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safety in hunting deer in Mexico
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Sort of got the urge to go south of the border to hunt Whitetail again. Between Laredo and Eagle Pass.
This would have never crossed my mind 5-8 years ago because of the potential danger in that area.
Curious if anyone has trecked over there hunting in recent years and their experience in the logistics along the border?
Is there still a perceived danger?

Posts: 3256 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 January 2009Reply With Quote
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I travel in and out of Mexico a couple times a year for hunting. I was just in Sonora by air and was previously in Coahuila and crossed by car, leaving and entering through Eagle Pass. I have not had any issues to speak of. I was also in Campeche earlier in 2016 and 2017 without any problems including lengthy highway travel between Merida and the jungle camps. The soldiers have been receptive with the firearms permits and it has been relatively hassle-free.
Posts: 633 | Location: California | Registered: 25 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Danger traveling in Mexico is very real. The drug cartels are in charge. The police are members of the drug cartels. Cartel members can do anything they want to with total immunity. The State Department has issued warnings about Mexican travel. DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. You are totally on your own, if you have problems no one will be able to help you.

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I am with swampshooter.I wouldn't risk it.
Posts: 2694 | Location: East Wenatchee | Registered: 18 August 2008Reply With Quote
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I have lived and ranched in Mexico, traveled the country, today I wouldn't even go across at Laredo for supper and a drink..What is happening there and even on the US side, is unbelivale..

I know ranchers on the US side that have sold cattle out and cannot go to their ranches as its not safe..

I have a good life long friend that had a ranch in Mexico South of Laredo, showed up one weekend with his wife and kids and was greeted by some gents in black suburbans and simply told to take what he wanted out of his house in one hour and never return or they would kill his wife and kids on the spot..He said its yours and left immediately, lost his paid for ranch, got home in Laredo and shortly some more cartel members purchased houses on both sides of his $750,000 home in Laredo.. He sold it for $350,000 and moved to central Texas where his mother has a ranch..He also sold his life time business, the Laredo stock yards..

If that isn't enough the youner cartel members are kidnapping children in Laredo Texas and charging $1000 for their return and you cannot go to the police or they will behead the kid..Everybody just pays and keeps quite, as everyone knows the cartel will honor the deal..why not!!its a money maker..

What really pisses me off is our government knows whats going on and don't have a clue how to handle it..What needs to be done is political incorrect to the wussses in WA.

God Bless Amercia, you ain't seen nothing yet, like 7 heads found in downvtown El Paso and it only got blurb in the back of the paper!! Of course the media was afraid they would blow up the Times News building and they probably would.

Many cartel members now live in the USA on the border, go figure where that's going..They bring it with them, you can bet on that.

Anyone that goes to Mexico today is a dumb SOB, I don't know any other way to describe them..It only takes one little mistake to change ones life for eternity.

Why would anyone even risk it, because they live in a buble, but the shit comes down they squat and pee in their pants and whine I want my mama!! too late when this happens.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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I think Ray has hit it on the head! I grew up in El Paso, Spent a lot of time in Mexico over the years. I would love to hunt mule deer in Mexico, but I don't think that will ever happen. Mexico is a failed state, along the border on our side isn't much better.
Posts: 2173 | Location: NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO, USA | Registered: 05 March 2008Reply With Quote
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My nephew lives in Colima Mexico with his Wife and three kids, his wife is a Mexican resident and they met in College in Texas. I keep telling him to get back to the US since his kids or wife or the whole bunch runs the risk of being Kidnapped but he thinks he is one of them and has all the answers. He does not realize that the low life's have the belief that if your from the US you have families with deep pockets, what they don't understand that even if you pay what they are asking high probability that they will kill them anyway since dead people can't identify their captors plus do you really want the police down there handling the situation, give the the money and it will end up in their pockets.

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A good friend of mine was born and raised in Mexico 50 miles south of the border. He owns a business and lives in the US now. He won't even go south of the border to see his mother and family.

Most of these Mexican Gangsters live and send their children to school in the US. The situation is much worse than most Americans can imagine. WE need "the wall" bad.

