My wife has spent untolled hours using her bow. She has not killed anything yet. She has Joined the NWTF "Women in the outdoors". I would like to take her on a nice hunt. She is at the point she would like to try out the skills she has learned. The few places I went to hunt exotics.... were quite frankly..... shit holes. Dirty dumps with sickly half tame animals. Please if you know of a place that is nice...and you would feel comfortable bring your wife to please post it.
Thanks ,
[ 11-27-2002, 03:02: Message edited by: urdubob ]
Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002
Look up Greg R. He posts here and I hunted wih him on the Galloway Ranch near Pearsall TX. Good outfit nice ranch good animals and they sure ain't sickly and half tame. HIS company is the Mombasa Trading Company I believe his website is
Posts: 1638 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice | Registered: 04 February 2001
Try Greystone Castle Sporting Club. Great people and food, excellent facilities. They have about 4000 acres, all high fenced an hour or two west of Dallas. They have a web site but I can't find the url right now. It's about $350 night to stay, includes all your food, plus the fee for whatever animals you take.
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002
I second R Walller on the YO Ranch, I have hunted there several times. Nice rooms and lodge, the cook makes great food. Really a first class place, in my opinion. Just stay away from the Rio Bonito Ranch.
You need to check the YO out. Since the death of two family member I heard that the place has changed. As I said this is just hear say. Be sure to check out all places that you have never hunted first, before booking. Nothing will give you the red a-- as bad as spending your money for a trashy hunt.
my lease shares a fence with the YO, I make it over there for lunch almost monthly, takes an hour to get from the back gate to the chuckwagon due to all the animal sightings, and thats thru the houseing area not the game areas
you can actually lounge in the pool and watch the garaffe play in the pasture
There is a very nice family-owned ranch about an hour west of San Antonio in Sabinal, called Blanco Creek. 10,000 acres and a wide selection of exotics, plus indigenous species.
It used to be part of the 777 operation and was bought by the current owners a few years ago.
Beautiful lodge facilities, excellent equipment, a first-class operation.
They book only by word-of-mouth. For information, contact owner Susan Moulton at 210-828-6509.
Posts: 1560 | Location: Native Texan Now In Jacksonville, Florida, USA | Registered: 10 July 2000 personally I couldn't afford this place.......or the YO.....777....or any other. I went on a "shithole hunt".....had fun got a nice ram with my pistol. $375. + a one night motel stay.
Posts: 411 | Location: Southeastern Pa | Registered: 30 September 2002
You should contact Cheryl Napper "Huntress" at Shiloh Ranch. She specializes in bowhunts for women. She's one of the regular posters on the site.
Urdobob, I have the perfect place for you to take your wife..It is a garden of Eden, 5 star lodge, Lots of big bull elk and bison...I guarentee she and you both will not be disapointed. We have had a lot of successful bow hunts and the owner is an avid bow hunter...
Posts: 42454 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000
If you want something a little more challenging with Super Trophy potential you may want to look into a Free Ranging Aoudad Hunt in West Texas.I'm booked for Jan 27th-30th for one of these hunts.I'll give a report on my return in a few weeks.I booked this hunt with Desert Mountain Guide Service thru Cabela's Outdoors.Heres the website OOPS,sorry didn't read bow part!!!