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Gear check list for W Ak Grizzly hunt
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Picture of GSSP
The outfitters paid. The Grizzly bear tag, hunting/fishing licenses are bought. The airlines reservations have been made and paid for. The rifles been sighted in, barrel left fouled for 1st shot accuracy and totally gone over muzzle to recoil pad with wood sealer, carnuba wax or metal protectant.

Now for the gear. I wanted to run my gear list past the board for a 10 day Grizzly hunt in unit 22d, above Nome, starting 8 Sept. I did request and received a gear list from my outfitter. Just covering my bases.

-Zeiss 10x40 classic binos w/ K&K tripod mount.
-K&K tripod
-Zeiss 65mm Diascope spotting scope in rubber cover
-Lens cleaning kit
-Rifle, 40 rounds ammo, bore snake, solution/oil, break down rod, jags, patches, brushes, sling.
-SxS shotgun w/ 25 rounds (ptarmigan)
-Lt wt fishing rod/reel, 6 lb test, lures for Grayling/Char/Dolly Varden/Chum salmon
-Ruger 4-5/8" NMBH 45LC w/ 12 rds 335 gr Cast Performance hard cast WFNGC @ 1100 fps.
-Mernickle Field Carry II holster and 6 rd ammo slide.
-Gunmate chest holster
-Leupold bore sight device to check zero if rifle gets knocked about.
-first aid kit to include tylenol,ibuprofin,blister kit,bandaids, etc.
-Swaro LRF in case w/ spare batteries
-Eberlestock J107 pack w/ 100 oz Camelback water bladder
-Belt knife and Buck skinner knife
-Knife sharpener
-Russell Sheep Hunter boots, fully broke in and waxed w/ bees wax.
-water proof camp shoes
-Liner socks and wool blend socks, 5 pair
-1 pr goretex socks
-1 pr UnderArmor Cold Gear
-1 pr Patagonia Capilene
-1 pr Sitka Gear mountain pants
-2 Sitka Mountain shirts
-1 Wilderness belt
-Sitka gear vest & 90% jacket
-Sitka gear hat, Traverse beanie, Traverse gloves
-2 pr wool liner gloves
-1 set Cabelas Space Rain Ultra Pack Rainwear
-1 set Impertech rain gear
-Cabelas Alaska Guide headlamp w/ extra batt
-1 Minimag light w/ extra batt
-2 rolls Duct tape
-Storm 3300 double gun case w/TSA approved locks
-2 soft gun cases
-Digital camera w/ extra memory stick
-personal hygiene items
-1/2 dozen HD trash bags
-Seattle Sombero hat
-Slumberjack 5 deg sleeping bag
-72" Therm-a-rest ProLite 4 sleeping pad (I'm 72" tall)
-travel pillow
-cheap sunglasses
-Rubber Maid 24 gal Action Packer box for packing all up and for bringing cape/skull back.
-2 empty army duffle bags to bring gear back home in due to Action Packer being used for cape/skull.
-GPS and Silva Ranger compass.

Your opinions please. Too much, not enough, something different.


Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Your list looks good but there's some stuff you have listed that I see as uneccessary.
You only need 1 set of rain gear and the Impertech is it. Guide should have a first aid kit, spotting scope, duct tape, trash bags. Handgun isn't needed IMO but that's personal perference, if your going to bring it then i'd take just the chest holster. I'd take the headlamp and leave the mini mag at home. You must not be hunting near any water or the coast if the guide didn't recommend ankle fit hip boots. Spare batteries for the digital camera would be a good idea. Might want to think about bringing some gaitors along to keep the brush and crap out of your boots.

"We band of 45-70'ers"
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I dunno, everybody's gear list is gonna be different but I'd certainly drop the following:

1. K&K tripod mount
2. spotting scope - your guides will have one - no need for 2
3. drop 20 rounds of rifle ammo. Ya ain't gonna need to "machine gun" 'em to death.
4. the .45 colt & all of it's parafinalia.
5. Leupold bore sighter - Why?
6. 1 roll of duct tape - can't see how in the world yer gonna need 2 rolls in 10 days. We're taking 1 roll on a 3 week sheep hunt.
7. First aid kit. Your guide will have all of that stuff.

There's probably more but I'd start with those items. JMHO based on my experience.
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-1 set of Impertech = check!
-No 1st aid kit = check!
-Spotting scope = Outfitter suggested I bring it if I had it.
-Duct tape = reduced to 1 roll
-No trash bags = check
-Handgun = Sorry, if I get a 1 in 100 chance that a Grizzly will let me shoot him with it, I want to!
-1 holster = check!
-Leave mini-mag = check!
-Hip boots = Discussed with outfitter. Feels good waterproofed leather will work.
-Spare camera batteries = check!
-Gaiters = will shop around. Check!


-Tripod = stays! Big Grin I tear apart country with great glass and a tripod is essential!
-Spotting scope = see above statement.
-Reduce ammo = check!
-45 = See above! Big Grin
-Leupold bore sighter = outfitter wishes no shooting around camp to check sights as he feels their are too many bears nearby which may move off with too much gunfire. If gun gets knocked about a bit, I'd feel better looking it over with the Leupold bore sighter to check the zero.

Thanks guys!

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Good list. The only thing I noted on the original was no spare camera batteries and you've fixed that. I ran out of battery power years ago on a moose hunt and would have paid any amount for a battery.
Posts: 345 | Location: Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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I'd also bring my own fire starter - a windproof lighter, a magnesium block and flint, waterproof matches, or whatever lights your fire.

Last year, a buddy of mine (non-smoker) went camping with his friend (smoker) and thought he didn't need to bring a lighter for surely the other guy will have a light. Nope. Two miles away from their vehicle and no fire even for their stove.


Posts: 665 | Location: Oregon or Namibia | Registered: 13 June 2007Reply With Quote
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no shooting near camp? ummmm i've used the leupold bore sighters and i've never had enough confidence in one to stake my grizzly hunt in what it says...maybe your better with it than i am, but i'd request some shooting somewhere. i've never seen gun shots bother bears but thats just my experience.
took two clients out last week, had both shoot their guns, one scope was bad and the other rifle was over a foot high...just my .02

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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Picture of ForrestB
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Sight in your rifle then check where it is with the bore sight. If your rifle gets "bumped" use the bore sight to get it back to where it was originally which might not necessarily have been "on center".

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Francis Bacon
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good idea forrest, just check that at home first to make sure it works right. you've got some money ridin' on this trip, to much to blow on such a tiny detail as WHERE YOUR BULLETS HIT?!

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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I'd also bring my own fire starter - a windproof lighter, a magnesium block and flint, waterproof matches, or whatever lights your fire.

Hypothermia is real in Ak., always carry something light and available for starting fires.
I always carry a machete' along with a small tarp - oh yes a good headlamp, none of the cheap fancy name stuff-look at Cold Spot Feed website.

Carry a small roll of 25' of picture wire in your day pack-good for snaring small game.

GPS is good only if the sensitivity is good enough to get thru the heavy low pressure - a good compass is tough to beat.

Use a Topo map and/or Google Earth Plus for more details in the area of hunt. Familarization.
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