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Anyone from sitka here?
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Also FM Sitka.

Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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I am getting ready to move to sitka. What can I expect out of the hunting on the Island? Anything else you can tell me about living there? I Am getting ready to leave in a couple of days and am getting really excited.
Posts: 25 | Location: Arizona, USA | Registered: 01 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Used to be back when Sitka was part of Alaska.,., It,s been so grossly Libralized since the pulp mill left its a wonder its not in SanFrancisco Bay instead of Sitka Sound,,., All fished out by the charter Natzies.,., No more Loggers and fishermen fight in front of the Pioneer or Ernies.....,.Used to be if you had a 16ft. lund with a 25 horse ob and a 375 you had it all now you need a 28 ft Pacman and 300WSM and DON,T get out of cell coverage.....GPS,s ruined alot of good hunting country and Kruzof in paticular.,.,., But its real pretty..., Just kill lots of bears!!!!!

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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I'm from Sitka as well. From what I hear from everyone, the killin' isn't as good as it once was, but is still plenty good for me!
Posts: 7 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 24 June 2007Reply With Quote
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I'm in agreement with pabucktail,
still plenty good for me too!

gumboot458 had us pegged. Well almost anyways. Smiler

Had an 18'LUND, 45hp & a .338wm + backup .300wm/ & 12ga.n' brenneke's.
Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Re-try on the pics.

Hope this works.
Tryin the steps from T. Carr's post. "How to post pics".
Tks, Terry,

p.e. n' sitka

Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Rubber gloves! I knew a guy that had a paper cut and skinned a blackie. The cut got a little red and sore and he ignored it but on the third night, his finger turned into a kielbasa thick rager. He spent the next month on IV antibiotics and lost a tendon that ran clear up into his arm leaving his pinkie hooked for life. He was lucky he didn't loose the finger totally - or hand - or worse for that matter!

Cheers on the Brownie. They are quite the beast aren't they.
Posts: 1144 | Location: Kodiak | Registered: 01 February 2005Reply With Quote
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...Right on , dead bear ...but there are 3 guys and only 1 dead bear ....gotta go back out 2 more times .... Cool clap

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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We were workin' hard to find a brownie for my buddy Marc. He'd been trying since 2004 to harvest his first brownie. thumb We got lucky about 3 weeks before he had to move out to the lower 48.


As for me, I won the lotto, no seriously won the lottery and plugged my first bear back in May '05. My good friend from work, "CK" from back in my Juneau days posted the "brown bear taken on the road system in Juneau" post. In that post, a fella with the handle "rw" mentioned that he bet that guy would have adrenaline pumping through his veins for a while..."

rw, I am indeed still way buzzed, even as I type this, with him on the wall, and his skull on my bookcase. dancing

It was my first brownie/first bear ever ( & per the regs, my last brownie until Spring 2009, unless I can make it out to a 1 bear per year hunt area up north somewhere before then.)

I was indeed one reallllly "lucky" dude, and each season, grow to understand just a bit more, how "lucky" I was. (I previously / tried to harvest my first bear, black/brown/green/purple??? in Spring/Fall 2003 & 2004, without success.)
I now realize that those first hunts were my "payin' my dues" hunts, but regardless, it was really great, as always, to be out in the wilderness with good hunt pals.

My buddy Dennis out in Juneau took me out & showed me the ropes in Spring 2005 after an un-successful 5-day hunt out at St. James Bay.

He once said that a big part of his enjoyment came from putting his close buds onto their first bears and enjoying the looks on their faces after their first bear was down.

Since my last hunt with Dennis out the road in Juneau in '05, I've become hooked on this bear hunting thing and do what I can to help my very few, really close, huntin' pals harvest their first bears. Passing on the bear huntin' fever, as my buddy Dennis once did for me, buddy at a time.

bewildered (Now, thinkin' back, I guess I shoulda' also noted that Dennis WAS INDEED WEARING LEATHER GLOVES as he taught me how to skin out my first bear.)

