Moderators: Paul H
Welcome To Our Latest Forum
Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the suggestion of my friend Paul H., I have added a forum for Alaskan hunting.

One day I hope to join you all there and may be chase a bear, moose or any of the game animals you enjoy hunting in the cold.

I have read and enjoyed many stories of hunting in Alaska.
Posts: 70491 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
<Daryl Douthat>
Paul and Saeed,

Thanks for introducing this forum. Lots of stuff to exchange information about and plenty of interesting topics to debate.
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I just noticed this forum, glad to see it. I look forward to many good threads. The tundra is like nothing in the lower 48, except the high country above 10,000 ft, beautiful plant life but windswept and undulating. In my opinion there is nothing like it, I look forward to comparing it to Africa someday. [Wink] Good shooting.

[ 09-30-2003, 20:30: Message edited by: phurley ]
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When you do visit Alaska, be careful, you may never leave, as this beautiful land tends to grab you deep down inside and not let go. [Big Grin] I am sure it is similar to the feelings many express about Africa, something I hope to experience soon. I came here in the Army and now call Alaska home. I never tire of Alaska's rugged beauty and the remoteness that can be achieved while out and about. When you visit Alaska you would be welcome in my home and I would be honored to share a pot of tea with you.
Posts: 323 | Location: Fairbanks AK | Registered: 27 August 2002Reply With Quote
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This is good. Thanks.
Posts: 2251 | Location: Mo, USA | Registered: 21 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Saeed: Yup! You better be careful if you pay us a visit - you might never want to leave. Seems like a person never tires of the scenery or adventures available. Maybe if you paid a visit in Feb. or Mar., you could try some dog mushing. That's a real hoot. Welcome & thanks for adding this forum. Bear in Fairbanks
Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Yipppeeeee! Glad to see the new forum. Thanks a ton Saeed!
Posts: 1508 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Wonderfull! Now lets get to the animals! I usually go up once or twice a year. This year, Alaska as well as Africa got postponed because of the wifes health. I am going through serious withdrawl.


I almost forgot here is a website for one of my favourite outfitters.

[ 10-01-2003, 02:16: Message edited by: Mike Smith ]
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Thanks Saeed and Paul. Once again AR has been improved.
Posts: 1990 | Location: AL | Registered: 13 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I second that! Wow! What a surprise......Thank you Saeed and Paul. The few of us in the Southeast Alaska, I'm sure will keep everyone posted on the latest and greatest from this area. Saeed, your always welcome here!

[ 10-01-2003, 07:23: Message edited by: CK ]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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You run the best hunting forum on the internet. This Alaska section is sure to upstage a few sites.
Robert johnson
Soldotna Ak
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Picture of Mark in SC
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I was very glad to see the Alaska Forum added to Like Africa, Alaska is one of the places that all serious hunters dream about hunting one day.

My day will come in less than 2 weeks. In 12 days we are leaving for our first Alaskan hunt and we are really looking forward to a great experience.

I'll be hunting Mountain Goat in Prince William Sound with Darren Byler of Alaskan Adventure Tours. Take a look at their website, to see the 60' custom boat that will deliver us to the hunt area.

Holly will spend 7 days on the boat fishing, kayaking, sipping wine in the hot tub and watching the wildlife, while I'm living in a tent at 4-5,000 ft. chasing the goats around.

We will be hunting in area 6D, subunit G242. If any of the Alaskan forum members are familiar with the area, I would enjoy hearing your comments.
Posts: 692 | Location: South Carolina Lowcountry | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Mark in SC,

You should have a good time........On a personal note, I know Darren Byler. We both went to high school together in Kodiak, AK. He was a go gett'er back then, and I'm sure he'll get you where the goats are. Have fun!

[ 10-02-2003, 05:02: Message edited by: CK ]
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Congrats on the new forum topic, what a great idea!!! I just returned from my first trip to Alaska, just last week, to hunt Dall Sheep and Moose. I've hunted 8-10 western states and a couple of Canadian provinces, and none of them can hold a candle to Alaska. I hunted in the Wrangell-St. Elias Range and Preserve, some of the most beautiful country on earth. Coming back to the SF Bay Area was unbelieveably depressing, as the allure of Alaska is incredibly strong.

