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Taking Ammo
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My son and I are going to PE in South Africa in April - each of us is taking a rifle and shotgun. I know that ammo has to be in a locked case. Should the case be in the checked luggage? Also, can the ammo for both rifles be in one locked case? GuyG
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Picture of Labman
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Your rifles/shotguns will have to be in separate hard cases and go as checked luggage. You are limited to 11 lbs of ammo each so I wouldn't advise putting all your ammo in one locked box. Much better to take two locked boxes and put half each of your ammo and your son's in each box. That way if a box should get lost/delayed you'll both still have ammo. Tell the TSA that you have the ammo in your checked luggage. You'll be OK for the trip to Joberg, but most likely will have to remove the ammo boxes for the flight from Joberg to PE.

Since shotgun ammo is heavy, you should have your PH pick some up for you ahead of time. Make sure your connecting flight from Joberg to PE and return has no problems with guns/ammo.

Tom Z

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The ammo has to be in your checked bags leaving the US. If you travel by air in SA( in country) the ammo has to be in a locked case separate from your check in bags (really stupid). As for all ammo in one locked case, don't really know-watch your weight limit for ammo. Probably smarter to pack your individual ammo in your personal bagge rather than "doubling up". In all honestly, none of my trips to SA has resulted in any of my ammo being checked there. Only time it's been checked is in US Dulles) where they are sort of jerks about ripping my bags apart to get to the ammo AFTER they have Xrayed the bag and can see what's in it. Just plan on extra time and extra hassle, but it usually turns out O.K. unless you didn't follow the rules.

Larry Rogers
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So you are saying that we need to remove the ammo containers at Joberg - that each ammo container will be checked in separate from the other luggage for the flight to PE. We are not bringing shotshells - will buy them in PE. This is our third trip but so much has changed -thought I needed to check. Am using a travel agent and a meet-and -greet which should help.
Anyway thanks guys.
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Picture of LionHunter
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You could do a search on this topic, but since we're this far along, do this:

Get two small Pelican cases one for each shooters ammo. Secure it with TSA locks, put your ammo and two regular padlocks inside, hang a strong luggage tag with all your info onto the handle, put it inside each shooters duffle bag for USA departure. If they make you remove it in JNB, which they very well may, just remove it from you duffle, change the TSA locks with the padlocks you had inside with your ammo, and let the idiots ship it separately.

BTW, you can get these small Pelican cases in assorted colors - orange, yellow, etc - rather than the plain black. Makes them easier to spot coming off the luggage carrousel.

Have a great trip.

DRSS (again)
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Picture of Todd Williams
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And I would advise to do as suggested already by putting 1/2 of your ammo in your son's bag and vice versa. That is, unless you are both shooting the same caliber in which case you will have another issue unless your son is 21 yrs old and can obtain his own permit.
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Picture of cal pappas
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Todd is right on. When I travel I split the ammo between hunters and as long as the 11-pound limit is not exceeded all will be well and is a no-cost insurance policy against lost luggage.


Cal Pappas, Willow, Alaska
1994 Zimbabwe
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1999 Zimbabwe
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OK - got it. Thanks much! Guy
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Picture of Grumulkin
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I traveled to & from Port Elizabeth last September/October. From Joberg to Port Elizabeth, my locked container of ammunition was in my suitcase. On the way back, they made me take the ammunition out of the suitcase and put it in a plastic bag that went separately though at no extra charge. In Joberg, for the flight home, I put the ammunition back in my suitcase.

By they way, on my last trip, many were looking for tips/bribes. I had gone through SAP with my outfitter, had gone to the boarding gate when about 20 minutes before boarding, the SAP people came to get me telling me they forgot to count my ammunition. I went back, opened my ammunition box, they looked at the ammunition boxes and accepted my word for it that there were 20 rounds in each box and then asked for a tip. The whole strategy was to get me away from my outfitter and by myself to improve their chances of being tipped.

Shotgun shells are quite heavy; you might consider having your outfitter get them for you in RSA; at least if they're 12 gauge, they should be readily available.
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Grumulkin Same thing happened to me when I traveled to PE in 2010 except no Bribe attempt
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On one trip I was told I was 25 kg overweight! Offered a $50 bribe. She turned it down. Porter told me to "tip" her in Rands. Gave her R50 ($8+). She told me to have a nice tip. Greed and dishonesty is rampant.
In 2011 had to take ammo out of bag for flights to and from East London. Had to be in lock box. No charge.

Larry Rogers
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