Moderators: T.Carr
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Was shot by my dad about 10 days ago with a Brno .270
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I guess you missed my reply over on the "How to Post Pics" thread.

You are using Webshots as your picture hosting website. Unfortunately, Webshots doesn't allow you to export pictures to other websites. All we can see is the box with the red x.

You need to use Imagestation, Hunt101 or some other web hosting service.



[ 12-04-2003, 02:27: Message edited by: T.Carr ]
Posts: 5338 | Location: A Texan in the Missouri Ozarks | Registered: 02 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks mate, willdo
Posts: 2360 | Location: London | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Posts: 2360 | Location: London | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Posts: 2360 | Location: London | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Very nice! From Iran or parts of the old Sovjet Union??

Weidmannsheil to the fortunate and skillful hunter!
- mike
Posts: 6653 | Location: Switzerland | Registered: 11 March 2002Reply With Quote
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My dad shot it in Iran near the Afghan border (they send two guys with AKs along just in case) and shot this male on the 3rd day of what he calls his hardest hunt ever. The ram was shot near 4300meters and he amount of walking really was difficult to continue day after day. The animal moved at the first shot and the .270 H mantel bullet splintered the tip of the horn, and the ram collapsed but soon recovered and ran.The second shot at 300meters was spot on through the heart (shot running) and the ram dropped. So the hardest hunt was ended with the best (and longest) shot of his life! The urial are very shy and many didn't allow my dad to get any closer than 500-600 meters...
Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it all, but I hope to go for an ibex hunt next september God willing.
Posts: 2360 | Location: London | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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congrats to your father.I am certain he values all the hardships ,without them it would be just an ordinary sheep.
Wish we could go there [Eek!]
Posts: 795 | Location: CA,,the promised land | Registered: 05 November 2001Reply With Quote
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congratulate nice trophy.
It seems your dad shoots better at moving target at long distance [Big Grin] because first he missed the sheep and stroke him in the horn then when the sheep was 300 yds away he get him runing in the heart [Wink] o they measured the distance with iranian made rangefinder? these iranian made devices often miss or add a zero (according to the iranian scholl of boasting addind a zero to the distance don,t make you a liar because zero is nothing [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 1127 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Hey if it weren't my dad I wouldn't believe the shot either so I'm not asking you guys to believe it either.... [Razz]
He says that the animal was quartering away and the bullet missed the right shoulder and hit the horn, but that he was more composed for the second shot (he wouldn't have shot again, but the sheep had fallen once and the permit was at that point you shoot till it drops!!!)
I guess he's modest so he had to shoot some horn off to prevent it being a book animal [Razz]
BTW I asked if the guides would eat an animal that hadn't been slaughtered "hallal" in the correct muslim fashion and he said the animal is now a pile of kebabs so I guess it doesn't bother them too much. [Big Grin]
Posts: 2360 | Location: London | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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