Moderators: Paul H
My First Billy
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A buddy of mine & I headed out a few weeks back local around the Sitka area. Planned on a 5 day boat/hike-in goat trip.
Night #1 was pretty pleasant, got up am on day #2 & glassed all day till about an hr before sunset. Spotted a lone billy but couldn't get down & back up or sidehill to his location before dark. Decided to get our batteries charged up, hot meal, hydrated up & lotsa rest & a "planned" first light stalk back up the ridge.

In a 2 man tent, tarp over the top of the tent in the alders.
First the snow started right after dinner, then the sound of a "freight train" coming as the williwa's hit us! Felt like we were in a hurricane all night long, the tent held up great, although our 550 cord kept snapping from the tarp grommets. One piece that held, ended up pulling out the alder it was tied off to. Then the hail started up at about 2am!
Long night, not much sleep with all the noise. Eeker

Got up in the am, no vis on the ridges. Started hailing again & we broke camp & headed home. Told myself I was through with goatin' for the season. Was feelin pretty beat by the time I got back home.


I got a call the following week Thursday FM another buddy who's just about tough as a mtn. goat himself. He talked me into heading out the following weekend, I was reluctant, but figured I might as well try one more hike-in goat hunt before daylight savings time kicked in for the rest of the season.

My 5th boat, hike-in, goat hunt in as many years.
My 1st goatin experience was out in Juneau in 2002. We ended up taking a billy with my buddy being the shooter. I had no clue on goatin' back then and packed in way too much unneeded gear. (Have since wised-up & lightened up my pack quite a bit. (Livin & learnin' each trip)

Heavy snow on this trip & I was hopin', but, no, the goats weren't "pushed down" by the snow. They still hung way up.

For the hardship endured on this trip & 29 degree temp that night, My billy coulda' been 1 horned, 3-legged, with bald spots. Still been a trophy to me.

His hide was perfect. I brought the rug out & my bud humped out the boned meat.

p.e. n' sitka

Thank god for huntin' buds!
Thanks Mikey! beer

The work begins.

Working up to him

Down to base camp before midnight?

1 tent & a bivy
Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Congratulations and thanks for the post and pics.
That goat was certainly hard earned.

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Congrats! Any goat this time of year is a well deserved trophy. I was just in Sitka and your weather experience is almost exactly what we got to 'enjoy'. Again, congrats on your success.
Posts: 3456 | Location: Austin, TX | Registered: 17 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Palmer
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Fantastic report. Thanks.


Into my heart on air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

A. E. Housman
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Man oh man, you are tougher than me. Way to go...
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Picture of Guillermo Amestoy
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This is Hunt !!!, Man against environment,
Animal senses & skills, a really challenge !!! thumb, Congratulations , Nice trophy!!! thumb

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Picture of gumboot458
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..... Smiler thumb..I really like the snow camo on your rifle ... It looks very realistic Cool..Exactly which tent did you use to weather the storm ,,, I need to get a tent ,,.,. Congratulations on your goat , won the hard way ......

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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great job , I was out goat hunting last week in sitka so know you earned that one.

outfitter,southeast Alaska, brown bear, black bear ,mt goat
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Picture of Buglemintoday
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Looks cold!
Nice Billy and pics!


"Let me start off with two words: Made in America"
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Nice work! Wow, that looks like a tough hunt.

How were the bugs? Smiler Smiler

"Take your kid hunting, so you don't have to go hunting for your kid."

Ted Nugent
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I take my hat off to you.
good pics
Posts: 358 | Location: Wiltshire, UK | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Good job, you certainly earned that goat thumb


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Thanks for the congrats gents.

Figured after my 5th hunt/5ht yr payin my dues, my odds would start leaning in my favor.

My 2 man tent in the storm was a Eureka Pinnacle Pass XTA (with the full low aerodynamic fly) has guy loops all over the outside for extra stability. Not super heavy for a 2 man & reasonably priced too.

Bugs were nowhere to be found with the cold temps.

Tested some gear, took up my new Wiggy's Lamilite liner vest with me. Slept in a smartwool base layer & my wiggys and torso was toasty in my bag that night.

Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of gumboot458
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...........Thanks for the reply ...What caliber is the snow camo Winkrifle ...I take it that was the rifle that shot the goat ..???..Where are you going to have the hide tanned ?? Is that guy in Sitka still in bussiness . between the Shee Atika and the playground ??I can,t think of his name ?? I will be home this comeing week and am trying to talk some friends in Sitka into takeing me to the outside of Kruzof ..I know some places that 20 yrs ago were red hot for deer ...I wish I had taken the time to build my bartender as I think the only good deer hunting will be on the outside ..Some guys I know have been all over False Is.and only got 1 deer and they always do lots better there.....Have a good one ... Gumboot

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Well done and way to stick it out over many attempts. Hats off to you! You will never forget your time spent chasing that goat. People don't realize how dangerous that goat hunting is. It's the toughest hunt in North America.


Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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You earned that billy, in spades! Awesome job.



Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
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This event is physically and mentally very challenging, one of the toughest hunts of all hunts. thumb

With respect & Congratulations,
Posts: 654 | Registered: 27 June 2004Reply With Quote
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My rifle is a Ruger M77 MKII stainless/synth in .300 wm.
Tried a few different load recipe's and ol' trusty likes home loaded 200gr. Speer Trophy Bonded Bear Claws loaded with 69 grns of IMR 4350.
Lost the rear butler flip cover on my earlier hunt the week before. Lost the front cap on this hunt belly crawlin' under logs.
Attached are some more pics. one is a post-hunt pic of ol' trusty. She cleans up pretty good & fires true, & i wouldn't trade her in for nuthin'.
After setting up camp that night, I cleaned out the barrel with an alder twig & re-taped the barrel tip the next morning in case we had any brown-fuzzy visitors.

Placed the meat & rug down-wind under a rock overhand to keep the snow off of them. Rolled the rug tight flesh to flesh so it'd freeze as compact as possible to fit into my pack in the morning.

dang deadfalls

slow but steady

more deadfalls but dark now

Ol' trusty, post hunt

The man that kept me motivated the whole time. My good friend "Madman Mikey!" On a game trail, pistol pulled at rest points.
Posts: 37 | Location: KODIAK, AK | Registered: 27 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jim Z.
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Super report, and super hunt. Looks like you guys worked you arses off. Trophy well deserved!!

"Old Trusty" looks a might tired also. looks like it wants a nice oil bath and put to bed for the winter!


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Picture of Kyler Hamann
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You've gotta love those stainless and plastic rifles for hunts like that.


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p.e. n' sitka:

Great pictures and great story. I love stories and hunts like yours, animals killed on their own terms, and earned through determination and honest hard work are the highest scoring trophies in my record book, and it has nothing to do with size. Sounds like a great hunt, and like you have a great attitude. If you ever want a goat hunting partner, count me in.



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The phrase "strap you're man suit on" comes to mind!

Great hunt guys!

Posts: 5210 | Registered: 23 July 2002Reply With Quote
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No flies on that! Well done!
Posts: 66 | Location: North Georgia | Registered: 22 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Anders
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Thanks for the report! A hard-earned and well-deserved trophy indeed.. Smiler


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A goat in good weather conditions is a wonderful trophy. But I don't think there are sufficient words to describe the significance of a mountain goat taken in conditions such as you encoutered. You have my deepest regards and respect.

Bull1 beer
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