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Airala's opinions
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Picture of Gustavo
Originally posted by Lorenzo:
My modest opinion,
Foreign hunters must pay three times more: the auction price and the hunting licence.

Describing as a meat hunt the hunt that takes place in the Lanin Park is compltely wrong and describing these hunts as public land trash out of tents is COMPLETELY incorrect. To be honest, I'm completly surprised about these comments.

Many of my friends hunt there and they have taken incredible trophies, is true hunt. I will not give my opinion about prices as that is nothing of my business, but please don't call it meat hunt.

I have nothing against fenced areas, I've hunted them in South Africa and is true hunt also, it's fair chase if the area is big enough.

My 2 cts


Please let me know if you are interested in receiving a copy of the actual regulations (2003 Season, for Lan�n and Nahuel Huapi)

I must add, that last year in those areas were taken excellent heads. Of course, all of this information is public domain (just ask the National Parks for the last records)

Airala can do the same... and if honest enough tell the true story, instead of spreading lies and offending others... of course, at the same time protecting your business (very ethic!!)

However... I'm the first to admit that these kind of practices are very usual in our circles.

Regretably, many people out there gain a very bad idea of what is the real meaning of hunting Argentina's National Parks, the conditions, what to expect, etc, etc because of inescrupulous outfitters who not only discredit others, also the country and its hunting possibilities.

For anyone interested, Lorenzo said exactly what I intended in those previous long threads. Tks for a nice resume

Posts: 753 | Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I stand in my opinions about the hunts in the Lanin National Park but don't pull me into your fight because I have nothing to do with it.

I've heard only good things from Airala's clients about him and that's enough for me.

I don't agree with his comments about Public Land hunts, it seems he is protecting his interest the same way you are protecting yours when you acused him, of organizing canned hunts, in a public forum without any proofs.

I find the hole discussion of very bad taste.

I must write one thousand times: "I must don't get involved in these kind of topics, I must don't get involved in these kind of topics, I must don't get invol.." [Big Grin]

My "other" two cents
Lorenzo Gianola
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Lorenzo:
I stand in my opinions about the hunts in the Lanin National Park but don't pull me into your fight because I have nothing to do with it.

I've heard only good things from Airala's clients about him and that's enough for me.

I don't agree with his comments about Public Land hunts, it seems he is protecting his interest the same way you are protecting yours when you acused him, of organizing canned hunts, in a public forum without any proofs.

I find the hole discussion of very bad taste.

I must write one thousand times: "I must don't get involved in these kind of topics, I must don't get involved in these kind of topics, I must don't get invol.." [Big Grin]

My "other" two cents
Lorenzo Gianola

to Lorenzo,

I never intended to involve you in these topic, but your opinion was unbiased and I respect you for that, and I never took your comments as an endorsement. Sorry for any inconvenience.

However, I never accused him of organizing canned hunts, what I said is that he offers them as great hunts, using false material to lure hunters.. and I proved that for sure, besides that for that of budget is very difficult to believe that he is offering quality heads.


In fact I stated that they are ok for me if the conditions are the right ones.

But saying that fenced (canned) hunts are the epitome (or trying to say that by the same token) is at least unrespectful and I never deserved his aggressions.

Get real... you cannot offer serious Puma hunts unless they are canned someway or another... that's something every guy in Argentina knows for sure. I mean besided pure luck, plenty of time or high dollars...

On the other hand, please for everyone interested, when I chose to reply the absurd comments it wasn't my intention to protect any kind of business. Please take this very seriously I'm not joking.

But I'll never turn my head when some idiot, tries to protect his business by insulting others, in this case me.

And I stand behind my initial assertion, that fenced hunts could never be compared to free range ones.

Finally I'm in the process of gathering more material so anyone can know Airala for sure.
Posts: 753 | Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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OK, no problem.
I agree about the puma hunting, is IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee success, more than dollars what you need is time and luck!!
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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You are wasteing your time posting these lies about John. I don't know what you are up to with this but I will say this again, John is as fine a gentleman as I have met in the hunting business and I would trust his word completely.

The answer to a question about what I'm getting out of this is probably beyond your comprehension.
John and I have become very good friends since I hunted with him and I have given refrences to several English speaking clients for John. He gives a really good hunt for a fair price and I want other English speaking hunters to know what he offers. I can't speak about the Puma hunt because I didn't hunt Puma, but if John says it's a fair hunt you can bet that's what it is. I'll be watching for your posts, (whoever you are) and I will dispute them if you lie about John on this forum.
Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Hawkeye47 (or whoever you are...)

It's almost clear that this discussion about our friendship with Airala is out of focus.

In short,

It's ok for me if :

1) You are a close friend
2) You are a satisfied client
3) You like the hunting conditions and prices he charges
4) Whatever other thing you admire of him

But, please... if you don't like ehat I offered nor want to pay the price NEVER call me a liar, am I making myself clear enough??

On the other hand, if anybody is confusing friendship with insulting others, it's not my concern... don't worry, it's just a brain damage.

Just in case you haven't read my previous posts, I'm just defending my position from the many lies and insults I received from Airala and you, just because your and him are defending a business, which is ok, but do yourselves a favor and do it with the proper manners.

