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OT: Drive from Anchorage to Fairbanks
Picture of Canuck
Sorry for the OT (non-hunting related) post Paul. Smiler

Just wondering if anyone can tell me what the drive from Anchorage to Fairbanks is like (fall/winter)?

I see on Google Maps that it is about 360 miles (est 6 hours).

The reason I am asking is (as mentioned in another thread recently), my GF's son has received a scholarship to play hockey at UofA Fairbanks. I am just doing a little research on travel for when we come up to visit him.

Flying in to Fairbanks isn't as cheap or quite as easy as Anchorage. Just wondering if it would be worthwhile to rent a car and try the drive from Anchorage, or endure the extra layovers and expense of the flight direct to Fairbanks?

Thanks in advance for any advice,

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I've made that drive many times, but in the winter with a dog-truck. Most of the time wonderful views, if it's clear you can see Denali quite well. You'll see lots of moose, some wolves and a caribou or two. Once you get much above the park you see a lot of stunted spruce cause your getting in the perma-frost.Most times any drive in Alaska is a good drive.
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By the time you figure in car rental, mileage, insurance, time, gas, etc... I suspect it will be cheaper to fly to Fairbanks rather than rent a car and drive from Anchorage.
Posts: 1508 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by DPhillips:
By the time you figure in car rental, mileage, insurance, time, gas, etc... I suspect it will be cheaper to fly to Fairbanks rather than rent a car and drive from Anchorage.

I figured that too, but thought if the road is decent or usually passable in winter, it might be worth it for the scenery etc.

The key is if the road is any good in winter (ie. well maintained).


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I agree with DPhillips. Days are way short and if you have tomake a plane in Anchorage you could be in for a hairy ride. In your circumstance I don't you'd gain anything.


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No problem if it's AK related it's good to go, and even if it isn't, I'm not one of the gestapo moderators that has to have threads in the proper forum Razzer

I always figure on an average of 50mph on our roads, when you add in slowing down for rough sections etc, it's a more realistic number. When you say fall/winter, what month?

I've driven the road in Nov, which qualifies as winter. The road is well maintained, it is how freight makes it's way from Anchorage/Seward to Fairbanks and on up to the oil patch.

As far as what you'll see on the way up, if you have daylight and no clouds, you'll be able to see Mt. McKinley. You could also detour to Talkeetna, not alot to see, but some 1/2 decent places to eat and a little museaum with info on the mountain, hunting and climbing. If want a chance to bum around Anchortown, it might be worth the drive, but then again you could simply have a long enough layover for that.

Asside from that, I'd say flying on up to Fairbanks would likely be the better route.

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,,,,,,,,Canuck ;; I guess because I,m usually an Islander I relly enjoy driveing the Highway...If its cold enough you can ball hoot up as fast as you would on bare black top as you probably know ....The road is very well maintained ......The urban Alaskan requires it. ..And this place is primarily populated with them........Some places it,s a ways between gas stations but not like between Carcross and Whitehorse ....or Carcross and Skagway...At least not on the Richardson Highway side..It would be nice to have wheels to get around Fairbanks also..

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Just don't forget to put emergency gear in your plans.....

If the car stops running (or you take a black-ice excursion from the road) you can get cold really fast.


Posts: 430 | Location: Anchorage, AK | Registered: 02 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I live in nenana, drive to Fbks often and have also often driven back and forth between Fbks and Anchorage over 25 years. (just drove from nenana to anchorage with a dog truck) Despite what has been written, you are unlikely to see much wildlife but there has been a spectacular increase in truck traffic over the past few years. Also, all vehicle traffic has become much heavier over the past few years, accidents are much more frequent, and they are not fender benders.

It used to be a pleasant drive, winter or summer. It isn't anymore. Now, unless you like a zillion tons of freight threatening to come up your exhaust pipe, I suggest avoiding the drive. When I drove it a few days ago, there was blowing snow from Nenana to Healy and a head-on between 2 pickups. The scenery is lovely but the drive was not pleasant and I sure as hell wasn't enjoying either the scenery or trying to spot caribou, moose and wolves frolicking out in the tundra.

