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Walrus hunt???
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Picture of Boss Kongoni
I was loking at Musk Ox Bowhunts and came accross this Walrus hunt offering:

Has anyone ever hunted walrus? It does sound like a interesting adventure.

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There's an article on it in this month's issue of Safari.

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Thank, I haven't taken the time to read it yet.

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Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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You know I've always wanted to hunt walrus. I thought it was only available to Natives. Did you see a price, I couldn't find one.

the chef
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I don't believe the tusks can be imported to the US.
Posts: 96 | Registered: 16 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by calgarychef1:
You know I've always wanted to hunt walrus. I thought it was only available to Natives. Did you see a price, I couldn't find one.

the chef

Chef - Yes, the pricing was on the top banner. I have mixed feelings about being in a 18ft. canoe in 34 degree ocean water. Eeker

I'm not sure if they shoot from the boat or get up on the ice flow with the wallrus??? I'm an abouve ave. shooter with my bow, but shooting game from a boat on rolling water would be ethically wrong for me.

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Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Peakebrook:
I don't believe the tusks can be imported to the US.

I believe you are correct. I think if they were "worked" by native people they might be legal. I 'd think a little skrimshaw art would quallify. I use Alaskian seal skin on the shelf of my recurve as arrow rest. The company buys the pieces from Native people there that sew one edge of hide. That qualifies it under the law.

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Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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There's others up there that hunt those walrus too.

And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be on an 18' canoe **OR** on an ice-flow in polar-bear territory.

Them boys just don't understand what side of the food chain they're on.

Cleachdadh mi fo m' féileadh dé tha an m' osan.
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That's one I would use the rifle for!! They are huge animals thick skin and lots of fat. Hunting from a canoe would be a challenge. I used to shoot lots of beavers from a canoe and it's not easy on rough water. I've seen the skull with the tusks attached and they are one of the most beautiful trophies I can imagine.

the chef
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A friend of mine initially hunted Walrus on an experimental hunt in Greenland. He then hunted Pacific Walrus on the Russian side of the Bering Strait. I believe the organization of the Russian hunt was a bit of a disaster, but they all got walrus in the end, and some very large ones to boot. The Pacific Walrus trophies turned out very much larger than the ones taken from Greenland.

I don't know what is importable into the US, but my friend did mention the Greenland government might allow walrus hunts to take place.

Give him an email, maybe he can help you with more information. I know the people he deals with, they outfit Muskox hunts both in summer and in winter (on dogsleds). Their organization level is impeccable. I guess they would be hunting walrus from a fishing boat - at least that is how my friend hunted them in Greenland.

- mike

P.S. This was what my friend had to say about Icebear and Walrus hunting (in German - from his website):

Eisbär und Walrossjagd

Vor kurzem hat die grönl. Regierung beschlossen Trophäenjagd aus Eisbär wieder zu erlauben. Es kann noch ein Jahr dauern bis die betreffenden Gesetze angepasst sind. Wir werden Sie auf meiner Webseite informieren sobald es Neuigkeiten gibt.

Wir sind uns sicher dass wir in wenigen Jahren auch Lizenzen für die Walrossjagd bekommen. Auch darüber werden wir sie an dieser Stelle informieren sobald es konkret wird.

Which essentially translates to, that the Greenland government has decided to re-open trophy hunting for Icebear, but it is uncertain exactly when the necessary regulations will be changed.

Likewise, for Walrus, he is sure licences will become available (apart from US import issues), but again it is uncertain when this will happen. So he asks people to stay tuned...

The German website, where he informs about these things is:

The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
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chef - I think with the right bowhunting gear it could be done. Trad guys are killing Cape & Water Buff. Eyedoc (a memember here) has even killed a Giraff.

I would take that shot from a boat. If it's possible to stalk up to 20 yrds. on the ice flow, I think it could be done. I have no idea if that is possible???

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Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Walrus with a bow sure would be interesting. There would be a few challenges, the biggest being anchoring the beasts. They are always either in the water or right next to it and I'm told they sink like stones. Stalking along the flows would be difficult and exciting. You might also be able to get up on them on land, but again they won't be more than a few feet from the water. If the sinking issue can be handled, this would be a hunt of a life time.

I never really concidered the walrus a game animal until I saw some from a kayak on Elesmere Island. Now I'd love to hunt one. They are bloody huge. When one sticks its head up 6 feet from your kayak, it gets your full attention and respect. Makes me think shooting one from a boat isn't particularily unsporting.

Good luck with the search.


...I say that hunters go into Paradise when they die, and live in this world more joyfully than any other men.
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There's a transporter here in Alaska that hunts walrus and seals every year. He can do it legally because he's a Native American. He also transport for Musk Ox and caribou on Nunnivak Island. If you are interested enough to go along on a hunt, you would not be able to kill one due to their protection as a marine mammal, I don't think he would charge a whole lot. his name is Abe David, (907)827-8512. You can book a scheduled airline flight on Travelocity or Orbitz by typing in destination as MYU for Merkoyuk, AK. I saw some pics of the walrus and seal that he shot when he transported me for my Musk Ox. Heck, you can kill a 'bou or two on the trip and limit out on the foxes. They have both on the island, Arctics and Reds.
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