| Lorenzo Will you be bring in anymore stock or just be keeping the animals you have there? You Ranch looks Really Really Nice ^_^ i was gonna say maybe Red Stag,or Water Buff <~~ but they wouldnt Survive well i think =\ What kind of Sheep or goats are those?? |
| Posts: 174 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 14 December 2002 | 
| Nm about the previous post thats what i get for missing a post =\ sorry about that |
| Posts: 174 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 14 December 2002 | 
one of us

| Congratulations Lorenzo
The area looks great. |
| |
one of us
| Lorenzo,if my company give me the time for a short travel I know now where I find a nice place in the south ![[Big Grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) .I wish you that your dreams come tru. Boa sorte und Waidmannsheil Hauke |
| Posts: 212 | Location: Hamburg-north of Germany | Registered: 24 June 2002 | 
new member
| Lorenzo, congratulations! quote: originally posted by NitroX:
What are "broquet" deer?
I believe they're also commonly referred to as �Brocket� deer. The Brocket is a little deer weighing approximately 35 to 45 pounds, with spike antlers, which ranges from southeastern Mexico down through Central America and into South America. [ 11-24-2003, 01:14: Message edited by: Big Five ] |
| Posts: 18 | Location: California | Registered: 31 October 2003 | 
one of us
| WOW!!!
so many questions come to mind about owning property in a foreign land. |
| Posts: 3167 | Location: out behind the barn | Registered: 22 May 2002 | 