Wild boar hunting
One of Us
Picture of profyhunter
posted 11 March 2010 21:39
Brückenkopf 8
85051 Ingolstadt
Offis Germany:
Fax: +498419819245

Offis Belarus:

We can offer hunting in 70 hunting areas of Belarus and national parks.

Hunting: driven wild boar hunting ( 6-7 hunters in a groupe), hide ( 2-4 hunters), stalking (2-3 hunters)
Stay: 5 full hunting days/6 nights
Trophy: tusks
The biggest tusks in January 2010 - 23cm - gold medal.
The biggest tusks in November 2009 - 25cm - gold medal

In Belarus you can hunt a trophy of a wild boar with a weight more than 200 kgs and with a long tusks of boar 20 - 25 cm.

- Wild boar may be hunted only by special license issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Belarus which quantity is large but, however, limited.
- The order should be submitted to us at least 2 weeks prior the estimated arrival date!
- The program of your stay may be changed in accordance with your wishes or special preferences!

Possible extra charges:
- Second rifle entry permit: 50 €

Group (2-3 hunters): 1300 € p.P
Additional hunting day: 150 €
Trophy cost:
up to 4,99kg -600€
5,-5,99kg - 800€ + 4,0€ / 10g up 5kg
over 6 kg - 1200€ + 5,0€ / 10g up 6kg
Red Deer:
up to 4,99kg - 600€
5-5,99kg 1020€ + 3,00€ /10gr. up 5kg.
6-6,99kg 1320€ + 3,50€ /10gr. up 6kg
7-7,99kg 1670€ + 4,50€ /10gr. up 7kg
8-8,99kg 2120€ + 6,00€ /10gr up 8kg
over 9kg 2720€ + 7,00€ /10gr up 9kg
Über 10kg - 3420€ + 8€ je 10gr. up 10kg

Roe deer:
up to 150g - 80€
151-199g- 100€
200-299g - 160€ + 1€/ 1 gr. up 200gr.
300-399g - 280€ + 3€/ 1 gr. up 300gr.
400-499g - 590€ + 4€/ 1 gr. up 400gr
over 500g - 1150€ + 5€/ 1gr. up 500gr.
Wild Boar:
130-139mm - 200€
140-159mm - 250€ +6,0€/1 mm up 140mm
160-189mm - 370€ +7,0€ /1 mm up 160mm
190-199mm - 580€ +9,00€ /1 mm up 190mm
Ab 200mm - 680€ +10,00€/1 mm up 200mm

Price Includes:
- Invitation letter and a voucher to obtain Belarusian visa;
- 1 rifle and up to 200 cartridges per hunter entry permit;
- Belarusian custom permit for your gun;
- Belarusian hunting licence;
- Transfers from the airport to the hunting area and back;
- Transfers at the hunting garea;
- Full board accommodation in the hunting lodge.
- Hunting guide 1x1;
- Interpreter (english,german,france)
- Medical insurance up to 5000 $ for all your stay in Belarus;
- Preparation
- International veterinary certificate for your trophy.

Price Excludes:
- Belarusian visa (obtained in Belarusian Consulate in your country or in Minsk airport upon arrival);
- Air ticket;
- Beer and alcoholic drinks;
- Tipp;
- Phone and fax calls, Internet connections, personal expenses

One of us hunting lodges in Belarus:
Hunting area Vitebsk (Lepel,Begoml,Zarajnka):

Hunting in Lepel:
Hunters from Germany with Hunting Guide Vadim

Hunter from Germany with a big boar and hunting guide Sergej - January 2010.

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 11 March 2010 23:18Hide Post
profyhunter, how many boar can be taken on a 5 day hunt?

Mad Dog
Posts: 1184 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 17 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of profyhunter
posted 12 March 2010 03:15Hide Post
Originally posted by Mad Dog:
profyhunter, how many boar can be taken on a 5 day hunt?

Mad Dog

It is possible to shoot 5 wild boars for five hunting days. But it is only in theories.
In practice, 3-4 wild boars are real.

These hunters come practically every year to Belarus on a wild boar hunting. In the spring and in the winter. The best time is a full moon.
In the summer it is possible to combine hunting for a wild boar with the hunting on roe deer.
In the winter it is possible to combine with the hunting for a red deer, a wolf.

Certainly, such wild boar with a tusks - 29 centimetres will be a good trophy, but the chances to kill such wild boar are not present.
But there is a chance to take a wild boar with the tusks 25-26см and a weight more than 200 kgs.