As you can start to see... not everything said by your friend Airala is true... think about that... but evidently you'll believe anything coming from him. That's is your problem.

Did I start the fire?? don't think so...

Of course, do me a favor and stay tuned, more to come about this Airala.

You know ?? the bad part of this nasty topic (which it is) is many people is getting a false idea of hunting Red Stag in Patagonia... this is effectless to me, but this Airala is doing a great damage to our National Parks heritage and greatness.

And he lives down here... incredible to see at what extent a mere merchant can go to protect his car wash business...

Posts: 753 | Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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There is no doubt as to who I am. My name and contact information and address are on my info.
I don't care what you do hunting wise, but when you say John sells people canned hunts without them knowing it that is a lie, plain and simple.
As far as me slandering you, I didn't devulge the information that one of the posters from Argentina sent to me about your crooked operation.
I have no way of proving what this man says nor do I care. But I suspect that if you lie about John you would also lie and deceive prospective customers.
Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I don't have a dog in this fight, but since you mentioned it, I looked and your name and contact address are not in your profile, which is what I suppose you meant by info, and you don't even have an email address listed.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hawkeye47:

There is no doubt as to who I am. My name and contact information and address are on my info.
I don't care what you do hunting wise, but when you say John sells people canned hunts without them knowing it that is a lie, plain and simple.
As far as me slandering you, I didn't devulge the information that one of the posters from Argentina sent to me about your crooked operation.
I have no way of proving what this man says nor do I care. But I suspect that if you lie about John you would also lie and deceive prospective customers.


Unfortunately for you, being a liar is out of my interest, believe it or not.

I'm not the person who baits prospect hunter with false photos, admits lately doing fenced (canned) hunts, downs the price after other's offer, etc, etc

Interestingly enough... other poster from Argentina who spoke about my "operation" that's incredible at least... since I have no operation !! please post that.

I believed being clear enough about my relation to my initial post. I'm trying to work out with a REGISTERED GUIDE (Airala is not...even known by the local SCI board members) with more than 15 years in the run, with LOTS of satisfied clients and with excellent references.

Also I offered (as stated before) references, regultations, in depth detail, etc etc for anyone interested. And you know very well.

Remember I'm not the guy who admitted doing "high fence hunts"...

Most important... don't you think that being a local, I know the ranches and Airala's reputation in some circles ?

But not trying to make this an endless discussion... remember who started the fire by throwing undeserved offenses and bad, bad manners...

I hope, again, that our high country, fenceless Red Stag doesn't got hurted by people like Airala, who instead of resuming his car wash business, insists in offending people.

By the way... I have no clue about who you are...
Posts: 753 | Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm sending a copy word for word of the e-mail a member from Argentina sent to me. If you have no operation, why did he send this e-mail?

Gustavos post is a blatant exageration! He offers hunts in public lands(Parks Nacionales).
Each hunter can take 2 Stags and 1 doe,after he wins the auction for the chunk of land. If he does not win the bid for the land there is no hunt.

I can't understand why I received this P.M. if you don't offer this hunt?
Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I sent you an e-mail with my contact info. I have
requested that any P.M. that I receive be forwarded to my e-mail. My place of residence is listed and any mail sent to that address will be received since it is a small rural town. Anyone wanting to contact me can P.M. me and I will e-mail them ASAP.
Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
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You probably did, but if you labeled it mail or email, which I vaguely remember, then I deleted it. With all the viruses running around, I don't open anything without a very understandable and current reference on the subject line, doesn't matter if I know you or not.

But to repeat, unlike what you said, neither your name or contact info are on your profile. Doesn't matter to me, you're the one who said it was there, so I checked, and it isn't, that's all. FWIW, I would certainly consider using Mr. Airala if I went to Argentina, but I am not a dyed in the wool big game hunter, I like bird shooting more, so all of this mud has very little interest to me.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hawkeye47:

I'm sending a copy word for word of the e-mail a member from Argentina sent to me. If you have no operation, why did he send this e-mail?

Gustavos post is a blatant exageration! He offers hunts in public lands(Parks Nacionales).
Each hunter can take 2 Stags and 1 doe,after he wins the auction for the chunk of land. If he does not win the bid for the land there is no hunt.

I can't understand why I received this P.M. if you don't offer this hunt?


First of all I congratulate you for the new manners!! please feel free to ask anything, because you as well as anyone else has the right to. Just good manners, that's all I ask for.

I posted my relation to my initial post very clearly, I have no operation... but my partner is in this business (National Parks hunts) for more than 15 years, specially in the Nahuel Huapi hunting areas.

Why another member posted something "my operation" is beyond my comprehension... not a single clue...

Again, do you want the regulations, at least for the sake of curiosity?? ask for it and gladly I will send you a copy.

As for the auction system...

Any prospect foreing hunter, should define which limit he is willing to pay, after that a confirmation, after the auction, is sended away.

Take into account, that this is a LEGAL process with due proof, we need a Power of Attorney to give the hunting rights to the hunter, not to me or the guide. This permit is required by the authority to grant entrance to the area.

BTW the wild boars are for free.

As for the bag limit, please where is the exaggeration ????? I WAS VERY CLEAR

This is fair chase, no guarantee, neither on heads quality nor in quantity. And I recall posting that very boldly...

Posts: 753 | Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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