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And that's just to bad! I love Mexico. I try to go every year, although for a family vacation or fishing, not hunting. | |||
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I went turkey hunting last spring near chihuahua and I would not got back for any reason. | |||
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It used to be “ dont drink the water” . Now it’s “don’t drink the water- OR the booze”.. Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend… To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP | |||
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I was raised on the border, my dad ranched in Mexico, and on the Texas border. I ranched on the Texas Border in the Big Bend area..I hunted there many time in my youth. I was a DEA agent in Texas and worked in Mexico a lot..I love the people and the country..I fed many Mexican illegals as they passed thru my ranch, the Mexican cowboys from Boquillas worked for me On that ranch. Today most border ranchers in Texas are packing black rifles and pistols, they are armed as the cartels smuggle dope through their ranches, Arizona is reported worse than Texas it appears..but I can tell you horror stories about texas ranchers you would not believe, and our government knows about them and does nothing. All I can say is those who venture there are at risk to one degree or the other, most feel it won't happen to me, but when it does its a terrible experience and its too late. I see where Jim Shockey got mixed up with the Cartel and got out by the skin of teeth Im told..Its easy to be brave on the internet, but in real life you will be whistling "whod a thought it" Today I would not cross that river to Juarez or Laredo not even to have a great meal...What others do is up to them and chances of a conflict with cartel may or may not occur, I just don't need to take a chance.. Ray Atkinson Atkinson Hunting Adventures 10 Ward Lane, Filer, Idaho, 83328 208-731-4120 rayatkinsonhunting@gmail.com | |||
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I hope nobody goes to mexico. Lease prices have been going up lately and need to come back down. It's not for everyone, I'll leave it at that after 39 years of hunting down there. | |||
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Mexico is a big country with many states. Some places are save,some aren’t. Do your research. Just look at the 50 most dangerous places in the world and you will find three of them in the US ![]() DRSS Searcy 470 NE | |||
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Sorry, 5 in the US are top 50 DRSS Searcy 470 NE | |||
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Been twice and all was fine. Pick a good outfitter and you are fine. Chicago is worse. | |||
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I hunt various areas in Mexico each year and have not had a problem. On most hunts you spend very little time in cities to begin with. Mexico is a super hunting venue and like anywhere else; if you go with the right operators you will do fine. | |||
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Please, go back and re-read what Ray A. had to say. Is a hunt that important to you and your family? | |||
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Nobody here believes what happened to Shockey was real, even Drummond who has way more years outfitting here than me agrees that was fishy as hell. | |||
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+1 something didn’t smell right. My guess is he had a falling out with the outfitter and maybe for good reason then wanted to scare people away from them. Why would you air something like that if you were trying to promote the hunt. Just seemed a little bit staged. DRSS Searcy 470 NE | |||
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Why not? | |||
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I know where he was hunting, a huge, huge not so well managed community land by the sea, LOTS of outfitters from small to big ones and LOTS of hunters go there every year and stay in the town, funny how he was the only one who got into trouble, and he happened to have a camera with him ![]() | |||
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What supposedly happened to Shockey in Mexico? I could not find any reference on the internet. "There are worse memorials to a life well-lived than a pair of elephant tusks." Robert Ruark | |||
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In order to get the story straight, you'd probably have to watch that episode of Uncharted, or at least the "best of" for that year. For what it's worth, I thought the facts as related are entirely believable. Ive probably made 20+ trips to Mexico on business - Hermosillo, Culiacan, Monterrey, Chihuahua, Nogales. In addition, growing up in El Paso I went over the border to Juarez a lot. No more, however. And stopped traveling to anywhere over the border on business in 2009 due to the level of violence and on the advice of our company's professional security consultants. This isn't to say no one should ever go, period. Just that it's not worth it to me. Even in flying directly into a hunting destination, there are too many stories about invasions, kidnappings for me to be comfortable. And I've been to a handful of funerals of relatives of personal and business friends. And met with those who were shot but survived. And this is all really too bad - didn't used to be that way.... | |||
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For a view of the crime and violence levels in MX, check out this website: borderlandbeat.com ______________________ I'm not a great hunter...just a guy who loves to hunt. | |||
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Just look up the massive number of deaths that have been brought about by the drug violence in the past few years.....It makes the Afghanistan and Iraq casualties looks like kid's play. I think most wouldn't consider travel to Kabul....I believe going to Mexico is worse at this time. | |||
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Amazing to think all the outfitters this year are going to risk their necks hunting! Suicidal bunch we are I guess ![]() | |||
