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Anchorage restaurants...
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Hey fellas, I'll be picking up my parents in Anchorage in a week. They've never been to Alaska. I haven't been to the city in almost 6 months. Any recommendations on restaurants in Anchorage? I've eaten there many times but there are many places I haven't tried yet. I'm just looking for decent bars, bush clubs, etc.
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Sourdough Mining Company on International Airport Rd.

Make sure you get a side of the corn-fritters.
Posts: 33 | Location: Fairbanks, AK | Registered: 13 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Try Club Paris. It's downtown on 5th slightly down the street and opposite from JC Penney. Great prime rib. It does have a bar, but it's pretty subdued and quiet. Reservations are definitely recommended.

Also, for a great view of the city while you're dining, there's the Top of The World Restaurant in the Hilton. Bring plenty of $$$.

[ 11-09-2003, 00:28: Message edited by: akpls ]
Posts: 513 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 25 October 2003Reply With Quote
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I guess I should mention I've been to Sourdough, Land & Cattle Co. (not sure that's the name) and lots of normal places like Red Robin, Chili's, etc. I'm not opposed to a place having a bar but I don't want to take them to a bar per se.

Any seafood or steak/prime rib recommendations? Thanks and keep them coming.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Yukon- akpls is correct. The Club paris is the best steak in All of Alaska, as far as I am concerned. And I have been to allot of them...
No brag, just fact.. Maddog
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What Maddog said.

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I can't comment on steak, but if it is the prime rib your after like akpls said, then you haven't been to a little joint up near Fox, AK called the Turtle Club.

Best dang prime rib I have ever had in any state!
Posts: 33 | Location: Fairbanks, AK | Registered: 13 January 2002Reply With Quote
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There are no good resteraunts in Anchorage!!!
Posts: 221 | Location: Back in Alaska where I belong | Registered: 22 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Hey DD...when you live in a village of 600 "good eating" is a matter of perspective! We just got a cafe in town (only place to eat) and a hamburger and fries is $10 without anything to drink. Fresh beef? What's that?
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Harry's down town has GREAT prime rib
For good mexican, Las Margaritas on dimond @artic is hard to beat
Posts: 675 | Location: anchorage | Registered: 17 February 2002Reply With Quote
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YD-grew up on the Kuskokwim river,in a village of around 480 people! Just throwing in a little ribbing,no pun inteneded [Big Grin] ,actually when I lived in Anchorage my favorite place to eat was Roamno's if you like Itilian.
Posts: 221 | Location: Back in Alaska where I belong | Registered: 22 August 2002Reply With Quote
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DD Where on the KUS. I Lived 40 miles up the Holitna, From Sletemute for a LOOOOng time. Do you like Sheefish?? Maddog
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Royal Forks. A good all you can eat Burret.
Posts: 1058 | Location: Lodge Grass, MT. Sitka, Bethel, Fort Yukon, Chevak, Skagway, Cantwell and Pt. Hope Alaska | Registered: 24 June 2000Reply With Quote
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We've got very little sheefish around here. They like to eat in the turbid waters of two currents joining together (so I'm told). I've never caught or ate one but it's supposed to be a lot of fun. There are so few of them here compared to the Kobuk, etc. I would like to do that someday.

I forgot about the Royal Fork. That's a decent all you can eat place.

[ 11-09-2003, 04:33: Message edited by: yukon delta ]
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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MADDOG-Lived in Aniak.Nice little village.beautiful area.Up where you lived is also very beautiful. Been all up and down that river when i was a kid.Mpved to Anchorage when I was 15,was very mad at my folks at the time I guess they were just doing what they thought best.Maybe some day I will return.Ate lots of sheefish,slamon and whitefish.
Posts: 221 | Location: Back in Alaska where I belong | Registered: 22 August 2002Reply With Quote
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My family like Gwennies for breakfast. There's a full mount bear at the entrance.
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Simon & Seafort's

We went through Anchorage on a hunt a few years back and got a tip about this place from an alaska airline pilot flying with us. The website bills it as "saloon and grill" but that's just advertising, it's actually a pretty elegant restaurant (it does have a nice bar attached), that serves some of the best prime rib and king crab legs I've ever had. It's upscale and situated in the bottom of an office building in downtown Anchorage, the whole front of the restaurant fronts on a great view of the water with Mt Redoubt in the background. It's the type of place I'd take the wife for an anniversary or the parents for a special occasion. Highly recommended, very nice.
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MADDOG then you must know where the Fairbanks and Longpre homesteads are? Beautiful country up there. Hunt up there by Naugamute for moose and caribou. Go up and see the Ignaty brothers when ever we are up that way if water levels permit. Worked a couple weeks at the Kogrugluk Wier.
Posts: 1058 | Location: Lodge Grass, MT. Sitka, Bethel, Fort Yukon, Chevak, Skagway, Cantwell and Pt. Hope Alaska | Registered: 24 June 2000Reply With Quote
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The Corsair in the Voyager Hotel, great food and quiet enough to enjoy the conversation - also, the Double Musky in Girdwood is good - if you want to try a lively (loud) atmosphere, the Moose's Tooth has good food and microbrews - KMule
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Allen- Yes I do know where the brothers are on the river. The last time that I was by their place was about july 2000. It looked pretty run down and no sign of life. However I never got out of the boat. Do you know where the old woman lives about 3/4 of the way up. We call her the witch woman, not sure why she has always been nice to me. I know the river very well, been up and down it countless times clear to the Taylors and clear to the shotgun creek. Boy it is fun to chat whith people who can relate... Maddog
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Hog Brothers Cafe

The Japanese place next to New Sagaya (which happens to be right next to Mountain View Sports) best soft noodles I ever had.

Best sushi is a place on 34th. You have to go north on Old Seward highway past University center right to the turn, there is a strip mall next to a tall building by itself. You can't miss it.

After Sawaddi moved to 36th there aren't any good Thai places in Anchorage.
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Yukon Delta,

The Glacier Brew House downtown has very nice food but the atmosphere is noisy. I don't think Simon & Seafort's is as good as it used to be. Kincaid grill out by the airport is a new place that is excellent. I second the recommendation of the Corsair for fine dining and quiet atmosphere. Of course there is always The Crow's Nest at the Captain Cook for a real night out.

Posts: 13168 | Location: LAS VEGAS, NV USA | Registered: 04 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Yukon Delta, Try this site it's from the Anchorage Visitors Bureau. My favorite restaurants in Anchor town are Orso's (next to the Glacier Brew House)Tempura Kitchen for the best Japanese food this side of Tokyo...and Sorrento's for Italian or Greek...I get to Anchorage a bit on business and make it a point to always eat good!

Have fun,

Posts: 116 | Location: Juneau, Alaska, U.S.A. | Registered: 25 September 2001Reply With Quote
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MADDOG your talking about Nastasha. She sold her property to Bruce Crow from Bethel. You probably know Bruce as he has hunted up and down the Holitna for years. We stopped in and chatted with her all the time. Her brother had the place just down river from her. Would always donate caribou to her on the way home and share some of her coffee. Great person to tell some old stories about the river. She shot a Black Bear once that was trying to get into her little cabin while she was trying to sleep. We used to help the Ignaty brothers by tagging ther hides for them when I worked for Fish & Game.
Posts: 1058 | Location: Lodge Grass, MT. Sitka, Bethel, Fort Yukon, Chevak, Skagway, Cantwell and Pt. Hope Alaska | Registered: 24 June 2000Reply With Quote
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