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Problems with Covid tests and Guns in Addis Abba & Harare - Part 1 / Part 2 now added
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Learn from my mistakes.

This has to do with my hunt with Ivory Trail Safaris in Zimbabwe operated by Leah Smythe, the widow of the late Phillip Smythe. I will file a separate and very positive hunt report later. This first portion only has to do with the travel.

I took my eleven-year-old autistic daughter, during Covid with firearms flying economy so I believe I made everything as difficult as possible. I booked with TWG and they were very helpful as always.

When a minor travels without both parents then the parent not travelling has to sign an affidavit stating it is okay for the spouse to leave the country with their child. You must also attach a certified copy of the birth certificate. My daughter and I have travelled to Africa twice before so I had all the necessary paperwork but not once was I ever asked for it.

My first mistake was booking my PCR Covid tests at local drive through clinic. They advertised 24 hours turn around results for $ 150 each. I made my reservation the day before our departure so my results would be within the 48 hours prior to departure window that was required. When we arrived at 10am I learned from the attendant that the 24 hours didn’t start till they picked up the sample at midnight. Since my flight left the next day at midnight, I realized I just wasted $ 300. He thought that I would probably get my results by about 3pm the next day but couldn’t guarantee it. I had already paid for the tests online so we got the swab and left.

I did a little online research and decided that my daughter and I needed to head straight down to LAX to take the one-hour Covid tests they offer in the international terminal. There is lots of construction going on at the Los Angeles airport closing two of the parking lots which added to the adventure. We got our tests for $ 200 a pop and had the results in my email box by the time I made it back to my office. I downloaded them to the site Ethiopian airlines required but was never sure if they got them or not as I never received any confirmation. I printed them out making several copies. The Covid tests were never mentioned by United / Ethiopian Air and it wasn't until we arrived in Harare that we had to show our test result certificates on paper.

We left the next night giving ourselves plenty of time to check in. We needed it. It took two hours to get checked in with firearms, get the TSA guy to inspect my gun case and then to clear security. We flew United from LAX to Washington DC. My daughter and I both had small carry-on bags, one gun case and one bag to check in. On these flights you are only allowed one check in bag and then it is $ 100 for the second one. The only reason we needed two checked in bags in the first place is one for the firearm and the other for the ammo locked up in a hard case. No problem I thought as I will just put the second one in my daughter’s name and save $ 100. Remember this as it caused me an unbelievable amount of stress and anxiety in Addis Abba.

The flights themselves going to Harare were fine. If anything, Ethiopia gives you more leg room in economy than other airlines. Nobody is happy flying economy that far. It is always exhausting but something we all just endure to get to Africa.

The Kabuki theater started when we landed in Addis Abba. I was told by TWG to grab the first Ethiopian Air employee you see once you get off the plane and tell them you are travelling with firearms. I did that and after waiting a bit my daughter and I were whisked down by a van to the luggage underbelly of the airport. It was a dark, dank place bustling with activity sort of like what I imagine a sausage factory to be like. Why we even have to do this when the firearms are checked all the way to Harare is a mystery to me. We had to wait about 15 minutes for my green Tuff Pak case to show up but once it arrived, I quickly removed my rifle and shotgun and showed the attendant that the serial numbers matched up with my laminated 4457 form. He seemed satisfied but then asked me about my ammo. I told him the ammo was in a locked case in my separate checked bag like it is supposed to be. By the way, the guy who checked the serial numbers wasn’t dressed any different than any of the other luggage porters and we were out in the open, not in a separate office. He was satisfied with my ammo answer and said we could go. It should be noted there was a female Ethiopian Air employee with us the entire time along with my eleven-year-old daughter. There were also a couple of other porters hanging out with the guy who checked the serial numbers.

We got bussed back to the terminal and by this time our flight was already boarding. Addis Abba makes you go through security twice, once in the main terminal and then again when you approach your departure gates. And I mean the whole enchilada of shoes off, belt off, everything out of your pockets and stepping through the X-Ray machine. If I had known I was going to have to do this twice I wouldn’t have bothered putting my belt and shoes back on after the first check.

We made it to our gate and my group had already boarded so I went to the front of the line. When the attendant scanned our tickets to board, he informed us that we had to go down and get our firearms cleared before we could get on. I informed that we had just done that and to check again for updates. After he conversed on the phone in some language I didn’t understand I was informed we had to go back down to get our ammo checked. There was another guy there who had to get his firearm checked so all three of us went again to the same cave. Once there the same guy said there was a problem with my ammo as the bag wasn’t checked into my name, but my daughters and now she needed to have a license for the ammo. I immediately dropped him with a quick right to his skull and then picked him up and body slammed him on the cement payment. The Ethiopian air representative was so impressed that my daughter and I were upgraded to business at no extra charge. I should have done this year’s ago. Anyway, after I finished this pleasant fantasy in my head…………I told him that I just put it in her name to avoid the extra $ 100 charge, opened up the bag, showed him the ammo and locked it back up while these useless buggers chatted with themselves. One of the three stewards hovering about us said he understood about saving the $ 100 and told the guy who called us back that it was okay. None of these guys were in any kind of uniform, just overalls like all the guys in the luggage area wore. I grabbed my daughter and walked out like we were done and nobody stopped me. The Air Ethiopian rep came with us. I don’t know if the other guy checking his firearm ever made it or not. I was sweating it since I was wondering how long would they hold the plane for us. We were a few minutes past our take off time so I thought if they take us straight to the gate we can still make it. But nooooooooo, we did not go straight to the departure gate. We had to go back to the main terminal and go through the same security again and then sprinting through the airport to our set of departure gates we had to go through the security again. At least this time I knew not to bother putting my belt and boots back on. They held the plane for us and we made the flight, sweaty and pissed off…………… be continued.