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
One of Us
Picture of profyhunter
posted 13 March 2010 14:53Hide Post
Trophy fee wild boar:
130-139mm - 200€
140-159mm - 250€ +6,00€/1 mm up 140mm
160-189mm - 370€ +7,00€/1 mm up 160mm
190-199mm - 580€ +9,00€/1 mm up 190mm
Up 200mm - 670€ +10,00€/1 mm up 200mm

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of tendrams
posted 13 March 2010 18:09Hide Post

Know of any Wisent opportunities?

Posts: 2472 | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With Quote
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posted 14 March 2010 03:30Hide Post
The offer might be attractive but it is very confusing to me.

I make it very easy and the 2 questions are as follows:

Pls quote a price (or ranges) for a hunt with a wildboar trophy size 20plus.
Pls confirm that it is not a fenced area.

Flights costs are my problem of course.

Many tanks in advance.
Posts: 701 | Location: Germany | Registered: 24 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of profyhunter
posted 14 March 2010 15:23Hide Post
Pls quote a price (or ranges) for a hunt with a wildboar trophy size 20plus.
Pls confirm that it is not a fenced area.

Flights costs are my problem of course

I can guarantee to you, that the fenced, closed sites are not present there.

I can give you phones of hunters from Germany. You can personally talk to them about hunting in these hunting areas.

The price for a wild boar with 20cm - 660€ and for a one mm + 9€. 21cm - 660€+90€, 22cm - 660+180€, 23cm 660+270€, 24cm- 660+360€, 25cm - 660+450€.

The flyght from Frankfurt-Minsk will be cost: 250-300€. Visum - 60€

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of profyhunter
posted 14 March 2010 15:29Hide Post
Originally posted by tendrams:

Know of any Wisent opportunities?


Yes, there is a possibility to hunting on a bison in National Park Pripjatsky or the National Park Belovezhsky Forest, and as in some hunting areas of Forest Ministry.

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 14 March 2010 18:12Hide Post
@profyhunter: very helpful, thank you! I have always been tempted to shoot a big one there but was worried that I run into a fenced hunt.
Posts: 701 | Location: Germany | Registered: 24 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of profyhunter
posted 15 March 2010 23:36Hide Post
Originally posted by tendrams:

Know of any Wisent opportunities?


European bison (wisent) hunting (stalking):
Stay: 4 full hunting days/5 nights - 1500€
Price Includes:
- Invitation letter and a voucher to obtain Belarusian visa;
- 1 rifle and up to 200 cartridges per hunter entry permit;
- Belarusian custom permit for your gun;
- Belarusian hunting licence;
- Transfers from the airport to the hunting area and back;
- Transfers at the hunting garea;
- Full board accommodation in the hunting lodge.
- Hunting guide 1x1;
- Interpreter (english,german,france)
- Medical insurance up to 5000 $ for all your stay in Belarus;
- Preparation
- International veterinary certificate for your trophy.

Price Excludes:
- Belarusian visa (obtained in Belarusian Consulate in your country or in Minsk airport upon arrival);
- Air ticket;
- Beer and alcoholic drinks;
- Tipp;
- Phone and fax calls, Internet connections,
- CITES permit - 50€
- Trophy transfer with airlines
- Trophy fee

Trophy fee:
Gold : 11000€
Silver: 9000€
Bronze: 7000€

Add. trophy: wild boar,wolf, red deer, moos

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of tendrams
posted 16 March 2010 23:09Hide Post have a PM
Posts: 2472 | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of profyhunter
posted 17 March 2010 22:51Hide Post
Hi! Tendrams!
I am sorry, but this year already there are not licences for a cow and for non-trophy bulls...

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of profyhunter
posted 19 October 2010 15:37Hide Post
We have one gold-medall wisent bulls license in hunting area Osipovitchi!!!

Great news!
The wild boar hunting available year-round in Belarus!!!

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
One of Us
Picture of profyhunter
posted 20 January 2011 19:59Hide Post
Originally posted by profyhunter:
We have one gold-medall wisent bulls license in hunting area Osipovitchi!!!

Great news!
The wild boar hunting available year-round in Belarus!!!

the wizent-bull was shot...from russian hunter.

but we have a nice video -wild boars hunting in december 2010:

Phon: +498419819241
Fax: +498419819245
Posts: 556 | Location: Germany Kazakstan Kyrgyzstan | Registered: 29 October 2009Reply With Quote
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