, my area is hunted very little ( one or two bears per year ). Do very little any more, but what I do is Quality. I am trying to fulfill some of my hunting dreams these days, but will never fully give up the guiding till I am just to old, ( it gets in your blood). Some thing about shooting a 1000 lb animal at 30 yards that can eat you.

This years hunting was A good 9'Brown. Have a e-letter from my client I can forward if anybody is interested. To prove it as Senator requested.I also have a Regestered guides # but will share that in e-mail on request.

Senator you need to learn to be more tactful in your request, and in sharing your information. I am not sure how you found out the info but it was good to belong to a board where I could just be one of the guys. I have done some research and found that you are only about 20 miles from where I stay when I winter. All 4 of my children live in California. Not my choice but sure is better in Jan than AK Thanks for the time Maddog

[ 10-14-2003, 17:50: Message edited by: MADDOG ]
Posts: 1899 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 03 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Soapy Smith died a long time ago.
If a gentleman were to want information about the services of another gentleman's business, the former would ask the latter in private via telephone or e-mail. If a gentleman were to want to be more knowledgable about a profession, he would discretely contact those in the business and ask questions (not everyone will respond, but some will).
Most guides will tell you ONLY the truth because they are honest men who live by their reputation, and they don't want to have to straighten out any misunderstandings about what you should expect on your hunt, and they definitely want your experience to be a good one.
I am not a guide, but you have identified several men here who are. The ball is in your court. (ps, a little respect for who they are and what they do might be in order)
Posts: 84 | Location: alaska | Registered: 10 November 2002Reply With Quote
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