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| Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004 | 
one of us

| Juan Thank you I will look forward to the pictures. My friend and hunting compadre PhilipDK, who was working in Argentina last mounth, has been talking about hunting Argentinian wild Boar. We discused this subject while drinking El Mate fro the two Gourd's he brought home  Cheers, Andr� |
| Posts: 2293 | Location: The Kingdom of Denmark | Registered: 13 January 2004 | 
one of us

| Juan What is the best time to come? I have a hunt planed in November in Poland for wld boar and culling female roe and deer.  I like the steak you have in Argetina and The vine from Nicolas Catena is superb  Cheers, Andr� |
| Posts: 2293 | Location: The Kingdom of Denmark | Registered: 13 January 2004 | 
one of us

| Friend we are hunting boars all the year best time june july,great possibilities of hunting peccaries,cugars bobcats,capibaras ,ostrichs,dont wory for the price the most importat think for me is to make friends we can eat good asados,wines like luigi bosca,doc ,navarro correas,valmont,and hunt a lot in wild places without limits or fences.juanpd we can combine fishing in the parana river and hunting. |
| Posts: 6382 | Location: Cordoba argentina | Registered: 26 July 2004 | 
one of us

| Juan I se that you have tree main spots for hunting if I come for Boar wich one will it be ? The Pampas?  I am thinking one week is that enough to TCB. Cheers, Andr� |
| Posts: 2293 | Location: The Kingdom of Denmark | Registered: 13 January 2004 | 