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Opinions on the .375 Ruger?
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Picture of Jim Z.
Howdy folks,

I'm interested to see if anyone has any opinions on the .375 Ruger. It is a new cartridge I know, but some of you guys may have used it or reserched it. Seem like a good cartridge for DG up in your country. Any thoughts?

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Malon Labe!
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Malon Labe!
Posts: 235 | Location: Oregon Territory | Registered: 16 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Jim Z.:
Howdy folks,

I'm interested to see if anyone has any opinions on the .375 Ruger. It is a new cartridge I know, but some of you guys may have used it or reserched it. Seem like a good cartridge for DG up in your country. Any thoughts?

I recently fondled the two .375 Rugers at Sportsmans Whorehouse in Anch. I will have one shortly!! Wink dancing
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Jim Z.

Here are a few articles that you can read and decide for yourself if this is indeed the caliber for you, though somewhat new not too many people are going to be able to give an opinion about it's performance other than Gun Writers.
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I got the stainless Alaskan version and love it. I currently have it topped with a Leupold 4x scope. I'm still deciding if the scope is going to stay or get replaced with a Leupold 2-7x33 in the near future.

I plan on taking a brown bear in the spring with it.
Posts: 409 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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This past year I alternated between carrying the wooden stocked African 375 ruger and the 20" Alaskan model. I was very impressed by both the rifles and the new round. If I had to predict the future I would guess that the 375 Ruger will slowly supplant the 375 H&H for the same reasons the 300 Win supplanted the 300 H&H.

In my opinion the new Alaskan model is about as close to the perfect rifle for Alaska as one can find.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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Thanks folks for the thoughtful replies. I have money down on the African. I'm a blue steel and walnut kind of guy. It looks really impressive, but I am concerned about ammo availability. I have been a die hard .30-06 man for years, along with the .45-70. They seem to have the .375 ruger ammo around here but if I travel you never know. The .375 H&H is more common. I have always tried to stick with tried and true common calibers, buit lately I'm being swayed. My last gun purchase was a Marlin 308MX which I absolutely love.

Thanks again guys, I will give you an update soon. wave

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Malon Labe!
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I have an African and love it. Would still like to own an Alaskan. Smiler

Check the Big Bore forum...lots of discussion on the 375 Ruger and a few field reports (a couple deer taken by me, and a black bear taken by Gatehouse).


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Jim Z,

For what it is worth - After the initial article Istaga referenced, we purchased a Ruger African and spent quite a bit of time with it shooting, handloading for it and comparing it to the 375 H&H. It proved to be an excellent cartridge and rifle combination; consistent performance, good handling and compact in comparison to guns typical of the 375 H&H.
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If it didn't have such sentimental value I think I could be persuaded to sell the Sauer 200 9.3x62, and the not so sentimental Win M70 (stainless) .375HH, and get the Alaskan version of the .375 Ruger...

Hmm... now I've something to think about.

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In my opinion the new Alaskan model is about as close to the perfect rifle for Alaska as one can find.

I couldn't agree more. The moment I saw the press release on the internet and saw a picture of said rifle, I immediately had one ordered.
Posts: 409 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I will probably have to get one but I think mine will be a custom. Nothing against the rugers as they are just want something a little different. Controlled feed, moderate barrel length, medium weight like a 4 or 5 contour. I like the iron sights on the Ruger. I would scope it with a low power variable like a 1-5.
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I wouldn't sell a good 375 H&H and run out and buy a Ruger, but if I was shopping for a .375, I would give the 375 Ruger a good look, its a nice rifle and whats not to like about the case, its a .375 without a belt, and that is what everyone was crying about before they came out with it, soooooo whats the deal here all you belt bashers! killpc

I think the .375 Rugers are a neat gun on a std. action.

I just completed a 416/375 Ruger on a Mauser action and its for sale btw..I am also working on a 404/375 Ruger and that may be my next take to Africa rifle. Why, I have no clue so don't ask...

That said a Ruger Safari in .375 H&H with the integral quarter rib, barrel band swivel and front sight sure is a awesome factory rifle.

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Ray Atkinson
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I am waiting for the 416 ruger. But wont hold my breath.

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.......My opinion is that I think so highly of it that I,m selling a couple rifles to get one ..And I really like both rifles ..

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Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Just recently bought a pair of stainless Alaskans for a future bear hunt.

Very nice, trim rifles, and practical for areas with a lot of rain and snow- Like Alaska!

I handload so supply is not a problem.

No useless magnum rim, very modern.

I like mine but havn't tried it yet on game but I'm sure it be fine if I do my part.

I topped mine with a Leupold 2-7 Rifleman scope, very neat.
Posts: 345 | Location: Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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After reading up on the 375 Ruger, My initial reaction is favorable. It's put together on a medium length action and saves weight there. And the ballistics seem comparable to the 375 H&H. I love my H&H so I probably won't go out and buy a Ruger, but I see absolutely nothing to be critical about.
Originally posted by Jim Z.:
Howdy folks,

I'm interested to see if anyone has any opinions on the .375 Ruger. It is a new cartridge I know, but some of you guys may have used it or reserched it. Seem like a good cartridge for DG up in your country. Any thoughts?