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I've been touristing in Mexico for a lot of years, the last eight or so in a row and will again this year. I take my family and we love it. For us, the plan has always been to keep it very g rated and family oriented and it seems to go as planned. I love Mexico and share everyone's regret that the violence is even a topic or issue. | |||
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This makes me absolutely sick. I am done with Mexico and I do not care if many of the other locations are "safe". As long as this government allows this much corruption and terror to take place, one built on bribery and intimidation, I am done. I feel bad for the good people of Mexico. However, until they clean up their act, I will go elsewhere. Sorry Manuel, I do wish you well | |||
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in the city I live, every morning i listen to the news and hear reports of who was murdered the night prior. This problem is everywhere. Not sure where the answer is. | |||
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Guys, If you read the complete story you'll see that those people had issues with the Cartel for sometime. It sounded like they were antagonizing the Cartel and that doesn't sound smart to me. I think if a tourist just minds his/her own business they have nothing to fear. Mark MARK H. YOUNG MARK'S EXCLUSIVE ADVENTURES 7094 Oakleigh Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89110 Office 702-848-1693 Cell, Whats App, Signal 307-250-1156 PREFERRED E-mail markttc@msn.com Website: myexclusiveadventures.com Skype: markhyhunter Check us out on https://www.facebook.com/pages...ures/627027353990716 | |||
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I don't believe that for one minute. These people and their ancestors had peacefully lived in that area for generations (back into the late 1800's/early 1900's), as a religious/polygamus group, NOT affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(Mormon), but who had originally left the Mormon Church or were excommunicated when polygamy was declared illegal by the U.S. government and the Church had disavowed its practice, and some of them saw fit to continue to practice it. These people were religious, had pecan nut groves and tried to live quietly with their families. Approximately 10 or so years ago, these people also had one of their men and his brother tortured and murdered in front of their entire family because they spoke out against drugs. I have been down in Mexico and I have never antagonized anyone while hunting there, but I have been shot at, followed, watched, seen drug camps in full operation, observed full camo'd patrols carrying hard core drugs in backpacks to the border, and on and on. In any event, to kill innocent unarmed women, little children and babies a few months old and burn some of them alive, is the work of savage monsters. For me, this is a game changer. | |||
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It is a tragedy and something most unfortunate, believe me my thoughts are with that family as that happened was the work of monsters, as Mark said that family had story with the Cartel, religious or not that is a fact, I would not begin telling the amount of versions I have heard around from people who win absolutely nothing from it as I also consider it a lack of respect for the lives of the innocent who died and then again it will help of nothing. Mexicos reputation has been tarnished and with good reason and I don't blame any american citizen to be outraged about that as even I am. That being said, I have ALWAYS stated that you should keep away from problematic areas. The Chihuahua border is a place I have never been nor have interest in being as things are, Cartels are at war there, between the two states, it is unfortunate as that area is probably the best area for goulds turkey in the state but most outfitters that had areas there are running unnecessary risks hunting there. Hermosillo and its surroundings are still the safest area in the state and that is were i manage myself. I am not trying to convince anyone to come with this comments, what I want to tell you is that the sierra madre is to be avoided right now, if you come to Mexico for whatever reason don't be paranoid, mind your own business and go with someone you trust and that is not going to the danger zones, that however has been my advice even when things were pretty calm. I am deeply sorry for the loss of those people and hope that this mess will be cleaned up someday, Mexico has good people who are willing to work hard for our foreign guests but I cannot speak for the scum that are doing these kind of things. | |||
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From the CBS news: "Even as the practice of polygamy faded, the family continued to call Mexico home, despite threats of violence. A 2012 documentary by Vice Media, "The Mexican Mormon War," focused on the violent history of the Mexican drug cartels toward the LeBarons over the family's apparent wealth and resources. "We've had a few run-ins with them," said Brent LeBaron, a family spokesperson. "Don't like to say too much about them." Those run-ins date back to at least 2009, when 16-year-old Eric LeBaron was kidnapped and held by a Mexican cartel on a $1 million ransom. The family says they refused to pay it, and he was eventually released. But the violence didn't end, and a few months later an angry drug lord allegedly ordered a hit on Benjamin LeBaron, an anti-crime activist in the family. He and his brother-in-law were killed." And from the Salt Lake City, Utah Deseret News: "“We’ve always known the dangers,” said Steven Langford, who was mayor of La Mora from 2015 to 2018. “We’ve seen the people doing their deal. We always had the policy, ‘We don’t bother them.’" “We never dreamed something like this could happen.” Just how can being anti-crime, as most of us are, and having the policy that 'We don't bother them', antagonize the Cartels? If so, then we are all antagonists. So you live a successful life in Mexico and you're subject to outright kidnapping, murder and threats unless you bend to the Cartel's every wish, desire and command? What kind of country is that? Fighting pure evil is something every normal individual usually does, especially when it comes to your livelihood, family and liberty. I respect Manuel and Mark and consider them friends, but raising your family and being a successful pecan farmer is not actively provoking hostility. | |||