On the other hand, I used to commute on the Dan Ryan. No moose and 12 or 14 lanes(I think at one point counting off ramps it is 18 lanes) and bumper to bumper at 75 mph. The Parks is better than that by quite a bit.
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There's one stretch of that highway I can't stand, it's a section thats just past Healy. The frost heaves on that section are so bad that if your not watching your speed you WILL go airborne and the same goes for traffic coming your way. I would just suck it up and fly to Fairbanks, it would be cheaper in the long run.

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I have to drive it several times a year to go to Anchorage for various reasons. Since I usually have kids along and we stop for breaks, etc. it always takes me about 8 hours to make the trip. Driving it in the winter is no longer fun for me and I'll always fly unless the whole family has to go along.
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I think I'd agree with the other guys on driving this highway in winter. You're correct on the distance - about 365 miles however, facilities are few & far between and weather can really play havoc. The road from Nenana to Healy is rough with frost heaves and oftentimes, quite windy. From Cantwell south for about 100 miles is open and wind & blowing snow can be expected as well. From Cantwell south for that 100 miles there are few (if any) services.
Think I'd try to fly into Faribanks then rent a car. BTW, Frontier Air has routine flights between Anch. & Fbks. I strongly suspect they're cheaper than Elastic Airlines (Alaska Air) and you don't need reservations ahead of time. Ya might wanna look into them.
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Having spent half of my life living in the canadian rockies and the last 15 or so here in Alaska, I don't think you will have any trouble adapting to the driving conditions. Remember to pack a few extras in case of problems and make sure you set aside a little extra time if the weather turns bad. I live in Willow, about an hour and a half noth of Anchorage, drop me an e-mail, that way if you have any problems I can help out.
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It sounds like going up the Glenn and Rich is the best way to go ....

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Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by gumboot458:
It sounds like going up the Glenn and Rich is the best way to go ....

That would be one heck of a detour Eeker It's been awhile since I've been out that way, but I'd imagine you'd have your own share of frost heaves.

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I think they are the same milage.. or at least they are from Salcha......

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Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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I wouldn't drive the Glenn and up the Rich, there's even less services on that road in the winter and it will take you longer than driving the Parks. It's about 430 miles to Fairbanks via the Glenn and Rich, I say fly to Fairbanks and don't look back.

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Thanks for all the suggestions and advice, gents! Much appreciated.

Since it is quite likely that I'll travel to Fairbanks 6 to 8 times over the next 4 years, I think I'll definitely have to try the drive once or twice....preferably in the early fall or late spring when the days are longer. I would like to see it (the park, etc) and it would give me an excuse to check out Anchorage too.

It looks like the best route for me to get to Fairbanks is actually going to be via Whitehorse. I have lots of family there and it turns out Air North flies from there to Fairbanks. So that's probably how I'll do it most of the time. I could even do the 10 hr drive from Whitehorse to Fairbanks at least once.

Thanks again for all your help,

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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If you really want to see lots of scenery, use the old highway and go in the backdoor. About 485 miles, and much more fun drive.

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WHo is your girlfriends son if you dont mind me asking
I work with the Team Physician for UAF and am an alumni of the UAF Hockey Program (Sportsmedicine staff) while I was at UAF 91-96If you need anything you can email me and Ill be glad to do what I can to help you

As for the winter drive, depends on when you come up what the roads will be like

Fly into Fairbanks and take the extra time to enjoy everything it has to offer
Posts: 108 | Registered: 07 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Hi uafgrad,

Thanks for your reply. Sorry to take so long to reply...I have been away from the internet for a few days. Will shoot you a quick PM tomorrow.


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I make that drive a lot more than I like. For me, it's a 4 1/2 hour drive in the winter. I see caribou and moose along the road all the time.
Posts: 409 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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