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Jim Z:
Well, I haven't thought about getting a .375 cal. rifle. My .338 Mag. has been good for anything I've been interested in. However, after going to the links that joe-45-70 provided, I must admit my interest is at least piqued. After going thru those links, I played with it on Quickload. I must say I was rather impressed at what QL came up with.
Having said all that, no, I'm still not gonna run out and get one but if I did it wouldn't be a Ruger. Personally, I'm done with Rugers & won't own another. If I were interested in that caliber, I'd spend the money on a Pre-64 Mod 70 in .30-06. Install a new barrel & trick it out to what I'd want.
All in all, I do like the looks of the caliber though. Just my thoughts.
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I bought an Alaskan several months back when I couldn't find a 375 H&H I wanted. One of my friends/clients also got one about the same time. He likes his a lot as do I. I was very impressed with the accuracy of it out of the box. I was somewhat skeptical about the Hornadays, as I am a Barnes type guy, but the Hornaday 300 RN shot exceptionally well. I am still going to try the 300 TSX as soon as Conley Precision Cartridge gets them on the market and if I don't like em, going to go back to the Hornadays. My only beef is that Talley (maybe none one for that matter) make a QR type of ring for the rifle at the moment. I am glad I chose the new Ruger 375.
Posts: 261 | Location: Duncan, SC | Registered: 06 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BHW:
I bought an Alaskan several months back when I couldn't find a 375 H&H I wanted. One of my friends/clients also got one about the same time. He likes his a lot as do I. I was very impressed with the accuracy of it out of the box. I was somewhat skeptical about the Hornadays, as I am a Barnes type guy, but the Hornaday 300 RN shot exceptionally well. I am still going to try the 300 TSX as soon as Conley Precision Cartridge gets them on the market and if I don't like em, going to go back to the Hornadays. My only beef is that Talley (maybe no one for that matter) make a QR type of ring for the rifle at the moment. I am glad I chose the new Ruger 375.
Posts: 261 | Location: Duncan, SC | Registered: 06 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Looks like a great gun. Ruger makes a solid product and stands behind it. I have not shot this one yet, but look forward to doing so.
Posts: 182 | Location: Up the holler in WV | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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i'd really like a blr in 375 ruger!
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Why? bewildered I am sure it's a fine cartridge and fine rifles to go with. But if you end up out of the country and your ammo does not show up, what then? There is not a thing wrong with the old tried and true 375 H&H. thumb

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well, i'm pretty confident that the ammo will be showing up all over the place in a little time. i'm also pretty sure that most gun makers will manufacture this round in the future. it would fit in a blr easy and thus give a great lever action with a very short lever throw, stronger extraction and stronger action than other lever actions and be great for anywhere on the planet. 375 ruger blr, that would be awesome.
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Will the .375 Ruger handle the heavier bullets -- 350 or even 380 gr bullets?
Maybe not needed in North America, but in Africa they have gained a reputation for elevating the 375 H&H to a new effectiveness against dangerous game.
If it can, then it will be great as the case capacity (according to the article in the link above) is actually greater than the H&H.
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.....Hopefully 458Winwill reply to that as he used them in his for brown bear .....You might do a search on these pages ..

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Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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The 375 Ruger's will handle the 350 Woodleigh bullets fine. I forget what load I started with but it gave 2260fps from the 20 inch "Alaskan" with three shot groups hovering around an inch.
Performance on really big bears was impressive with complete penetration.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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I just got the latest copy of RIFLE magazine and they had an article about the Alaskan Model.

The author wrote that Houge had detected some problems with the rubber stock they make for Ruger. Under some circumstances they may break at the pistol grip!

Yipes! And my son and I each have one! According to the article, Houge is replacing them. I'll post again if I hear anything.
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My buddy and I both purchased the Alaskan Model M77 and recieved notice of the bad stocks. We called Hogue and they sent us new stocks within the week. I was told that only one in 1000 stocks would crack at the pistol grip and after firing a few rounds. I have not pulled the old stock so I don't know if it is one of the bad ones. I will put on the new stock and then use the original stock on a small bore M77 or ?
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.......I think the barrel channel is the same as the 25/06 and the Hogue would be the perfact stock for that rifle ........More reasons to have a 375 Ruger Alaskan ............... thumb

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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A guy out of King Salmon took a nice 9-9 1/2 bear this last fall with the .375 Ruger. I'm not sure what bullets/ammunition he was using but he anchored it. (He's a friend of a friend and I saw pictures of the bear). I'll get more details and see if I can get permission to post pictures and other information.

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My brother and I drew brown bear tags for Unimak Island this coming spring. I sold the CZ 550 in .375 H&H I took to Africa a couple of years ago and ordered the Ruger Alaskan. Picked it up last Friday, scrubbed the bore, and took it to the range yesterday even though I had not mounted a scope on it yet. It was so light compared to the CZ that I was a little intimidated to pull the trigger. Turned out to be a more pleasant to me to shoot than my CZ was!!! In fact, something about it was addictive - sort of like rough sex - a little uncomfortable, but you can't stop. Is it possibly not burning all the powder (Hornady factory loads) in that short 20" bbl??? Have any of you all used a chronograph with the short bbl and these factory loads? Could it be the synthetic stock? I have always had a theory that the synthetic stocks might flex a little and therfore "absorb" more recoil than wood - or at least reduce "perceived" recoil. Anyway, I felt like I could have shot a couple of boxes through it without suffering. I can't wait to put my scope on it and get it back to the range.
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