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I just returned from a Sonoran coues hunt less than a week ago. I have been going down there for several years with no problems, however before going one should consider, "what do I do if things go wrong?". Carefully consider where and who you go with. Hunting is big business, but it pales in comparison to the drugs that move through the country! Generally the cartels do not want anything happening which attracts attention. To be honest, the big cities in northern Mexico scare me more than some isolated ranch, but if you have troubles, to whom are you going to turn?
Posts: 794 | Location: Corrales, New Mexico | Registered: 03 February 2013Reply With Quote
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Only have experience in Sonora, however I work with some american outfitters that work in Chihuahua as well, between me and my fellow outfitter friends we have a lifetime of experience in Mexico in different ranches in basically the whole state and have not had any trouble at all, we go to our hunts and travel with hunters, we are not suicidal and if we thought we were getting into some real danger we would chose a different profession, don't you think? I understand and respect your point of view but this is just my experience and no, not trying to paint a non existent picture of the country to bring more business, there is enough hunters willing to come down and hunt and proof is the difficulty to obtain good ranches and the big bookings most reputable outfitters have each year.

Manuel Maldonado
MM Sonoran Desert Hunters
Posts: 532 | Location: Hermosillo, Sonora | Registered: 06 May 2013Reply With Quote
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All of this risk for a deer and a $5,000-$10k bill?

No thanks! Many land owner permits that you can buy in the US!
Posts: 2678 | Location: Utah | Registered: 23 February 2011Reply With Quote
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I have a ranch that belongs to a Mexican general in Mexico so it should be well fortified one would think, and he has his clients flown in from San Antonio to the the ranch and out to San Antonio after completition of the hunt, and he has had no problems, but I have not booked any hunts in quite awhile for him, want to see how the country handles the problem and not looking good to me right now since the cartel owns the country..

Just one bad incident and Im out of business the way I see it..Not worth it to me. but to each his own, it has to be a personal decision.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Back during the war in Iraq every night on the news you would hear a dozen people killed over the past 24 hours in Baghdad. I was spending some time on Business in El Paso in that period. No one on the media mentioned 5 dozen people were killed across the border from El Paso in Juarez the same 24 hour period. Everyone in El Paso told me not to go across the border under any circumstance.
I have been trying to vet all the information and really appreciate the feedback on this thread.
I have lady that works for me know that lived in Juarez at that violent time. She said it was really in a bad area of town and not rampant.
The research have also found is that most of the violence is in the cities like Laredo, Matamoris.
The wars are between cartels fighting for control of the conduits to the USA. Most are on dirt backroads.
If it were to be considered I would want the rancher to escort us from the border crossing to the ranch and back to the border after the hunt. Most of these ranchers know the cartels. The real "guide" down there needs to be your escort in and out of the country and knows the local people.
We will see.
In my instance, I would not cross the border in a city
and stay on the ranch. Probably not 15 miles inside Mexico.
Posts: 3256 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 January 2009Reply With Quote
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Well I guess I'm a dumb SOB because I've been hunting Mexico for 37 years. Got out around 2005 and let the Cartels sort out their problems but been back now for 5 years. I love it and for 1/10 the price of hunting South Texas which has been bought out by celebrities for their private hunting grounds. I know of more scary incidents in South Texas than in Mexico.
I'm not going to sit at home and worry about dying in some nursing home, life is for living. You guys stay at home and be safe, it keeps the lease price down for those of us having fun hunting Mexico. You want real danger, get on I10 going to Houston and watch the maniacs on our highways.
Posts: 725 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 March 2007Reply With Quote
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All true I suppose. Which way do you want to lean?
Posts: 2173 | Location: NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO, USA | Registered: 05 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Do not cross the border with your Blingy Rolex, Mr. T starter kit and your Mercedes G wagon with your Holland and Holland in the back seat....
Just asking for trouble.
Look the part of a peasant.
Posts: 3256 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 January 2009Reply With Quote
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I closed the book on Mexico 10 + years ago as that place I figured needs US takeover and serious cleanup
It’s pitiful the inability of people and government to run that place
It could be wonderful free country , but it is a drug cesspool and “ free “ for the ones who can afford it

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move...

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“ Hávamál”
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Originally posted by sevenmagltd.:
Well I guess I'm a dumb SOB because I've been hunting Mexico for 37 years. Got out around 2005 and let the Cartels sort out their problems but been back now for 5 years. I love it and for 1/10 the price of hunting South Texas which has been bought out by celebrities for their private hunting grounds. I know of more scary incidents in South Texas
than in Mexico.
I'm not going to sit at home and worry about dying in some nursing home, life is for living. You guys stay at home and be safe, it keeps the lease price down for those of us having fun hunting Mexico. You want real danger, get on I10 going to Houston and watch the maniacs on our highways.