I didn't get the sheep, but got a nice 54" moose;
gives me the best excuse to go back.... [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Craig Nolan
Posts: 403 | Location: South of Alamo, Ca. | Registered: 30 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Glad to see the new forum. Any state that's basically a sub-continent deserves a forum. Thanks Saeed.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Craig Nolan:
Congrats on the new forum topic, what a great idea!!! I just returned from my first trip to Alaska, just last week, to hunt Dall Sheep and Moose. I've hunted 8-10 western states and a couple of Canadian provinces, and none of them can hold a candle to Alaska. I hunted in the Wrangell-St. Elias Range and Preserve, some of the most beautiful country on earth. Coming back to the SF Bay Area was unbelieveably depressing, as the allure of Alaska is incredibly strong.


Craig Nolan

I can relate [Wink] My wife and I came up for our honeymoon in '94 from Santa Clara. Our hearts never left the state, and we've now been up here 6 1/2 years. If you can peal yourself away from the Bay Area, I think you'll really like Alaska.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
Great Forum!
I was there in 96, we are saving to return, hopefully for good.
Wonderful place to see
Scenic and full of game.
Oh the weather is,,,,,,,,terrible too!
I guess that's a small price to pay.
We have snow here today in Michigan [Smile]
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Hey Trout,
My daughter goes to Ferris State and called us about the snow, it was 70 today in Fairbanks. [Big Grin]
Posts: 323 | Location: Fairbanks AK | Registered: 27 August 2002Reply With Quote
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The VERRY BEST just keeps getting better [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Thank you!!!
Posts: 2368 | Location: KENAI, ALASKA | Registered: 10 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks Saeed and Paul.
Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks Paul and Saeed for this forum - just a note, the temperature was 77F on Wednesday for the first day of Delta bison [Eek!] - high winds also, blowing lots of dust - the locals told us they had 4" of snow on the ground just a few days previous and then this bizarre weather arrived. One guy told us the warm, windy weather was connected to a typhoon from Japan? I don't know but still, Alaska is tops for hunting and fishing. Thanks again - KMule
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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RMILLER - I used to enjoy Fordfreaks bouncing friend but his is animated - yours is better [Big Grin] [Eek!] [Big Grin] Local gal?
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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You all call yourselves Alaskans? You dont seem like any Alaskans I know. I just want you all to remember, while your sucking this towel heads dick that my buddies are dying in shithole muslim countrys. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Posts: 2 | Location: north of you | Registered: 05 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Saeed, do magic and make this mental midget disappear, sorry that we have a great number of these little guys with big mouths, I sure wouldn't want this guy behind me with a loaded gun

He has this email

[ 10-06-2003, 06:25: Message edited by: raamw ]
Posts: 2307 | Location: Monee, Ill. USA | Registered: 11 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Arctic Raider,
I will assume that by your chosen forum name you are in the military, and a fine example of a soldier you are, and here I thought they quit letting Cat 4's in, but, alas, some do slip through. You state your interests and occupation as "killing towel heads", exactly how many have you killed tough guy? Why are you hiding in Alaska in the low priority units and not over in one of the "shithole muslim countrys" with your buddies. It would be interesting to know your MOS, I would be willing to bet you are a wana-be, know nothing, done nothing, future chapter case closet commando that would piss down his leg at the first incoming fire. You are right about one thing, I am ashamed, ashamed that our military has the likes of you, you dont deserve the title soldier if you are one.
I was determined not to get involved in pissing contests on here, but little pissants like you are an embarrassment.

[ 10-06-2003, 06:29: Message edited by: AKJD ]
Posts: 323 | Location: Fairbanks AK | Registered: 27 August 2002Reply With Quote
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arctic raider,

Well it's nice to know that you got it all figured out.........And we all can tell that you are not a world traveler. I bet you can't even find our host's country on a map. Have you ever been to Dubai? Some have, including myself. The Alaskans I know, and I include myself, always welcome guest, that includes our host to allow you to shoot off your mouth for free...........You signed up on HIS web sight.....So bend over, here it comes again!!!!! BOHICA
Posts: 653 | Location: Juneau, Alaska | Registered: 09 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Please accept my apologies for this, but this is the price we have to pay for being a totally free, uncensored website.

