Moderators: T.Carr
Thompson Temple/Texas
I hunted Exotic sheep with Thompsom Temple in late March of this year. It was a discounted priced ram hunt. which he has available all the time. The price was $180 for two days with no additional charges. No trophy fee. You can check him out at

Here's a picture of a Texas Dall I took with a Ruger Vaquero 45 Colt. He made #16 SCI Handgun record even with the broken horn.
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First of all, nice sheep, you look plenty happy.

Glad to hear that Thompson Temple is still in business. I hunted with him in the late 70's and had a great time. Collected a nice whitetail and a Corsican ram. Cannot tell you why I have not gone back down there, just got interested in hunting in Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, etc.

Congratulations, R F [Smile]
Posts: 1220 | Location: Hanford, CA, USA | Registered: 12 November 2000Reply With Quote
Thanks RF!
the really nice thing about the hunt was that Thompson let me hunt on my own. I'm not a fan of using a blind or stand. I like to still hunt and spot and stalk. Just a personal preferance, that's all. Nothing at all implied towards those who enjoy blinds, stands, etc.. We all have our preferances. Anyway, I got off track for a second.. I heard two rams clashing heads far above me in the thick stuff above some rimrock and so I had to go donw the canyon and return on the ridge above. I couldn't hear a thing when I arrived close to where I thought I heard the noises earlier. I was just slowly easing along when this ram chased another one out in front of me. I was actually hunting with a rifle, but the two rams came out within about 20 yds of me, so I just drew the little 45 colt and dropped him. Pretty neat and lucky, I'd say. Thompson operates a really nice hunting ranch and i will probably return again with my wife and see if she can get one also. [Big Grin]
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