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Pictures from Uruguay
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Picture of Lorenzo
Hi, lets try..
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Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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those are great--congrats--chris
Posts: 304 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA | Registered: 14 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Ay! Quiero ir! [Eek!]
Posts: 552 | Location: France | Registered: 21 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of cchunter
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That looks great Lorenzo, must try to visit you not to far in the future. (I hope there are no Piranahs in the river?)
Posts: 2121 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 08 May 2002Reply With Quote
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It's incredible, I do it wright in the first try [Smile]

In the first picture I'm with 2 axis that aren't big trophies but.....they 're two [Big Grin]

The second picture shows a really good one but it was hunted by a friend, I just show it to give you an idea of a good one, but to be honest, to hunt one of those it's like winning the lottery.

Here we hunt all year round and doesn't exist fenced areas, all the animals are very wild and you only've seconds to decide if you shoot it, if you've a chance, take it, no matter size, sex, religion....whatever.

In the third one, we where hunting a flooded island in the R�o Negro (black river), the bush is very thick and when it's flooded the game is more concentrete, it was a tough hunt, we walk miles with the water up our knees.
No dangerous pira�as in my country, only a small specie that sometimes when you're fishing and you hooked a catfish for example, they start to eat it and only left the head meanwhile you bring it to the shore, bloody fishes !!

The other pigs where hunted in an eucalypthos plantation, they were small femals.

Then two pictures with fishes, in the first one I'm in the middle of it and we are showing young black drums called "criollas".

In the last one I'm with a catfish called "surub�", very good to eat.

Okay my friends, that's me and what I most like to do...hope you enjoyed.

Lorenzo Gianola
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Great fotos. Yo quiero ir tambien.......or as they say in Brasil.... Estou com saudades!!!
Posts: 258 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland US of A | Registered: 01 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Safari-Hunt
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Great pics,

Man, that is a huge catfish [Eek!]
Posts: 2553 | Location: Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa | Registered: 06 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm 1,90 metres tall (6' 33"), so the fish is big but there are better ones.

The animals in the pictures aren't very big but are the ones you find most of the time.It's nice to hunt a big one but when you've to take it back for miles from where you hunt it isn't nothing funny [Smile]

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
<richard powell>
Very interesting... I love the shaggy hogs!!!!
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Picture of ForrestB
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My bags are packed. How do I get in touch once I land in Uruguay?

Posts: 5053 | Location: Muletown | Registered: 07 September 2001Reply With Quote
Picture of T.Carr
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Great pictures. Wading around in the water while hunting, that must be difficult.


Posts: 5338 | Location: A Texan in the Missouri Ozarks | Registered: 02 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lorenzo
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The doors of my house are open for every hunter no matter from where he comes.
Send me a PM and we will be in touch.
It's a pleasure for me to show my country to any AR member.

Uruguay is a little country without serious hunting laws, yes, we hunt year round but we pay a price for that, it's difficult to hunt and to find good trophies, they exist but the game is very spooky and you need experience, time and luck, so for me is a very serious responsability to say come and you'll sure hunt something, you can be a couple of days in the bush and see nothing, one've to work hard for shoot something. I think that's more like hunting in North America public lands only that with less people in the neighberhood [Big Grin]

In Europe and in the U.S.A, you've serious hunting laws, that maybe from time to time they bother you a little but you know that when you're in the field you will be able to shoot something because you've plenty of game.
The only easy things here are those bloody doves [Big Grin] they are everywhere, but I'm (or I intend to be) a big game hunter so I don't pay them too much atention.

I think a good idea for a big game hunter coming from far away is to come first a couple of days to my country and we go hunting with my friends, you enjoy the farm and relax from the long trip and then in a 30 minutes air trip go to Argentina to a more proffesional hunt, and you'll be sure you'll hunt some good trophies.

Yes, it's very tiring to wade while hunting, but the good thing is that you also hear the animals moving, splash, splash....bang !!! [Smile]

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
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Wow, Lorenzo, these are great photos! I enjoy catfish an find them to be wonderful in the pan. Looks like you have a great bunch of buddies to hunt with too. Thanks for posting these.
Posts: 20045 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Wow, these are some wonderful photos. Is axis deer native to Uraguay or introduced?

Posts: 271 | Location: Pakistan | Registered: 28 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Axis deer are original from India, they've been introduce in Uruguay by a wealthy argentinian called Anchorena, in his farms in the deparment of Colonia something around 1920, I'm not sure.
The same with wild boars that he bring from Europe. They escaped and spread through the country.
In Argentina the red stags also've been introduced many time ago by a man called Pedro Luro.
I still don't understand why these men forgot the kudu [Big Grin]

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Well done, Lorenzo! And may you be blessed on all your future hunts as well! [Frown]

[ 12-20-2002, 09:45: Message edited by: Pecos45 ]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Lorenzo
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Thank you very much !!
I always enjoy your posts and I think you've done a good work cleaning the house [Big Grin]
Marry Christmas
Lorenzo Gianola
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Ola�Lorenzo,nice pictures.I was sometimes around Uruguay,in Argentina,Paraguay and Brazil.I heard that in Rio Grande do Sul they hunt with a huntinglaw like our German.In the rest of Brazil to hunt is not legal...but you know,they hunt.
What about the gun Brazil its hard to get a gun legal.
Posts: 212 | Location: Hamburg-north of Germany | Registered: 24 June 2002Reply With Quote
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It's a pitty that brazil doesn't allow foreign people to hunt there, they've good waterbuffs and once I read in an argentinian magazine called WeekEnd, an article about a big farm in the matto grosso (thick bush) with waterbucks and elands, incredible !!the owner of the farm released them there some years ago.

In my country the gun laws are a little bit difficult, for rifle calibers of more than 6,5 mm you need an special authorization from the Defense Department, that you must renew each year, for handguns no problems, you're able to buy 9mm pistols in any gunshop, I don't understand militars, you can rob a bank with authomatic pistols but not with a 460 Weatherby [Big Grin]
I don't know why they do things the other way round.
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Very nice Lorenzo.
Looks like you have a bit warmer climate than we have up here right now. [Smile]
Posts: 172 | Location: Hadeland, NORWAY | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
That is the biggest catfish I ever saw! You must have big fryin pans there! The other game is fine also. You said it was expensive there to hunt? Do you pay for tags or just a license or what, anf how much? Year round hunting sure would be nice, think I'll start packin! Thanks.
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Picture of Lorenzo
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Paying licences?, tags? [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
You must be kidding!!!!
Nobody pays nothing to hunt here, maybe just a bottle of wine to the farmer [Big Grin]
Happy New Year
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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