One of Us
| depends on where the cabin is and how hard it is to get to it. theres some moose up there, go later in the season so you can call, they'll be moving better then. shoot the first legal bull you see if you care about kiling one...doubtfull you'll see many more legal ones. but then again, its gotta happen to someone. |
| Posts: 1407 | Location: Big lake alaska | Registered: 11 April 2008 | 
One of Us
| Very bad winter there this year--similar to 1989-1990 when a couple of thosand moose starved or were killed by vehicles and trains in the Mat-Su Valley. Maybe not much left to hunt next September. But that is the best time of the year in Alaska--if I had a chance to spend a couple of weeks there I'd go--moose or no moose. |
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One of Us
| We live up by the Can border up the Taylor, very low moose numbers, suffering from predators. Actually F&G would close moose hunting down in our area if they could. But ya know, some people always get their moose; but 9 outta 10 don't in our gmu. I think it's that way pretty much everywhere.
When we lived in the MatSu, Sutton; we always got a moose or two for family and local Indians; all kinds of moose back then in MatSu.
Trick is to find hotspots, where moose are always taken. Mineral licks, watering holes and swamps, crossings, thickets & mountain canyons where the moose feel safe seek shelter from the hordes of people hunting for their winter meat. You only find these places by spending time in the woods then you too get a moose every Sept. Hunting the last few days of the season is important too, that's when 80% of the bulls are taken anyway; they get real active towards the rut. Calling ain't hard if there's moose in the local area; but you can go miles and miles with no moose and too many wolves.
It's not like back east where you see orange in the woods every 200-300 yards or so and the moose are running everywhere. You got to figure it out or get lucky. Our family got 3 bulls last SEpt. We cut & wrapped one and gave/shared two with local Indians & neighbors who really appreciated the fresh meat and at least we denied the dang wolves. A week in ALaska is always good for the soul; you might not want to leave. |
| Posts: 521 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 12 April 2010 | 
One of Us

| quote: Originally posted by bcolyer: It is now 2 months later.....ANY OTHER WORD?? Thanks guys.
Apparently the Anchorage area set a record for snow this winter. That ofcourse would not bode well for moose numbers. I also understand that the wolves around there get special protection so it may or may not be the same as when you were there last. Since you asked, if you wanna go just up and go! Either there'll be a bull around for you to hunt or there won't and it'll certainly be pretty there either way. Maybe you'll get lucky and get a bear or wolk to pose for the camera, a rare event anywhere but AK. |
| Posts: 9859 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006 | 