Is August too early for a fall Brown Bear hunt? This hunt would be in unit 13. I was just wondering what the hides would be like that time of year? Also, how are the bugs and ground cover? Is there too much vegetation to see well?
For unit 13 it all depends, most likely they'll still be rubbed with new short hair coming out, I shot bears in August in the Brooks range that had nice hides, but not real thick and long like you wanted...I'd wait for late sept. or Spring.
Posts: 552 | Location: Brooks Range , Alaska | Registered: 14 March 2008
AKsheephunter. Do you live in the Brooks Range? I've always wanted to hunt there. How's the sheep hunting? I've heard that it is easier (by sheep hunting standards) than other parts of Alaska.
shot alot of aug and even july bears that had great hides, i've only seen maybe four bears in 11 years that were actually rubbed, where i work it don't happen very often. most late aug bears have their fall colors and shine to them, hair is even, just not as long as sept or oct. but its fall hair, not summer hair. pretty hides. this is a bear from third week of aug. both unit 13 bears
and a mid july grizz, died in the water but you can see how long his hair is, one rub right above his tail. july 15th maybe?