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African Travel with Children
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Picture of wildfowl
My wife and I are scheduled to go to South Africa this year in early August. One week of photo safari followed by a week of hunting safari.
Question is what are the thoughts on taking our 6 year old daughter along? She likes the outdoors and animals, but I have concern from a safety standpoint as well as just general travel (I don't know how I am going to hack a 12+ hour plan ride).

Any advice or ideas?
Posts: 88 | Location: STL | Registered: 28 July 2008Reply With Quote
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I don't have any children, but I don't think I would bring a 6 yr old...there's lots of bad guys in that part of the world. You have to have some smarts about you for situations that could arise, so I would think that would lend itself to someone in their teens at the least...
Posts: 10 | Location: Namibia | Registered: 26 February 2010Reply With Quote
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We brought our daughters (5&8 yrs.)to SA last year. They loved it but we were awfully nervous. We never let them more than a foot or two max from our sides in the "good areas" and held their hands every other place. Once we were in the bush or on private property we breathed a lot easier and they could turn into little girls again. Durban on the waterfront and Joburg airport were the worst. They got to witness their first mugging and near fatal fight in Durban, pretty ugly to say the least.

Once you're safely with the safari operator they will be very well looked after. I guess it depends a lot on the kid, if you have "discipline" problems and can't keep the kid under very strict control then they shouldn't be there. If they can be made to stick to you like glue than it will be ok. Be wary of the busy places and hold their hand at all times it only takes a moment for something bad to happen.

the chef
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Lots of batteries for whatever electronics the kids like. Make sure it's OK w/ the airline(s) that they can play whatever it is during flight.

I think there is a large capacity ipod that holds several movies. REI has solar charges, not sure how well they work, might work OK on a window seat.


If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
Posts: 1207 | Location: Tomball or Rocksprings with Namibia on my mind! | Registered: 29 March 2008Reply With Quote
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I don't have any kids, but I know a lot of people take them, even 6 and 8 year olds. I was on a hunt, and there was a German couple in camp right before I got there, they brought their 8 year old daughter, the PH said that she had a good time, and was well behaved. I personally would not take them at that age, I don't think they are really old enough to appreciate it; probably would enjoy Disneyland much more! I know I would be rather pissed if I showed up in camp and there were a bunch of little kids running around. If it's a private camp, I think it's OK, and I think RSA would be a good place to do it.
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I took my youngest son the first time when he was 5. No problem at all. However, it was a nice camp. It was not roughing it. He had the time of his life.

Having said that, my girlfriends daughter is 7. No way I would take her.

I think you have to decide based on each kid.
Posts: 12018 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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To me, the risks outweigh the rewards of taking a young child to a third world setting.

At six, a trip to the zoo and McDonalds will be just as enjoyable.

I wouldn't have taken mine at that age.

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There's lots of children here in Africa. People both black and white give birth to them every day and crime against children is considerably lower than most places in the western world.

For example, would you feel safe about letting your child walk to school or hitch a ride to school? - Here it's an everyday occurrance.

Of course, all countries have bad areas and SA is no different to any other country in that respect but if you apply normal rules of common sense, and I'm sure you will they'll be fine and you'll be giving them memories and experiences they'll never forget.

You don't mention where in SA you're going but a typical itinerary will be something like:

Fly into Jo'burg.

Either fly onto a smaller airport where you'll be collected by the outfitter or he'll collect you at Jo'burg. In either case, you then be driven to the bush.

Few days hunting and then to somewhere like the KNP either with a guide or in a hire car.

Few days in the park.

Then back to an airport somewhere for a flight to Jo'burg and then home or drive to Jo'burg.

If you're worried about the drive back to Jo'burg, then fly instead.

You're children would almost certainly be safer here in SA with you than at home with a third party.

I'd say your biggest danger is that if you do bring the kids, they'll fall in love with Africa and always nag you about coming back..... which of course is a danger to your bank account!