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No offense, but that has to be one of the most ridiculous comments that I have ever read on AR. These SICKOS killed WOMEN and CHILDREN! I have read the "complete" story several times and I am not refusing to go to Mexico because I feel its "unsafe", I am refusing to go there because I want to boycott Mexico until their petty government stands up to these thugs. And by the way, I doubt these little kids and women were "antagonizing" them. | |||
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You're kidding yourself. | |||
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This is the way the game is played in Mexico: Remember the cop who arrested El Chapo's son the other day? He got a little present: .... from The Cartel ————-> Something like 155 bullet holes as he is gunned down outside a shopping center in Sinaloa. See: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/ne...d-el-chapos-20834308 The narco-terrorists don’t mess around. | |||
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Maybe one thing Mexico needs is 2nd amendment " Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins. When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar. Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move... Man should be happy and in good humor until the day he dies... Only fools hope to live forever “ Hávamál” | |||
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Mark is a Booking Agent, hint hint ![]() | |||
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So Mark or any other hunting industry professional want to send clients in harm's way? I was under the impression that this whole internet thing made it pretty easy to ferret out the folks that would endanger clients. Bears, lions, leopards, Russia, Zimbabwe, The Congo, Boeing 737s and snakes are apparently dangerous, so,.......... What? Booking agents should advise against them too? I don't know, but maybe going to Mexico is like going to Zimbabwe. Do your homework, trust your outfitter. Or not, just stay in the living room at home. | |||
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Not saying that Mark or any other outfitter would intentionally send a client into harms way but dumbing down the danger factor can't be a bad thing for booking a clients. As for Zimbabwe, there aren't drug cartels armed with machine guns slaughtering families like what just happened near our border with the Mormon's, bodies and body parts showing up at our border every day. You would have to be hiding under a rock to not be aware of the mayhem going on at our southern border....every day! Are you guys serious? I wouldn't hunt Mexico right now if you paid for my hunt. | |||
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With 50 states and about 160 other nations available, there's no good reason for any booking agent to " dumb down" the danger factor of one country that has limited hunting opportunities anyway. People have been asking, " is it safe to go to Zimbabwe?" For decades. | |||
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Comparing Mexico with Zimbabwe is the very definition of comparing apples to oranges. At least in terms of current events. Certain parts of RSA and certain parts of Mexico, maybe a more realistic comparison. Current events in Burkina maybe even more comparable to Mexico right now. | |||
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Which doesn't negate the truth that people have been asking, " is it safe to go to Zimbabwe?" For decades. I certainly did and would. That some of my friends like you and other AR Texans advise against going to Mexico gives me pause. Both JGRaider and JTEX said don't do it. That any hunting industry professional would dismiss or downplay client danger, especially for a market as small as Mexico I seriously doubt. | |||
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Scott, read Arjun's Cameroon hunting offer I've linked here. http://forums.accuratereloadin...581043552#8581043552 You'll see he has referenced the Jihadist upheaval in Burkina and discussed the fact that hunting operations are ongoing next door in Benin. He also tells of how even though it's not the same area where the issue resides, it's only 50 miles away. Another country yes, but still in the same neighborhood. He'll even set you up if you want to go but advises the risks are not worth the reward. I hear similar stories about Mexico. Honestly, I don't know enough about the geographic areas and where the hunting / cartel operations are. 50 miles away? Same area but just leave them alone and they will leave you alone? I'm not an overly cautious type. I don't scare off of areas easily, especially when the pros working the areas say it's all good. And of course, the governmental listings of safe / dangerous countries are pretty much worthless and too general in nature to make rational go / no go decisions. Here is the question anyone wanting to hunt Mexico or outfitting there needs to ask at present: Does the recent slaughter of women and children by the cartels change this dynamic of "It's all good. Just leave them alone and you'll be fine."? I don't know about you but for me it does. And changing my mind about it, regardless of who is representing the hunt offer, would probably take more effort on their part than they would deem worthwhile. I've taken my wife and youngest son to Zim. Was taking my oldest son this year before he got sick and canceled. Taking them to Mexico near cartel activities? Not a chance. | |||
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My sentiments exactly! I have spent much of my life in Mexico, and have hunted, and fished there as well. However that was 30 years ago before anyone ever heard of cartel murderous upheaval. Today You couldn't tie me down and send me into Mexico without a serious fight. There are plenty of game in the USA and Canada, and there is no need to hunt in Mexico! …………………………………………………………………. ![]() ....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1 DRSS Charter member "If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982 Hands of Old Elmer Keith ![]() | |||
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