+1 mexico is a big country with lots of state. I’ve been hunting down there for 35 years without problems. The only difference in the last 10 years is that I do a little research on the location I’m hunting to see if Cartels are setting up checkpoints in their Territory. 95% is cartel on cartel. Yes I know I might be that 5%

Searcy 470 NE
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Samir, my usual response to someone asking me about safety in Mexico is "If you don't mind having a .50 cal pointed at you, well, you're not going to have any problems". That keeps most of them at home.
Yes, I've had some interesting meetings in Mexico after all those years but that's what keeps life from getting too boring. I've probably got enough material for several chapters in a book. LOL
Posts: 725 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Im a retired fed drug agent, I worked my whole career on the Mexican border El Paso, McAllen,HOuston, and Dallas. Last of the old horse patrol in the Big Bend Nat'l. park and I worked in Mexico, with short stents in So. America or wherever they sent me.

I was raised on ranches on the Mexican border and on ranches leased in Mexico. Ive been shot at and missed, shot at and hit, had the shit beat out of me and visa versa, depends on who gets lucky. and I can't imagine it being any worse today than it was then, but in fact its a 100 times worse, these people kill for the hell of it, the kill babies, the bomb, 50, 000 people have died in Juarez alone from Cartel Killings and most were just folks like us that were in the way...

This tough talk turns to horse piss when the chips are that moment of fear bull shit walks and reality becomes life or death. Foolish talk and foolish deeds getcha kilt. because it can happen to anyone at anytime, and the cartel hates the American citizen... Roll Eyes

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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I was thinking about hunting the ocellated turkeys in the Yucatan Peninsula out of Campeche. So is this area safe to venture in?
Posts: 72 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 29 April 2011Reply With Quote
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I just hosted two Mexicans on a cat hunt. Both them and their family no longer hunt in Mexico even though they own some large ranches. Even their own properties are not safe.
That pretty much some it up for me.

Doug McMann
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I was thinking about hunting the ocellated turkeys in the Yucatan Peninsula out of Campeche. So is this area safe to venture in?

Posts: 2694 | Location: East Wenatchee | Registered: 18 August 2008Reply With Quote
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Oscillated in Campeche.

Yes, no problems, piece of cake. I did it last year. Going to go for the Gould in W. Mexico in the future.


C'est Tout Bon
(It is all good)
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Originally posted by swampshooter:
Danger traveling in Mexico is very real. The drug cartels are in charge. The police are members of the drug cartels. Cartel members can do anything they want to with total immunity. The State Department has issued warnings about Mexican travel. DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. You are totally on your own, if you have problems no one will be able to help you.

Chuck Norris will save you! jumping

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A Local couple here went to Isla Mujeres for a Fishing trip. They were treated like $hit since Trump was Elected and after 1 day of Fishing packed up and came home!!!
Posts: 2694 | Location: East Wenatchee | Registered: 18 August 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
Im a retired fed drug agent, I worked my whole career on the Mexican border El Paso, McAllen,HOuston, and Dallas. Last of the old horse patrol in the Big Bend Nat'l. park and I worked in Mexico, with short stents in So. America or wherever they sent me.

I was raised on ranches on the Mexican border and on ranches leased in Mexico. Ive been shot at and missed, shot at and hit, had the shit beat out of me and visa versa, depends on who gets lucky. and I can't imagine it being any worse today than it was then, but in fact its a 100 times worse, these people kill for the hell of it, the kill babies, the bomb, 50, 000 people have died in Juarez alone from Cartel Killings and most were just folks like us that were in the way...

This tough talk turns to horse piss when the chips are that moment of fear bull shit walks and reality becomes life or death. Foolish talk and foolish deeds getcha kilt. because it can happen to anyone at anytime, and the cartel hates the American citizen... Roll Eyes

From talking to ranchers I know along the Rio...I would say those are pretty sage words.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

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Got back today from a duck hunt 2hrs south of Brownsville, Tx. No problems. Lodge has never had problems. They said the cartels are no problem with tourists, but banditos are. Huge police and military presence in area.
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I was in Mazatlán last month with my missus and baby and had a great time. Hospitable, generous folks everywhere you go.

I just took a pump repair class from an Ex Pat that resides in San Carlos for 9 months of the year. Has a couple big fishing boats, loves it.

I guess I thought if you made an educated decision on where to go and who to go with the odds were good you'd have a great time, sort of like Africa or New York City.
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I am going back. Fly to Hermosillo and enjoy Sonora. I have had more guns pointed at me in Africa. Got shot at in Africa as well.

Safer than many cities in the US - Chicago goes to mind.

