Ok Troll I'll bite!!! Europe sucks thats why most of the Americans ancestors left that shithole in the first place,anything you got we can do bigger and better because we are the best and its lonely at the top but we don't mind cause we really don't want to associate with suck shit as you anyway.
pretty pathetic that we evil Americans are now being criticized on an internet-hunting forum... I won't dignify the Euro's ridiculous statement with a response, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading the rest of yours...
Posts: 403 | Location: South of Alamo, Ca. | Registered: 30 January 2003
Thats alright mate! If youd like, you can come to my place an we'll just go hunting over here! O'corse, yall should be aware that Im a rather haphazardous hunter sometimes an it CAN get a little dangerous... Kiss Kiss..
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001
Are you representing the entire European population and decides who is welcome and NOT?? I must say that you have managed to make a grand ass out of your self in very few posts.
Were is the BS meter when you need it the most
Gentlemen, the war against Troll has started again
WWW not everybody shares this point of view. Don't make the usual American mistake and close yoursef for the rest of the world. There are still friends of America in the world.
Posts: 45 | Location: Poland | Registered: 26 January 2003
Yankee go home...!We don't want you near our border!!!
Geez, who opened the luney bin? Every retard with a computer is coming out of the woodwork. Hmmm, lets see, Sadam takes over Kawaitt if the US does not step in, then takes over...maybe Turkey? Then what would you be saying...oh yeah, nothing except HELP United States!
Just when you start to think the world is going to hades you hear a friends voice from down under... The important Countries, the ones with educated, sane people, see things the same, correct way we do...
quote:Originally posted by MadWolf: Don't wait americans!There are too many chilren and civilians in iraq!Go and hunt them!Plus hunting is free for americans in iraq...!!!
Trophy Photos: Yankee go home...!We don't want you near our border!!!
Hey, g�t fereng!
As the Turks have wide expertise in the genocide of the Armenians and Kurds, you would think you scumbags would not have the temerity to condemn others.
U.S. forces do NOT target civilians, unlike the Turks. If we really wanted to kill civilians, we would carpet bomb the cities, instead of bypassing them.
Turks, get out of Cyprus!
George P.S. Next time Turkey comes begging the U.S. for money and military aid, you can kiss our Yankee asses. P.P.S. This from a fellow countryman of Mehmet Ali Agca, the guy who attempted to kill Pope John Paul II!
Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
Yes...Maybe Turks are poor than europeans or americans.(Never kiss your ass!)Maybe we visit frequently IMF or america for money.
But if sadam or kurds attack our country WE DON'T NEED YOUR HELP OR MONEY!!We will rock them whitout your support!!Our army is strong enough to destroy sadam or kurds.(Or whoever!)
You say Turks are considered a pest in europe. İf so why they seized with fear when remember The Ottoman Empire or Seljuks?
Cyprus is our land!Greeks are made genocide in Cyprus!They must be grateful for us.Becouse we could conquer the rest of Cyprus!
Kurds are terorists!PKK kill thousands of Turkish soldier and civilian!And they got guns,money and help secretly from europe(espacially france and greek),america,russia,persia and syria!Than we kill them and we will execute abdullah �calan!
Posts: 25 | Location: Turkey | Registered: 06 October 2002
Sadpup, if you did not start this thread with your hot headed, camel monkey lingo you might of been able to start a rational discusion. Do you really think you could win a war against Iraq yourself? As you admit you have to beg AMERICA just to be able to survive, and that is without a war! My government is soo stupid though we will probably still bail you out when you start to starve because of the incredably stupid decession you made when you did not let us free Iraq from your borders also. There were BILLIONS of reasons for you to do the right thing.
And you can not seriously believe that we are trying to kill non military people...you really do not think we could literaly level the whole country in a day if we wanted? Just can not believe my country helps other countries like yours with my tax dollars, really tics me off you ungrateful bastard.
Thanks to the Countries that have voiced their support!
Bruz Our economy is bad not our army.We will destroy them....without you!!
Rws If you came with your hunting rifle,you are well come!Turkish peoples are very hospitable.And you return your country very happy with your ibex. But if you came with a M-16 or M1-A2 Abraham or Apache...!!!!
GeorgeS Ssssssiktir!!!
