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Anyone have any info re this country. Looking for Buff.
Posts: 5338 | Location: Bedford, Pa. USA | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
I'm heading there in Ferbuary to shoot doves. I'll ask around.
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I live in Uruguay, and every year I go flyfishing there, they've waterbuffs in the provinces of La Pampa and Santiago del Estero.
they've really good axis, fallow deer, black bucks and reds stags, I'm going this march for the last one.
Cordoba is a good province for shooting doves, this province and my country are one of the finest destinations for shooting doves and pigeons.
Anyone of this forum is welcome to hunt doves in my country, a couple of my friends have plenty of them in their farms.
In the past they used to charge U$S 1.000/1.500 for one buff, now it must be cheaper, the problems in these countries is that if you talk english the prices go up [Smile]
A good thing is to find some local friend that arrenge the hunt for him and for his uncle (you)who lives in the USA and it's coming to visit him [Big Grin]
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote

Do you know what the requirements are for temporarily importing a firearm into your country for hunting. I would imagine that a person would need to purchase ammuntion locally, as there would be no way to transport the amount one would need for a hot barrel dove hunt in your country. Just some information as it would be an interesting trip to come and shoot doves with a fellow forum member.

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I have been trying to get in on the dove hunting down there for as long as I can renmember. Sounds like a great time. Still one of my dreams.
Posts: 331 | Location: DeBeque, Co. | Registered: 09 August 2001Reply With Quote
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No problem importing guns into my country, just a letter that must be present at an office here with the details of the shotguns (2), also in the letter it must be the farms where you will be hunting and the dates.Nothing difficult, they send a chap to the airport the day you're arriving and check the guns, nothing more.
No problems with the shot shells, they are plenty here [Smile]
Once I invited a friend from england who was living here to a friend's farm who does feedlot (plenty of maiz crops) and he shot 500 shells during one morning dove shooting, I'm not an expert in wing shooting but I think that there're better places in my country.
The other day talking with a friend who has vinyards he told me that during jenuary/february the pigeons spoiled good parts of the crops.
This ones are bigger than doves and from what I hear easier to shoot.
You're welcome, it would be a real pleasure.I'm not an outfitter so just remember that would be a little "do it yourself" hunt, I pick you at the airport, we stop at the market, we bought some meat and wine, then I put you there and you shoot them, meanwhile I will be looking for pig tracks for ambush them at night.
The doves for you and the pigs for me [Big Grin]
It would be great to organize a dove hunt with members from AR.

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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y podemos ir cuando?
Posts: 258 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland US of A | Registered: 01 June 2001Reply With Quote
<richard powell>
I would be interested in a dove hunt in Uruguay, myself. Shot a few in Bolivia one time, and spent a morning near Mazatland shooting also... Never ever been on a shoot where the shoulder aches, however. Here in Alberta, Canada the doves are classified as songbirds and are protected...
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Private messages for everyone [Smile]
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Hunting doves in Cordoba, Argentina I can vouch for--simply amazing--words cannot describe it--

I am not sure if he does buff hunts, he may, but he could probably help you out-call him--he is a top notch guy--and runs a great hunt for doves----chris
Posts: 304 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA | Registered: 14 September 2002Reply With Quote
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PWN, Taos. Tombo21 and Richard, I've noticed than none of you 've read the private messages I sent two days ago.
Please check in "my profile" ( obviously in case you're interested) [Big Grin]
Lorenzo Gianola
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
<richard powell>

I am interested but I can't seem to find the message???

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I've hunted Argentina several times and represent a company by the Name Algar. They are based out of Patagonia. 60,000 acre ranch. Tremendous Stag hunting and lots of other exotics including Buffalo and I believe they originate in India. Huge bulls much bigger in body than a cape. My wife shot one while we were there. I'll get your e-mail address and send you a PDF on prices. Keith
Posts: 373 | Location: Big Sky Country | Registered: 14 August 2002Reply With Quote
<richard powell>
Keith, I read the article in SCI, I believe. Looked like you folks had a great time!! Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.
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Allways a good Idea to check with the Argentine and the American Consulats. They both can give you all the specifics on all of your questions.