I am afraid we've had a few uneducated, retarded kids visit our Forums.

They got such a thrashing from some of our intelectual members on the Political Forum their little brainless heads spun so fast they had no idea what forum they are logged any more.
Posts: 70491 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by arctic raider:
Alaskans. You all know I suck. I just want you all to remember that You should be ashamed of my shit yourselves.

arctic raider,
My, but do you have a way with words [Roll Eyes]

not the best,
Posts: 223 | Location: Soldotna, Alaska | Registered: 29 December 2001Reply With Quote
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artic raider,

Actually, I think most military folks in Alaska refer to themselves as 'Artic Warriors' not 'raiders', so I do not honor you with the association of being in the military.

Having spent nearly 15 years serving my country as a member of the US military, while stationed in the great State of Alaska, I also know you do not represent our point of view. My son also deployed to Qatar during the latest Iraq war, and he does not share your views.

So please take your rhetoric elsewhere, as it neither belongs, or is appreciated here.

If your unable to seperate individuals from their government/ethnic group, then you need to grow up.
Posts: 778 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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While this thread got a little sidetracked here, I have an idea to propose to our host.

Why not make this into a Canada & Alaska forum?
The great white north?

I know a lot of people are also curious about Canada, being politically seperate from the US, AR members are often asking advice about Canadian beurocratics and practicallities.

Anyone else think we should make this a joint forum?
Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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If the members wish, I will be happy to change the name of the forum.

In fact, they wish to have a seperate forum for Canadian hunting, I will behappy to add that too.
Posts: 70491 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Either way is fine with me. Many Alaskans feel more akin with Canadians than with the lower 48.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Craig Nolan:
I've hunted 8-10 western states and a couple of Canadian provinces, and none of them can hold a candle to Alaska.

Keep it to ourselves. [Big Grin]

Posts: 2482 | Location: Alaska....At heart | Registered: 17 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Bear in Fairbanks:
.....You better be careful if you pay us a visit - you might never want to leave

Bear in Fairbanks,
I hear you. I used to live in Dutch Harbor and my heart has not left. It took me about a week there to call my wife and say "I am not coming home, you can come up here". Unfortunately I am stuck down in the lower 48 for a while right now. I am dreaming of the day I can return. This time I ought to nail my feet to the floor.
Posts: 1172 | Location: Cheyenne, WY | Registered: 15 March 2001Reply With Quote
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If I had a choice as to where to move from beautiful and unique Washington State, I'd pick Wyoming or Alaska...

Now I see WyoJoe wants to stay in Alaska. Uh-oh. [Eek!]

I'm glad to see this Forum addition, too. I'll be much more likely to take a hunting trip to Alaska or Canada than Africa.
Perhaps I can get a little more appropriate information regarding North American Big Game guns/cartridges/actions/gear over here in this section.
The African Hunters have their own set of needs and I understand their choices, but, I'm more interested in what Alaskan Hunters use or prefer.
Again, thanks to Saeed for providing a great website to haggle, agree, and poke fun on!
Good job. [Smile]
Posts: 750 | Location: Upper Left Coast | Registered: 19 July 2003Reply With Quote
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I'm having a 458 Lott built for a deer rifle [Eek!] but I'm not the best one to give a balanced representation of what rifles Alaskan's prefer [Big Grin]
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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A great addition to AR!

Thank you Saeed and Paul.

Posts: 53 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 30 June 2003Reply With Quote
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I to wish to express my thanks to you for opening up this forum. Even though I left Fairbanks almost 20 years ago in my heart I still consider Alaska home.

I make it up there at least once or twice a year (this year 4x)to get my head back straight and return to where I left my heart.

Anyone in Fairbanks know, Ken and Barb Kreig or Bev and Bill Fronterhouse or I could go on and on.

Stay warm,

Posts: 696 | Location: Texas, Wash, DC | Registered: 24 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Saeed and Paul, Thank you for the new site. This is a real bonus to your web site. Have enjoyed it in the past and will enjoy it more amongst my fellow Alaskan's and those who want to talk and learn about our great state and wildlife/hunting, and all the other topics that make this a great web site.
"Good on you"

Posts: 116 | Location: Juneau, Alaska, U.S.A. | Registered: 25 September 2001Reply With Quote
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