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Transit through Amsterdam
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A couple of questions for those who have done it recently. Haven't done this since 2008.

1) Firearms Permits -- How far in advance to apply? Was about 6 weeks in 2008.

2) What is the story with knives in checked luggage going through Amsterdam. I've heard basically no knives in luggage.

Any news?
Posts: 10775 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Chris Lozano
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This past July i went thru Amsterdam. We had knives in our checked bags, had no problems.

I applied for gun permit about two months before the trip but only got the permit two days before the trip. What i was told is they don't do them in the order they come in but according to when you are leaving. Kinda made me uneasy waiting to the last minute. Not much you can do.
Posts: 768 | Location: Michigan USA | Registered: 27 September 2008Reply With Quote
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Travelled through Amsterdam in mid October.

Applied for permit 6 months in advance. They misplaced this. Reapplied 3 weeks prior to travelling. 7 days before I left I called them daily. They faxed it 4 days before I left. I was leaving on the Saturday and they told me they would fax it 2 days before I was to leave. Told them this was unacceptable.

I do not understand why they have to fax it. Why can't they email it like the rest of the world.

knives. I was told no folding knives allowed through Amsterdam. I had a straight blade hunting knife in my checked baggage with no problem.
Posts: 66 | Location: Canada | Registered: 10 February 2010Reply With Quote
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I was told by Shawn at Gracy that knives in general are not allowed in luggage at Amsterdam.
Posts: 11630 | Location: Minnesota USA | Registered: 15 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Thanks for all the input. That does refresh my recollection -- they process the permits depending on when you need them, not when you apply.

The knife thing is a mystery. Seems really idiotic to travel to Africa without a knife of any kind. Guess I can buy one there -- I'm going in a day early, but that seems truly idiotic given that they will handle my rifles and ammunition.
Posts: 10775 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Anyone have experience with the customs forms in this scenario:

Two rifles in one case. But the ammo is split up between 2 or 3 people. Will this cause a problem if everything is noted on just one custom form?
Posts: 756 | Location: California | Registered: 26 May 2006Reply With Quote
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Two rifles in one case. But the ammo is split up between 2 or 3 people.

O.K. - here goes .....

Firearm has to be declared.

Baggage with ammunition has to be declared.

An Airline can refuse a passenger from carrying ammunition (yes, loaded ammunition up to the 5 Kg limit; in their checked-in baggage) if the passenger does not check-in a firearm.

Net, the ammo goes in the bag of the passenger who has checked-in the firearm and the transportation of ammunition is for that firearm & passenger. Airlines don't consider themselves free HAZMAT carriers for passengers without firearms.

May not happen every time but I'd attempt to clarify with your carrier what you're intending to do & why way-y-y early; at the Airport may be too late.

You mentioned Customs - they don't care how it's packaged; they simply want to know who owns the property and yes, I/we have flown with "our" firearms (2, so 1 each) in one Gun Case to RSA & Namibia. If the Gun Case would have been lost it's only 1 claim for the 1 piece of baggage in whoever's name it was checked-in under.


Number 10
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Gerry has got it pretty much right. I had no problem with hunting knife in luggage going through Amsterdam.

However, if flying KLM, you must not only get Dutch Customs advance approval for firearms AND ammuntion, but ensure that the airline knows when you buy your ticket that you will be flying with both firearm and ammunition and then double check to be sure that your passenger record acknowledges KLM approval of both firearm and ammunition.

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I would call their office month before your safari to see where permit is. Just say you did not receive back your permit for transferring rifle and ammo thru Amsterdam. It will be collected in your country of arrival, Tanzania when you leave to return to US.

Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
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I've been through Amsterdam a few times. Never a problem whilst there but getting the permit is a pain. The last time my application did not arrive I was told, resent, etc... for six weeks. The office fax machine told me the fax did arrive and I'll bet money an anti hunter at the Amsterdam police office was playing games with me. I called his boss, a Mr. Trump, and the permit arrived, via fax, later the same day. Everyone has a boss!


Cal Pappas, Willow, Alaska
1994 Zimbabwe
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1999 Zimbabwe
1999 Namibia, Botswana, Zambia--vacation
2000 Australia
2002 South Africa
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I too flew through Amsterdam this fall. Did not get my weapons and ammunition transit permit till the last minute. They seem to have a lot of trouble with the english alphabet in the office. The person who helped me the most was Mr Megier. My rifle was checked in Glasgo to Lisbon. the locks were gone when I got to Lisbon. My folding hunting knife, as well as my standerd pocket knife were in the rifle case, no problem there.
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I went throug Amsterdam here in August /sept for hunting in SA with two guns in same guncase with ammo seperat. I had no problem at all. Everything went perfect as they are use to handle hunters/shooters using their airport as a transit.
I have the form + email for the specific office/custom you need to contact. Let me know if you need that?.

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