Posts: 25 | Location: Turkey | Registered: 06 October 2002
MadWolf, I only have rifles I ain't got no M16s M1A2 Tanks or Apaches. Question? Why do you like the Iraqis so much? and why would we want to attack Turkey? Where did you all get your Fighter Jets from,who has propped up your country all these years? The U.S. thats who so now you turn on us like a mad dog.Just goes to show we do all that for you Turks and you don't want us anywhere near you????? My vote will be give Turkey no (zero) loans just let you flounder into the 3rd rate nothing country you are.Proof positive you cannot turn a sows ears into a silk purse.
I do not like iraqis SOO MUCH however i don't hate all americans!But why american soldiers help kurds?Your soldiers will go home when they do their job in Iraq.But kurds are stay here and surely had new guns,munitions and sweet dollars!!!America is not our enemy but help our enemies in northern iraq!!Kurds are our enemy!! You don't now,how many moms and fathers crys for their sons!Because kurdish terorists killed them!!(Prostitution!!)
Posts: 25 | Location: Turkey | Registered: 06 October 2002
Gentlemen I must say that It will take a while before Turkey will get in the EU. I belive it has somehting to do with their "democracy" and the treament of ethnic minorities like the Kurds and the occupation of Cyprus.
The reason why the Turks wanted to invade North Iraq was first to made the kurds history and then grab the nothern oil fields that is close to the Kurdistan area? Turkey has killed thousands of kurds and has made joint operations with Iraq to make the hunt more effective.
Right now, I looks like the Kurds will get their own province in nothern Iraq. The Old Kurdistan is in the border areas between Turkey, Iraq and Iran. If it wasn't for the USA and IMF, Turkey would still be third world country with a dictator regime just like IRAQ.
Where is this country?? Kurdistan is an utopia.It's a dream which do not come true!Never!!These lands are our!!Our ancestors came this land ten centuries ago.Fight and died for their next generations freedom!If kurds are want kurdistan they must pass our faithfull soldiers!!Surely they don't have this trick
Why anybody don't say:There are two million Turks live in northern iraq and they are in danger!!Turkhish goverment want to enter iraq for this reason????Oil???Yes it is our secondary target.But primary target of america or england!!Is it wrong???
Do you now PKK(kurdish terorists) kill 5.000 turkish soldier and over 10.000 civilian betveen 1985-2000???It is a genocid!Isn't it???
[ 03-31-2003, 02:54: Message edited by: MadWolf ]
Posts: 25 | Location: Turkey | Registered: 06 October 2002
Madwolf I've read some of your posts on other threads and thought you were alright, now you've just shown yourself as a fuckwit!
quote: Do you now PKK(kurdish terorists) kill 5.000 turkish soldier and over 10.000 civilian betveen 1985-2000???It is a genocid!Isn't it???
How many Kurds have Turkey and Iraq killed? and for what? You'd think the world would have heard all about 15000 people dying in that period, Thats the first I've heard about it! I think your government may be spreading the BS on a bit thick.
To all you Yanks, your more than welcome to hunt in Australia. Look me up when you get here!
Posts: 8116 | Location: Bloody Queensland where every thing is 20 years behind the rest of Australia! | Registered: 25 January 2001
To all you Yanks, your more than welcome to hunt in Australia. Look me up when you get here!
Thanks Bakes, you're of course welcome here also, but then again we are hunting together, in Iraq!
MW, you are such a fool...you had successfully embedded yourself in the forum masquerading as a like minded person. As a Mole you could of initiated an intellectual conversation and maybe ever swayed a couple of us in your direction...at least gained some sympathy. All you have done is turn most of us away from your beliefs, can't believe I now am on the side of North Iraq instead of yours! Can you not see that we are giving arms to North Iraq to fight against Sadam? Do you not realize we have given you much more support than Iraq? Oh, by the way, without food and ammo the best Army in the world is useless...as you shall see.
You have really managed to make a grand ass out of your self.
I have seen people getting arrested and beaten up by the "turkish special police" just because they were kurds. I find that Turkey is not a democracy, but a military facist state with a pupet regime that don't give a rats ass about peoples rights and democratic values.
Regarding your opinions about USA, I think you are on the wrong side in my opinion. I support USA and it's allied. I happend to have a lot of relatives in the country you hate soo much.
Turkey seems to like USA only when they are opening the check book and enjoys the protection, but when it comes to returning favors the turkish politicians shows their real face.
quote:Originally posted by MadWolf: Do you now PKK(kurdish terorists) kill 5.000 turkish soldier and over 10.000 civilian betveen 1985-2000???It is a genocid!Isn't it???
Happy 17 November, MadWolf!
Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001