Got lucky with them cheesy green rubber gloves this past May.
Lesson learned. ...Thanks PWS,

p.e. n' Sitka


Check out the look on my face (May '05) as the reality of what we had just harvested started to sink in? I think I was pert near in a state of shock. I remember thinkin', ...if he gets up,...boy is he gonna' be pissed... Eeker
Dennis just kept laughing, smiling and saying Hooooly Sh@*!

Thank God for good hunt buds when ya' need em' most. Made a pact w/ Dennis that night in the field that when/whereever he see's me down the road, ...the beer's on me. beer

Thanks again Dennis

Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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..........That looks like a big bear ,., How big was it? What did you shoot it with ,.,?? The first up close that my wife ever had with a brown bear ,. all she had with her was her 357 Ruger Blackhawk and our dog ....Probably a couple angles too .....She looked pretty shocky and said she thought she was going to throw up ..She didn,t shoot it but it kept following her and getting closer until Oscar ran it off ...... I had never befor , or since seen her hold her pistol as firmly or well......I have undoubtedly had the look too but no one around to take a pic.... Thanks for the pic ...I think it is quite an appropriate look when someone kills a world class trophy ..... . Spring time @ Eureaka . Snogo or 4 wheeler access...Unit 13 ....1 bear a year and some blackies also ......

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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He ended up squaring 9"6". His skull green, by ADF&G in Juneau gauged his skull at only 23 13/16". Coulda' been a 15" skull and he'd still be a trophy to me. He had teeth, fur & claws...therefore a "keeper" in my book.

I called em' about a year later and they infoe'd me that his tooth they pulled, had him aged at 8 yrs old. ADF&G told me they come in all shapes & sizes. Sometimes big bodied/average skulls, sometimes huge skulls/w average sized hides. Huge to me though.

Used a Ruger M77MkII in .300wm. Shot Federal factory loads w/ Trophy bonded bear claw's in 200gr. Took 2 to put him down for keeps. Wanted to keep shootin' for insurance, but my buddy Dennis said he was down solid but to stay scoped on him & blast him again if he so much as twitched a nose hair.

...Never been more focused on a nose hair in my life.

Thanks for the 1 per year area info.

Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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That's a nice bear. I need to hook up with you SEAK boys for bear and goat. I haven't gotten either of them yet.


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........I thot it was a big bear.... thumb.Ya the spring season is a GREAT break for a southeasterner who finds themselves up in the Eureka , area .. Bring Real good sunglasses and sun screen ......Flying in from Eureka , or Tazlina, Mendeltna ,Lake Louise , Glennallen ..Will get you away from most of the Anchorageites ..They come in swarms ,,, Huge swarms .. Best way I,ve found to study motor homes , travel trailers and toy haulers.....Real good optics , Its easy to see for 100 miles and your 300 ,200 tb load will be right at home there....Potential for wolves also ....Driveing up from Haines or Skagway would be the best way to enjoy the trip IMO .. There are lots of flying outfits in the Copper Basin area...There is so much sunlight it is hard to imagine it ... Perhaps it was just me haveing been thru 29 feet of snow .. ??? Its real neat there ...

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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..YkDelta ;;; Baranof Is is Perfact for that ....

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Of course it is. I just need to partner up with some of you.


Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Great Bear!

I started putting in every year for Kodiak. When I was goat hunting out there in 2005 I fell in love with that place.

Maybe someday soon I will have a Brownie photo to post!

Safe hunting.
Posts: 583 | Location: Mesa, AZ | Registered: 08 May 2006Reply With Quote
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.......Thats one of the great things about Southeast ...,. Lots of bears and lots of big bears....... Just smaller skull sizes.....Plus you can hunt bear and goats and deer- -[not many around Hoonah now tho ]... All in the same week and sometimes in the same day ........And mayby have fresh crab , shrimp or halibut for supper... dancing ...,.I guess thats the price we pay for bears that won,t make the record book ...All I can do about it is think anyway as I,m working till freeze up at least .....

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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