thank you mark once again...i dont know what will i do without you
..folks started my journey for bear on 1 sep long flight from Dallas to anchorage,stayed there a night in hotel millennium wonderfull experince for me it was like a dream next day got the plane from an small airport through clark air to port alsworth,it was very scenic as i was told but i was kinda affraide of weather and small plane cause i never flew in one like this before saw glaciers and mountain till we reached there,they shifted me to a wooden nice cabin it really was beautiful the ambiance and the lake was very good by 6 we use to have dinner but rain was there all the time,next day weather was not good i was told to get in a plane to go dillinham to get moose permits,again a small plane we straight went to illima from there i was connected with 5 american gentlemen who also flew with me to get the moose permits,it was new but wonder full experience to fly in bad weather offcorse dangerous for me,so came back and again was told that weather report is not good so cant fly to main camp where tony lee was waiting,there was one more american friend who was going to tony so we had good chat and become friend unfortunately had no time and forgot the gentleman day after noon got flight we both again 3 man plane and an hour and 15 min flight but very bumpy almost fainted
,now reached at base came down the hill tony has its set up with warm tents and a big kitchen with hospitality and big heart met him first time felt like we were old buddies,night stay there with warm food and some grey goose vodka i took along,next day tony took me and a guide jonathan a young man with full of energy and the best moose caller though moose didnt bother to come see us..set camp had food and went to bed rain was heavy the whole night and windy next day but we called the moose whole day but didnt see anything only enjoyed the rain,next day again sat on a mountain top glassing whole day at 8 we saw a bear right behind us on other mountain he was glowing in the sun set light and i was excited but jonathan told me he is 6 foot a little big,but even then i was anxious to go after him we did but after a long walk we lost him came back to camp couple of grey goose dinner and long chat went to bed,next day we changed our position to other side of mountain he was watching one side and i was the other side suddenly my guide was waving and ran to him he show me a bear on a long distance which took me 3 mints to locate in binocular plan made and we started a long walk crossed 2 mountain and crossed couple of little water with the help of creek creeper and took us 1 and half hours to reach at a place on the ridge of a mountain down was the valley and we stop and was looking through binos we saw bear came in the vally and started eating berries in a bowl type ground,i asked johnathan the distance he told me 211 yards i was using 375 win 300 grain barnes X bullets was excited as i saw him eating first time in my life a brown bear was bit shaky but took first shot and broke his shoulder he went down like a sack,and suddenly again got up and was spnning i shot again this time the bullet hit him in the face he went down again and got up i shot my third right at the same shoulder little behind and he went down for good,we waited for good 10 mint and it was raining heay durring all this and the time was 7.17 evening we went there i was like an stone to see him stay there for quite a long admiring the beauty he was all choclate brown a little grizzle on the back neck area...a dream came true thankx to God for providing such a beautiful animal and gave me opportunity to harvest him,took lots of photos i asked jonathan how big is he,he told me little shorted then 8 foot as he told me measure width of the paw and add one inch or measure the arms wide and measure nose to tail add and divide by 2...he also told me he is inland grizzly and for inland grizzly this size is very good,but i was happiest man on earth to get it,loved it..and thankfull to mark young my friend i consider him brother he helped me getting the bear and making all arrangements for me on every moment,i was there for more days there didnt see moose but i was tired like hell,an old man with diabetic found my self done so i quit my other moose and wolf black bear hunting,came back smelly but a happy man.the outfitter tony lee provided everything good he fed me like an king took care of me and i had a wonder full time i spent there i still think im Alaska is such a beautiful place,but ofcourse not for the weakest and unprepared.i hope u like the long story.kind regards
ur 3 greatest hunts r, ur 1st,ur last,and ur next!!!!