Trip includes a full day offshore gulf stream fishing on 55 foot Sport Fisher. Species include Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish, Yellow and Black Fin Tuna, Mahi and Wahoo. Price is for one day trip of fishing for six people and includes two nights of lodging. Price for this trip is $2400 for six anglers or $400 per person. Best fishing months are May, June and July for Mahi and Marlin. Wahoo fishing starts in the late summer and early fall. Common for the gulf stream to be as close as twenty miles from Hatteras Village which will be the port of departure. Video of type of Fishing with me wiring up White Marlin.
We have really been catching the Mahi the last two days. On Monday we caught a 500 pound Blue Marlin and another White Marlin. We had a really big one crash on the teaser yesterday. Guessing she was around 700 pounds. Lots of sargassum weed lines so the big bull Dolphin fish, AKA Mahi, are really starting to migrate north. These big bulls are fun fish to fight. They are strong and make a great jumps. Most important, they are also great to eat. We have a local restaurant that cooks the daily catch for our clients. Served family style several different ways. Last night we had seven different types of Mahi and Wahoo.
Yellowfin bite is coming to an end. March through early May are good months for Hatteras South. May through early June for OI and 000. Bluefin do not start up again until November. Currently everyone is pulling big baits and fishing for 500ilb + Blue Marlin. New record purse with $2,000,000.00 in the pot for this weeks tournament. You think killing your fist Cape Buffalo is a thrill. Killing a big money fish in this event is an adrenaline rush that will pay off most of your mortgage and a safari or two to Tanzania.. Captains from South Africa, Australia, Hawaii and other parts of the world are all here this week. Some tough competitors and good fisherman. This is one of the oldest big game tournaments. We placed second but won the big Calcutta years back. It was the same year that one of the mates got killed from being pulled over from a marlin. I also lost a winning fish in the mid 90's that would have won over a $1,000,000. Hero or zero in this industry.
I will be running a 55 custom Carolina Sportfisher April through June out of Hatteras, NC. We released a 500+ lb Blue Marlin this weekend and conditions look like it is going to be good year. Several boats are seeing big fish the days they are hunting out in the deep. Lots of yellowfins in the shallows.
What is Novemeber Bluefin fishing like? We are planning to be in Florida in Novemeber and one of the guys is keen to try a couple of days bluefin fishing at the same time. He is a charter skipper in the Med and keen to see how you guys do things out there.
I'm not on the site much these days so please em ail me details to and we can look at the possibilities.
Clark's going to send me some pricing to show the team and I'll include you in the mail.
Jimmy was very keen when I spoke to him so a couple of days on the Tuna will likely be on the cards in November, but I most likely will go off to shoot some ducks as I don't do well offshore after a couple of ear injuries diving.