Moderators: T.Carr
Double on Whitetail 1st photo post attempt
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It was a very foggy morning which cleared soon before the photo was taken. I caught the doe sneaking out of an overgrown orchard at about 80 yards down and across the hill, I was in a solid sitting position with my arm wrapped into the ching sling on my model 70 300WSM shooting 180 gr TSX's at 2900fps, the doe crumpled at the shot and kicked once. I reloaded and covered her but no movement. Suddenly I looked away and back and there she is walking away from the same spot, I shoot again and she drops. As I walked down to her something is funny, there she is where I thought I first dropped her,BUT there is another deer 8 feet away stone dead too. Turns out there was a button buck with her that I hadn't seen and it didn't know which way to go after the first shot so it stuck around. We had plenty of tags and I have a freezer full of meat now. Lets see if this works.
Posts: 1569 | Location: NC | Registered: 10 June 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of T.Carr
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Thank goodness you had another deer tag. Congrats on your hunt and on posting your first picture.


Posts: 5338 | Location: A Texan in the Missouri Ozarks | Registered: 02 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Yeah, those types of doubles happen. As it turned out everything was for the best, so no worries. Weidmannsheil on your successful and exiting deer hunt!
- mike
Posts: 6653 | Location: Switzerland | Registered: 11 March 2002Reply With Quote
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What happens if do not have the extra deer tag?

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I was hunting with 3 other people on private land in the Catskills, so I knew we all had 2 tags. (Deer Management tags are now assignable in NY) The double was purely accidental. If I were out there by myself and did the same thing I would tag the Doe and clean them both and take them home. If I were stopped at a deer check station or by DEC police I would just tell them honestly what happened and that I would be violating another law,wanton waste, if I left it there for the coyotes.
Posts: 1569 | Location: NC | Registered: 10 June 2002Reply With Quote
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If you had only one tag you would have to leave it were it fell and contact the DNR and follow their advise, in Wisc they would probably advise you to gut the animal and bring it to the nearest DNR station. You would be able to keep the one you put your tag on.
I had a similar situation along time ago in Wisc, I had at least 5 deer run by me within 10 feet at full speed in heavy cover, the first one got me to point in the right direction and I missed the first and second but ended up getting the next two only because I did not see the first one go down. There was a fresh snow and when I heard them coming I knew they would be close so I backed up against a big pine tree so they wouldn't run into me. I kept the gun pointed straight up not knowing whether they would pass on the right or left. While I was shooting snow was coming off all the branches from the concusion of the shots, when it was over I had two does down without any movement whatsoever right next to each other. I was shooting a Browning BAR in 30-06 with 150 grn speer at around 2700fps, both where hit in the shoulder one made full penetration. I had only one tag but in Wisc they have a party reg meaning anyone in the party can shoot another deer for another party member. The big problem I had it was the first drive on openning day and as natural everyone wanted to shoot their own, I finally convinced one member to tag it.
Posts: 2307 | Location: Monee, Ill. USA | Registered: 11 April 2001Reply With Quote
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