Feel free to email me at if you need advice about where to go and what to do.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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I would not hesitate taking my kid to Africa it's not different that traveling to any big city in the US like NYC. And that would only be the case if you are sightseeing. Once you are in camp it would be as safe as being at the beach. You will have to make adjustments in camp because you might not want to expose them at very young age to hunting situations. But if you are traveling with the whole family it shouldn't be a problem. The biggest issue for me would be the long flight. I have been pushing my wife to go and would bring my son who is 3 no problem.
Posts: 266 | Location: Connecticut | Registered: 12 May 2005Reply With Quote
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children are very safe in most places in Africa. every one keeps an eye on them for there safety.Kinds like being raised in small towns here.Tour agencya are very aware of parents concerns so they make special attempts to make sure the kids are well tken care of. IN other words no worries just take them and have fun
Posts: 3818 | Location: kenya, tanzania,RSA,Uganda or Ethophia depending on day of the week | Registered: 27 May 2009Reply With Quote
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I took my son in 08 to Namibia. He was 12 at that time. I was hunting leopard. They gave him a 22lr, a handfull of ammo, and a skinner from camp. He walked around never getting out of sight from camp. He matured quite a bit on that trip. Next trip I will be adding my 9yo daughter. It's a little different for girls, but I agree that you in no less danger in most big cities in the US. The biggest draw-back is that her airfare is cutting into my trophy fee money. Take your kids, be smart, pay attention to whats around you, and teach your kids to do the same. Have fun.

You can borrow money, but you can't borrow time. Don't wait, go now.
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Well, we will betaking our 3 yr old to zim later this year. Will report back.
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It is safe, especially if you have an eye over them...

Dream it...Discover it...Experience it...

Patrick Reynecke
Outfitter and Professional Hunter
Bushwack Safaris
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South Africa
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Posts: 291 | Location: North-West Province, South Africa | Registered: 17 June 2009Reply With Quote
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I took my two girls, aged 9 and 11 to SA in '08. Buddy took his 8 year old on the same trip. We did not spend any time in the city but went directly to our hunting area. No problems at all and am planning on taking them back again next year.
Posts: 1755 | Location: Waukesha, WI | Registered: 21 January 2009Reply With Quote
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In Sept 2008 I took wife and children 14,11 and 9 yrs old to South Africa,Zambia, Botswana and Namibia.The eldest boy has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair-though is able to walk some distance with his crutches.Greatests holiday possible-the key is to have all your plans well laid out and ensure there is a "minder" of some sort waiting for you at each arrival point.
Were there "stuff-ups"-of coarse.But that is travel.It will be a holiday children will tell their grandchildren about-do it.
We were 16 hrs on the plane from Sydney to J'burg with 1 hrs sitting on tarmack either end included.Since you are travelling with that very useful accessory-wife-suggest you drink too much ,fall asleep and let her worry about child.Works a treat for me!

I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of drought and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
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The wide brown land for me!
Posts: 302 | Location: Australia | Registered: 09 February 2005Reply With Quote
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In 2008 my wife and I took our three kids 9, 12 and 14 to RSA and Zim. We drove ourselves around South Africa, spent a week in Cape Town, drove up through Beitbridge where our borrowed car broke down. Back through Beitbridge and flew to Bulawayo with Air Zim. Borrowed a car and drove to Vic Falls via Hwange on our own as well.

If you are afraid to take your kids to Africa, don't leave the house. You and the kids might experience something new and we wouldn't want that. sofa
Posts: 1432 | Location: Australia | Registered: 21 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Code4 is shooting straight.
My oldest was almost 9 when we went to RSA for three weeks last year. Granted I am not an objective observer, but I was well pleased with him and heard no complaints from others.

We talk about that trip almost every day and it is pretty much taken for granted between us that I will never go on safari without him now. My youngest son also now believes there is some "safari rule" that you must be eight get to go. Big Grin For my boys, I think it makes a good minimum.
Posts: 348 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 03 April 2009Reply With Quote
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