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Moderators: Paul H
What Are The Chances???
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Sorry bro, not going to happen. If it was up to me, it would be even tougher for non-residents to hunt here. Sorry to tell you, but your game belongs to your state our game belongs to ours. Pay the guide if you want to hunt our states animals.
Posts: 384 | Location: Tok, Alaska | Registered: 26 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 22WRF:
Where once we had strong regional economies, we now have a global economy.Everybody in every state benefits from things that come from every other state without having to be a resident of those other states.

The wildlife of Alaska, and South Dakota, and every other state, belongs to the citizens of the United States as well as to the citizens of the individual states.

There is no good reason why a fellow from New York should not be able to go up to Alaska and break his neck hunting sheep on a $10 license if he wants to, just as there is no good reason why a fellow from Alaska shouldn't be able to run down to the Adirondaks and shoot a nice whitetail for a $10 license fee if he wants to.

The good fight will continue to be fought. But the times they are a changing.

BALONEY!!! & I'm being extremely polite on this one. The states own (or should) the fish & game within their boundries. Point in fact, FYI, before becoming a state, Ak. had to submit a constitution to the U.S. Congress. Congress then voted whether or not to allow the people of the Territory of Alaska to vote for statehood, which they did. One of the provisions of that Constitution is that fish & game will be fairly managed for use by all of the people. By accepting this document, Congress gave tacit approval of State management of those resources. Now, the Feds have sought to usurp the very document that Congress approved before statehood and many feel they have run rough shod over our rights, what with this "subsistance hunting & fishing" BS.
I dunno what it's like in S.D. but for Alaska, "them's the facts, bud".

Bear in Fairbanks

Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

I never thought that I'd live to see a President worse than Jimmy Carter. Well, I have.

Gun control means using two hands.

Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
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