Stay home, please. Leave the big ones for me....
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
Im a retired fed drug agent, I worked my whole career on the Mexican border El Paso, McAllen,HOuston, and Dallas. Last of the old horse patrol in the Big Bend Nat'l. park and I worked in Mexico, with short stents in So. America or wherever they sent me.

I was raised on ranches on the Mexican border and on ranches leased in Mexico. Ive been shot at and missed, shot at and hit, had the shit beat out of me and visa versa, depends on who gets lucky. and I can't imagine it being any worse today than it was then, but in fact its a 100 times worse, these people kill for the hell of it, the kill babies, the bomb, 50, 000 people have died in Juarez alone from Cartel Killings and most were just folks like us that were in the way...

This tough talk turns to horse piss when the chips are that moment of fear bull shit walks and reality becomes life or death. Foolish talk and foolish deeds getcha kilt. because it can happen to anyone at anytime, and the cartel hates the American citizen... Roll Eyes

I will just carry your business card and tell them I know you....

And I thought you were a booking agent, roper and gunbuilder and cowboy. Now we learn you worked your whole life as a narc. What else have you done?
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Im 83 for Gods sake, you can get a lot done in 83 years, its all a matter of record you sarcastic gumbo..I was ranch raised, always had a bunch of cows and horses somewhere, sold hunts all the time I worked for the govt. that's how you survive in the cow business and the booking business..I went full time booking in 1990 or thereabouts when I retired..roping has always been my hobby and I still rope, I still build guns for a hobby in the cold winter days of Idaho. I suggest you get off your lazy ass and do something besides piss and moan about my busy life..If you intend to live this long.. moon Its all a matter of record if you really care that much about me..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Your record is all over AR. I believe Drummond dredged up a lot of it.
When was the last time you were on the ground in Mexico? Like Africa it changes on a regular basis.

This thread was about the safety of hunting in Mexico. The only real info that matters is what is going on now and the very recent history. If we rely on info from years ago, no one would go to NYC or Boston or any other place hit by tragedy. The only place I can think of in sub-Saharan Africa that is “safe” is Namibia. All the rest have horror stories.

I drove the length of Pakistan. Scary place in that everyone had an AK and looked us over pretty good. Same in CAR, Cameroon and ZIM.

MY POINT is THAT WITHOUT CURRENT AND ACCURATE INFO, WE ARE GUESSING. To say all of Mexico as dangerous is like painting all of Africa or France or England as dangerous as they have had attacks.

Ray, we all know your credentials, you have shared them often. Sarcastic, yes. But sometimes the bear gets poked....
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wendell Reich
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
I suggest you get off your lazy ass and do something besides piss and moan about my busy life.
Yeah dogcat, why don’t you get off your lazy ass and make something of your life like ol Ray here instead of just typin on the internet! Big Grin

Originally posted by Atkinson:
Its all a matter of record if you really care that much about me..

Did you really mean to type that?
Posts: 6295 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: 13 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Ray never ceases to entertain with tales of the past...

BTW my wife keeps my lazy tush moving...hence I have not yet asked permission to retire...
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by dogcat:
Ray never ceases to entertain with tales of the past...

He should write a book.
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He has... it is all on AR. Maybe ask Drummond to be co-author to fact check....
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Originally posted by dogcat:
He has... it is all on AR. Maybe ask Drummond to be co-author to fact check....

I want no part of that job Big Grin

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been leaning strongly towards getting out of the hunting business and doing something different but I’m not sure I’m qualified to fact check Ray as I’ve been unable to find any facts about his extraordinary life to this point. If it’s fiction do we really need need to face check it? Confused

To answer the OP’s question, Sonora is fairly safe from violence but not safe from getting screwed on a hunt. Lots of things are changing in Sonora right now and they are getting serious about enforcing laws that have been on the books for years. There’s so many people going down and leasing ground and screwing the Mexican outfitters they are going to start making sure that the Americans are legal. Most of them never realized their were laws to begin with. That is what’s scary....

If anybody has any questions pleas feel free to reach out
Posts: 2096 | Location: Windsor, CO | Registered: 06 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wendell Reich
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Despite Drummond’s repeated lashing of Ray, he is one of the few on here who does have up to date info on SPECIFIC AREAS in Mexico.
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Originally posted by Wendell Reich:
Despite Drummond’s repeated lashing of Ray, he is one of the few on here who does have up to date info on SPECIFIC AREAS in Mexico.

“Repeated lashing” is a little rough..... I prefer “repeated truth seeking”... Whistling

That being said, it’s been a few years since I’ve really “interacted” with Ray. It has been interesting to see the story evolve over the years.
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