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Must have been the moon. (Slightly Graphic Pics)
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Picture of Vanderhoef
We're having some work done at the ranch so I had some meetings on Monday and Tuesday down there. Headed out Sunday and after a four and a half hour drive I got there about 3. I planned to be sitting in one of my new blinds at 5 when the feeder went off and had a couple hours to kill. Headed over to set up some cameras first until it dawned on me that with daylight savings time the feeder would actually be going off at 4pm instead!!!!

I jumped in the truck and hauled arse across the ranch, parked, grabbed my bow and jogged to the stand. No sooner than sitting down and knocking an arrow did the feeder go off.

I'd heard that the rut was on but wasn't expecting 1, then 2, 3, 4 bucks come cruising right in within 3 maybe 4 minutes. Our ranch is young, so none were shooters (3 eights, 1 six) but it was nice to have some action. Shortly, a couple of does came in and since we just rec'd an MLD permit and have a bunch of does to whack I though what the heck. I let her rip and she made it maybe 50 yds. Funny thing was the bucks that had been harrassing her of course jumped at the shot but immediately turned and chased her and then proceeded to fight over her!! Those horny knuckleheads traded partners back and forth fighting each other until after about 20 minutes they wandered off. It was about 4:30 by this time.

Got her cut up and put in the fridge then headed up to where we're building our ranch house to have a look around before my meetings the next morning. I'm stumbling around with a tape measure and headlamp in the dark when I sense something watching me. I turn and there's a young fallow buck not 5 ft from me just standing there looking at me! I say a few words to him and then he wanders over to the truck and checks it out (he better get just a bit smarter if he plans to add a few years to his life!!)

No sooner do I go back to measurin' than my headlamp catches eye glow. I pull the flashlight out of my pocket and there's Mr. Fox just standing there too (musta been the moon!) I walk to the truck, grab the .22, and bang, flop.

I figured I'd better quit while I was ahead so I just sat and drank beer the rest of the evening/night :grin:

Next morning I'm up and thought I'd try something different. Grabbed the shooting sticks and my .257 Roy and started just walking. Maybe 15-20 minutes later I zap another doe walking out of the creek bottom. She was absolutely DRT!! Got her butchered and still managed to make it down to the front gate to meet my appts.

It's after 9am and I'm parked right in the middle of the road waiting and wondering where the heck everyone is, you know check your watch then look down the road, and low and behold a big tom (?) bobcat is sitting right smack dab in the middle of the road on his haunches just staring at me not 30 yds away!!!
Well I'll be damned!!!! I start to reach for the gun then think about the whole "hunting from a county road" thing and pause just long enough for him to get bored and wander off into the bushes (I did move my truck and grab the rifle and headed to a tank, thinking he might still be around. After a few lip squeeks I gave up.

Rest of the day and following morning were uneventful except for having to fill a neighbor's feeder....I about broke my neck!


"....but to protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not of soundness of heart."
Theodore Roosevelt
Posts: 466 | Location: Just west of Cleo, TX | Registered: 20 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of buckeyeshooter
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Sounds like you have a wonderful ranch!
Posts: 5735 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 02 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Where's the coyotes?? LOL
Looks like you've got yourself a honeyhole.
Posts: 3456 | Location: Austin, TX | Registered: 17 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dieseltrucker
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Some folks have all the luck...what type of broadhead were you shooting?
Posts: 241 | Location: Alabama  | Registered: 30 November 2009Reply With Quote
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Neat report.

Just west of Cleo, Tx.

I hunted a ranch North and east of Cleo for about 4 years, lost the lease last year, we had pretty decent whitetail and were just starting to see Axis deer.

Sure would like to find another lease in that area.
Posts: 43001 | Location: Crosby and Barksdale, Texas | Registered: 18 September 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Vanderhoef
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Seems the sheep ranchers cleared out the coyotes years ago and they're a little reluctant to venture back in. I've not seen one down there but this winter did hear them a few times so maybe they're getting their nerve up!

I use the G5 Strykers and have had nothing but devastating results.

Yea, I love it down there although it is a bit of a haul from DFW. I've lived and traveled to a lot of remote areas and this place is right up at the top of the list as far as seclusion goes....can't see a single light at night and we have 20 mile views!! On top of that my cell phone doesn't work dancing.
We're overrun with Axis this year but their habits make them a challenge to manage. IMO certainly more difficult to hunt than Whitetail!!


"....but to protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not of soundness of heart."
Theodore Roosevelt
Posts: 466 | Location: Just west of Cleo, TX | Registered: 20 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dieseltrucker
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I don no mean to pick your brain, but I noticed the light mounted on your (or what looks to be) a Hogue overmolded 10/22 stock. I am at present building one work vermin work. Where could a fella find that mount and/or light combo?
Posts: 241 | Location: Alabama  | Registered: 30 November 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Vanderhoef
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I like the Hogue stock and dislike the tactical style stocks-that have picatinny rails-so came up with this setup. (BTW I've tried the mounts that attach to the scope but didn't like them because I always got a lot of glare off the barrel and didn't want to attach anything to the barrel for fear of disturbing POI.)I just removed the front sling screw since I wouldn't use it anyway and attached a small Weaver base w/ a stainless screw (I used a Dremel and some epoxy to bed the base into the stock). I then bought a set of Warne quick release rings for a 1" scope which happens to be the same diameter of most of the Surefire/Fenix lights (attached is a 220 lumen Fenix w/a red lens that works great!). I used a pressure switch with velcro so I could remove the switch along with the light when I don't need it.

So far, it seems to work just great. The only problem I could foresee would be that with just one screw the light might not be real stable but I haven't had any problems with it yet.

It's a very lightweight, compact little rig and I've taken a slew of little varmints with it. I think it just might be my favorite rifle!!

Good luck and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions.


"....but to protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not of soundness of heart."
Theodore Roosevelt
Posts: 466 | Location: Just west of Cleo, TX | Registered: 20 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gayne C. Young
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Uhhh, what's sticking out of that deer's gut? I don't want to get nasty but...just look at it again.

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