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Colorado mule deer 2014
one of us
Just returned from a last minute mule deer hunt in Colorado. Thought I would share the good news.

The trip started when I received a call from Rich Birdsell at Northern Rockies Outfitters in mid October asking if I was interested in big mule deer. Duh? My history with Rich goes way back and I trust his judgement so I booked a plane ticket and took my rifle on a trip.
Arrived in Eagle, CO on November 2, 2014. The 3rd season opened on the first of November. My hunting dates were the 3rd through the 10th.

First night in camp was the usual banter. The hunters were myself, Rich and Jason (super nice guy, excellent hunter/photographer)from Nevada. Our guide was Matt who works on the ranch. Accomdations were very nice, food was cooked by Jennifer who is a super cook. Hunting was on foot, four-wheeler and truck.

The elevation varied from 7,000 to 9,000 feet. Beautiful country with open hay meadows, dense aspen forests and cedar thickets. Most of the hunting was spent looking through binoculars or spotting scopes. Very little time spent hiking or walking as we didn't want to spook the deer while bedded.

We spotted my buck bedded in a cedar/willow thicket around noon on the first day. Waited him out and planned a stalk after he rose and entered a hay field with some does.

I would like to tell you an incredible story about an adventure but I can't. The stalk was perfect, the rest was perfect, the deer was feeding and the shot was perfect. 202 yards through the heart and picture time. I was (and still am) thrilled about the deer. Just under 30 inches, mature and most importantly... Mine. Smiler

Pic soon.

Day two was a spotting day for me but Jason connected with a wonderful, tall, old buck just before dark. His deer was OLD! Only one tooth left in the front bottom jaw. Nothing but gums on the top. He was down to eating ice cream. Jason made a great shot and had his Colorado muley in the salt.

Pic soon.

Day three was spent on the ground, in the truck and on the glass. Jason spotted a great deer just before dark bedded on a far hillside. We planned to be back on the vantage point at dawn the following morning.

Day four found us sitting on the knob with lens caps in packs and faces pressed to spotting scopes. A 30 minute search didn't find Waldo but we found the buck bedded at 1400 yards. A plan was developed and Rich took off up the mountain with Matt to gain elevation. It's interesting to watch a hunt from a distance. Kinda like watching a movie. You can't influence the ending and you lament every wrong move made by the main character. I watched through the scope as the hunters closed the distance. The buck sensed something and stood to get a better look. Rich dropped prone and anchored the beauty with a shot through the spine.

Pic soon.

It took about 2 hours to retrieve the buck from the mountain so I watched the blue sky through closed eyelids with Cruz, the guide's lab. Great hunting naps are truely special!

We had done it. Three great deer in 4 days of hunting. I can't say there could be better outcome.

Pic soon.

Thank you to all our veterans today.

Happy Hunting,
Posts: 866 | Location: Kalispell, MT | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
One of Us
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Congratulations but you know the rule, "it didn't happen without pictures" jumping
My deer tag starts today. I'll be going out this afternoon looking for some fresh meat.
Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011Reply With Quote
new member
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There are Group of us that have been building points for Colorado for many years. This year we put in for area 44 third season. Our lowest point man had 17 points. That's a long time to wait.

Anyway, three days before season we turned our tags back in due to warm weather and lack of snow.

I'm wondering where you hunted? And like everyone else, waiting for pics.

Zinfandel and Backstraps!
Posts: 13 | Location: Mendocino County CA | Registered: 07 May 2014Reply With Quote
one of us
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OK. Was waiting for some better pictures from the other hunter. Nothing to date. Please PM me if you can post pics for me. Have about 5. I will email them to you.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 866 | Location: Kalispell, MT | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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