Chuck T
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Thank you also for your kind offer, maybe some day....
I always think that if hunters help each others would be a better world [Smile]
My invitation is "life time warranty" [Big Grin] , you're always welcome.

Richard e-mail me

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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You're right about those red stags, they are HUGE.
With the actual exchange rate dollar/pesos it's a great oportunity to go there.

You've two main regions for them, La Pampa, flat country with thick bush (you've waterbuffs in some estancias) and La Patagonia (mountains), there are also some small herds in Buenos Aires Province in a place called Sierra de la Ventana and in Santiago del Estero Province (also good for waterbuffaloes).

In La Pampa you need a steady rut to find them because of the thick bush but your chances of hunting a huge one are better, in la Patagonia the areas are more open (mountains) so you 've the advantage of using spotting scopes for find them.

I highly recomend Argentina for hunting and fishing, you've EVERYTHING !!
Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
<richard powell>

E mail has been sent.

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Tienes mensaje privado.
Posts: 552 | Location: France | Registered: 21 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I have an excellent outfitter in Argentina. I sent you an e-mail tonite and I will forward more info from the office.
Posts: 798 | Location: Sugar Land, TX 77478 | Registered: 03 October 2001Reply With Quote
I hunt there every year for free! Love it
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Lorenzo, did I ever tell you your my favorite nephew? I'll be visiting some day! [Wink]
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I went to Argentina this May and hunted buff in La Pampa near Santa Rosa. Had a great time. Also took a nice Black Buck and looked at about 1000 Red Stags and several hundred feral hogs. Both the Stags and Hogs were BIG.
As for your questions:
1. Gun import - not really a problem, just start about 2 mos out. The forms are available on the Argentine Consulate Web page. I think it was $25 for 2 guns which is the limit per person. You send the forms (3 copies) with a pass port photo to the Argentine consulate with a money order. When you arrive, they check your guns, and take 2 copies of your permit. When you leave, they return 1 copy with some really nice police stamps on it - makes a nice souvenir.
2. My outfitter was great. I can recommend him. His web page is
3. You can't do Buff out of a vehicle on the ranch we hunted. I would est that we walked about 10 mi per day in the sand. I took a 300 WM and was undergunned. I est mine weighed in excess of 2000 lbs, (my guide said 2400 lbs). I'd recommend a 375 or 416. The area we hunted was open grassland, kind of like western Nebraska. I took my shot at an estimated 200 yds. After 3 days stalking and chasing, I determined that the min safe distance for them on this ranch was about 250 yds and I was well inside that so I went for it.
4. Didn't see many dove in late May but we got in some great pigeon shooting. Take a shotgun. If you take other than 12ga, take your own shells because the smaller gauges might be hard to get shells for. My outfitter said not to bring shells and I regretted it since we couldn't find any 20 ga shells. I shot his Beretta and had a great time though.
5. Try to get a direct flight from Atlanta or Miami. I flew out of DFW and had to change planes in Sao Paulo - not fun. And, the domestic flights in Argentina are from a seperate airport many miles from where the Int flights arrive. Make sure you arrive at Ezezia with at least 4 hrs to make the transfer to a domestic flight.
6. People were friendly. We toured Buenes Aires and enjoyed it immensly. Prices are right down there too.
7. Weather in late May was cool, in the upper 20's in the morn and warming to about 50 in the pm. Take good walking shoes. Our ranch was very sandy so rock busters weren't required. There seemed to be a lot of water in the low lying areas so I was glad to have gore tex booties.
8. Take lots of film or disks. We saw Ostrich, Patagonian Hare, Fox, Buff, Black Buck, Red Deer, and lots of neat birds that made great photos.

Enjoy your hunt. Send me an e-mail and I'll send you some pics since I don't know how to post them here.
Posts: 945 | Location: Roswell, NM | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
I went to Argentina this May and hunted buff in La Pampa near Santa Rosa.
Pancho, would like to see your hunt, but if you were in the buff you can leave those pictures out! [Eek!]
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This goes to show how important one little vowell can be - I was on a buff, not in the buff, and there was no boff of the shot either.
Posts: 945 | Location: Roswell, NM | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
Thanks for clearing that up. [Big Grin] I am excited again about seeing your pics, please send them to Thanks!
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