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Moderators: Paul H
Successful Brown Bear Hunt - Unit 9B, May 2012 w/ AKShooter
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Forum Folks:

I returned from a hunt I have been dreaming about for 20+ years: A Brown Bear hunt in Alaska.

I week ago I lived out a dream, and I have only AKShooter to thank for making it awesome.

I preface my report with a few things. First, I have anew wife, after loosing my former wife from cancer. I have two step daughters, one son with my late wife, and a new seven month old with my new wife. I have two new businesses, both in the restaurant industry. Live, as you would say, is hectic. However, I came across a post from AKShooter offering Brown Bear hunts for a damn fine price. I contacted him, learned, specifics, contacted his references and, after talking with my wife, decided to live out ONE of my hunting dreams. Liana, thank you for supporting me; thank you for taking the burden of life, businesses, and children in my absence! You friggin' rock.

Well, after three short months of planning, my hunt was facing me. Here is what I pts.lanned:

Ten day hunt with AKShooter in Unit 17 on the AK Pen.
Rifle: Win Model 70 "Super Express" in .375 H&H Mag with open sights and a Swarovsky 3 - 10 scope: Open iron sights.
Loads: 300 Grains Barnes TSX bullets.

With demands with the businesses being what they were, I didn't have time to practice as much as I wanted. I knew my .375 drove tacts, but after sighting it in, I knew it was 2" high at 100 yards, and 4" low at 200 yards. Beyond that I would have to adjust.

I left for ANC at 6:00 AM out of Philly on an AA flight, connecting to an Alaskan Airlines flight to ANC. My flight was delayed out of ORD, so I got into ANC later than expected. I checked into the hotel and fell asleep. I had to catch a charter flight to Iliamna at 9:00 the following AM.

My chariot to Lake Iliamna

Once in Iliamna, I took another flight to Nondalton where I was bet by Bob Tracey, an associate of my Guide, Bob Couey. I was told that the winds were too high to fly and I would have to wait a bit. Bob put me up at his cabin in Nondalton until the winds were below 30 knots to fly me into camp. At 8:30 that night, the winds were low enough to fly me into camp.

Bob Tracey's lodge in Nondalton and my transportation into the bush. I called this the flying coffin.

Here is the cabin on Bob Tracey's property where I stayed.

Bob flew me into camp on the north-western side of Lake Iliamna, in Unit 9B where I would be hunting. (The hunting unit was changed due to last minutes logistics. I could have changed it back, but figured I would give it a try - glad I did.)

Accomodations in Unit 9B. Spartan, but better than expected. When booking the hunt, I spoke with my guide, AKShooter at length. He said the camp is "rough", but stated as such in order to keep the cost down. I told him I didn't want or expect First Class Accomodations. It was a perfect setting for what I wanted!

Breakfast the first morning: Sausage patties, bread and hot coffee. Hunting. Perfect for what I wanted.

My side of the tent.

You want hot food? Here you go!

First full day was spent on this hill glassing for Brownies. ALL DAY. 14 Hours that day, in 40degree weather in 30 MPH winds. Froze my ass off!

From this POV, I saw my bear at 8:10 AM on the second day. We estimated him to be about 250 to 280 yards away when I took my first shot. We literally got to our glassing point when I saw a "boulder" on the plain leading to the mountain; it wasn't there before. Bob said, "Bear" just as I saw the "boulder in the field.

I went into the prone position over my back pack, placed the cross hairs over the back of him, trying to mentally comensate for the bullet drop, the angle down range and the wind. I squeezed the trigger.

The gun recoiled.

I heard it launch...

Heard the echo...

Thank a loud THUD.

Bob said I hit it.

I sent 11 more rounds down range over the next 20 minutes of shooting and follow up. I'm not a great shot, but proud that I connected at such a distance with my 375.

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming...

Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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And a note about my outfitter/guide, AKShooter:

I have been in hairy situations in my life. In those situations, I would want him by my side everytime.

He is beyond knowledgable on your hunting situation, but has years of experience to back it up.

We have shared a personal connection that I will not mention here as it relates to my late wife, but I can say I did not expect to run into someone in the middle of barren Alaska who could talk to me about certain experiences I had. I was beyond shocked.

Bob, thank you for a great hunt and for making it more special than I could have imagined!!!!

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming...

Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of chuck375
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I'm so glad you got your bear. Wonderful shot!



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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Picture of graybird
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Congrats on a fine trophy and quite the adventure!


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577 Nitro Express
Thanks for all the kind words. I'm so happy you're hunt was a fulfilling expirance for you.

Being a guide is a job but more so a life style. One of the great rewards in this life style is that hunters with few exceptions become more than customers but rather good friends. I can tell all of our AR commrads that I also got a lot out of our hunt and I thank you for that.

NRA life
AK Master Guide 124
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any more details? how many bears did you see? you said it was the 40'

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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Congratulations! A big, well furred brown bear is a wonderful trophy!
Posts: 1144 | Location: Kodiak | Registered: 01 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I loved reading this report! It looked like really great hunting and camping out to do it.
I'd like to give this a try, and a nice representative moose too. Great shooting on this. clap

Best regards,
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Thanks for sharing your experience. Looks like an awesome adventure for you!!

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Great Bear and hunt,

Thanks for the report

Tom Kessel
Hiland Outfitters, LLC (BG-082)
Hiland, Wyoming
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Congrats on a nice bear and thanks for postin
Posts: 17 | Registered: 03 November 2011Reply With Quote
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Nice bear my friend, but where are one of those beautiful doubles you carry around? Big Grin Big Grin

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Picture of Antlers
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Way to go, Paul! I'm glad the hunt went well and I'm sorry we didn't get to catch up while you were here. Well done, my friend!

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Heym 450/400 3"
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Great report 577NE; thanks!

“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition” ― Rudyard Kipling
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Picture of Don_G
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Well done all 'round!


...from Texas, by way of Mason, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado!
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I am also saving for an Alaska expirience, and by reading your report and looking at your photos, there is dought that I am in the right direction.
What a hunt. Good photos and report to match it.

Work to to Hunt....
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How many feet do your bears square? Any B&C bears there in that unit?
Posts: 164 | Registered: 02 August 2011Reply With Quote
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Congratulations on your successful bear hunt. Good shooting. tu2

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