Moderators: T.Carr
Re: Just returned from Patagonia
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Picture of Lorenzo
Very good!!!! congrats!!! I know you will enjoy it.
Was the roar steady? I was worried for you because the hot weather. Please post some pictures, where did you hunt??
Congrats again, you wait a hole year for those stags!! Please tell us stories.

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi Firemen,

Glad to hear you had a great time!!! It looked like the weather was changing for the better the day we left for home. Did you shoot a boar? What were your stags like and did you stalk them or wait in a stand?

Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
Hawkeye no I did not shoot a boar it rained VERY hard on tuesday and there was water every were so the hogs did not move much.The 1st stag I shot was in the late after noon on tuesday man are those woods THICK!He was roaring real good and we got up on him and got him.Then came the thounder storm and it came down in buckets.Over all the roar was slow in the beginning of the week by the end of the week they roaring pretty good.On the 2nd stag it was my last night and we were busted by a couple of stags we tryed to sneak up on.On the 3rd time we had a 5 by 5 come roaring to beat the band right to us in the open with the wind in our face and we got him.
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Sounds like you had a great time. It sure is a beautiful place to hunt. I stalked to within 50 yards of a big stag but he had one side of his antlers that were not as good as the other, so no shot. It sure was fun though. Was Chris still there when you hunted? If so did he get his stag?
Did you ever see anything like those Sandbur?

Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
Hawkeye.No cris was gone.And yes I did see some other stags and some water buffalo.Now that Iam back I have to dig up some side jobs to go back again.One bad note about my trip was the food.I GAINED 8 LBS < !--color--> .The food was outstanding and plenty of it. I am not use to eating 3 meals a day that was a real treat. < !--color-->
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Well guys, just got back from La Pampa yesterday... Man what a hunt! 9 days hunting and the animals were roaring like crazy... Heard over 1000 roars each day and saw well over 50 stags. Definetly learned the big boys don't talk as much as the smaller guys. I took a 6x5 at 300 yards (had three points on each crown but was missing a tine on the lower beam.. what a bummer). No problem though, my second stag was a real monster! Will definetly be a silver medal, perhaps even gold, a great 6x7 with 11.5 inch bases, 40 inch main beams, tons of mass all the way up and one tine over 20 inches! I'll post pictures when I get them back. I also got some great pictures of a nice 6x6 at 75 yards and a 6x6 at 20 yards. All in all I probably had over 25 animals within easy gun range for the 9 days. On 3/20 the bulls were mostly by themselves, but by the time I left, the good ones had a number of hinds with them.
BTW, I used the new 160 grain Nosler Accubonds out of my .280. Both were one shot kills with the bullet recovered just under the hide on the opposite side... excellent mushroom and great weight retention.
Thanks again for the advice on the 4457 form... that made my trip through customs a cinch... took 5 minutes (they only disenfected my boots, didn't even check my luggage).
Gotta go back, man this type of hunting is addictive!

Posts: 165 | Location: mississippi | Registered: 12 March 2004Reply With Quote
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I�m glad for your success (and Rolando�s who is a good friend of mine and fellow bridge player). This year�s rut seems to be one of the best ever seen and rumors of many monsters are running.
Posts: 1020 | Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Registered: 21 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of JohnAir
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Congratulations to Hawkeye and Firemen and all the other board members who enjoyed their Argentina stag hunts.
Here is a picture of hawkeye's boar and a link to a list of pictures from the March hunts.


This is the link to some other March 2004 pictures:
Posts: 572 | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Hi Chaps,

I wanted to thank John for posting the picture of our Boar.
My Boar is the one on the left in front of John and the Boar on the right belongs to my good friend and hunting partner Al. After hunting Boar in Russia, Germany, here in the USA and one other hunt in South America, my Boar is really one of my Special trophies. I was really disapointed that my cape spoiled. Great hunt though and many fond memories.

Posts: 890 | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
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That�s one of the problems with taking the capes back with you in your bag. I realize though that for the cost conscious, the price of export permits and shipping can be excessive. I have capes from 2 other boars of similar size that were shot by European clients who wanted a European mount. If you want I can ship you one of them. They are frozen now, and i will ship it tanned. You will have to get it o your taxidermist within a month to avoid shrinkage problems.

Here are somemoe pictures of March 2004:
Posts: 572 | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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I'm so sorry you are such good friends with Rolando... no seriously, he and Victor are great guys, and I thoroughly enjoyed the week with them and their parents. His dad and I shared a few scotches together!

I added up the numbers on my bull... he's unofficially 298 inches by SCI, not too bad for a free range animal with only 13 points.

I met the Texan and his wife in the Miami airport going through customs. Both are wonderfully nice people and they had nothing but great things to say about you and your outfit near Victorica. I would sure like to meet you as well someday!

I sure envy you guys in Argentina for the hunting you have, and like I said before, I will definetly be back!

Posts: 165 | Location: mississippi | Registered: 12 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Hey Jon,
I certainly do agree, Randy and his wife are two of the nicest people I have ever met. I hope to see you here next year, give me a call or an e-mail. Did Randy tell you about the monster puma that he passed up the first night? He hunted hard for it every day after that but didn't see it again. He is a great hunter though and can walk all day long. The puma was reflected in the pool of water by the last light of the day. I'm sure Randy will see that image in his mind many more times. Sometimes the most treasured memories of a hunt have nothing to do with a kill.

Posts: 572 | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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