I thought I was well prepared to arrive in Harare. I had all my gun permit paperwork ready, my Covid certificates and had filled out the Custom entry form that had been emailed to me in advance. Harare was the only place they checked our Covid certificates. However, they have recently added a couple of new forms. One was a redundant info data sheet and the other a health questionnaire. If you are headed to Zimbabwe maybe you can get your PH to email you these two new forms to save time in the airport. I don’t think my PH even knew they existed.

I was sweating it as my bag with the ammo was the absolutely last one off the conveyor belt but arrive it did. We made it through customs in decent time and was whisked off to the concession by air charter without issues.

Our air charter back to Harare went smoothly and we had our PH recommended Covid courier, (Joseph) pick us up and take us directly to the Covid test site near the center of Harare. It was smoothly efficient and was better than anything that I have encountered back home at a cost of $ 95 each. We did a little city tour and returned to the Covid clinic to get our test results on paper about two hours later. No downloads this time. I ended up spending $ 890 for Covid tests for my daughter and I, $ 300 too much due to my own screw up. I also had to fork out $ 400 for our Covid/Firearm/Guesthouse Transport assistance and another $ 260 for the Guesthouse. I wouldn’t have had any of these expenses two years ago before Covid. We spent the night at the very nice Woodland’s guest house.

I arrived in Zimbabwe with 25 rounds of 458WM ammo and 49 12ga shotguns shells. What I didn’t shoot up I left with my PH as a partial tip. He also carried a 458WM and was very appreciative about the ammo. Apparently, the cost of ammo in all of Southern Africa and especially Zimbabwe has skyrocketed to obscene levels. I also thought it would make my travel back easier without any ammo.

The Gun guys at the Harare airport thought otherwise. They wanted to know where all my ammo was and I had to explain to them several times in a very clear, loud voice that what I didn’t shoot I left with my PH. I always try to be jovial with these guys and show them photos on my phone to lighten the mood. They especially liked the photos of the big eland I got but wanted to know why I didn’t bring them any meat. Again, I quickly put my rifles away after they checked the serial numbers and I think having my eleven-year-old daughter with me softened them up a bit. They made it clear though that in the future I would have to account for every round I shot up upon my departure. I couldn’t leave any ammo with my PH and I would even have to bring the spent shells back with me (including the 12ga shells) so every round that I brought in could be accounted for. Of course, I agreed and told them next time I would also bring them some eland meat. This was my 27th trip to Africa and 11th to Zimbabwe and I have never had this issue before. Politics? Fear? Change in policy? Or just fishing for a gratuity? Hard to tell.

Our Ethiopian flight departure time from Harare was delayed by three hours. This was going to make our connection in Addis Abba (also delayed) very tight and I wasn’t looking forward to that gun check nonsense again but at least this time I had no ammo. I already knew there was no way we would make our connecting flight with United in DC back to Los Angeles so I sent an email to TWG to let them know.

Once we arrived in Addis Abba, I decided to go through the Security first and then tell them I had a firearm. What the hell…. might as well try something different to see how it works. This I did but we had to wait a good twenty minutes for someone to transport us to the luggage dungeon. Our plane was almost finished boarding by time we left. I kept mentioning this to the Ethiopian Airline lady I cornered that hey our plane is almost finished boarding and we need to get going. She seemed undisturbed and told me not to worry. I am thinking that they must have a policy of not letting the plane leave no matter how long it takes us to check our guns? If they do then they might want to let us know so we can keep our anxiety level in check.

To the dungeon we went and this time we went to a back room where there was a guy in a regular uniform. My gun case was there and we quickly checked the serial numbers to the laminated copy of my 4457 I carry with me. But then he threw a curve telling me I was required to leave him a copy of my gun license (4457) and passport. I had a paper copy of my passport (always keep a few ready) that I was able to dig out from my bag but I only had the laminated copy of the 4457. I gave him both but he was clearly annoyed that I only had the laminated copy. I also had to repeat my slow pantomime of why I didn’t have any ammo…. I shot it all up…...bang bang…………...understand? Again, I believe having the female Ethiopian Air lady and my eleven-year-old daughter with me helped. He gruffly waived me away so off we went in the bus. This time we got to skip the first security check but still had to go through the second one. We were the last ones on the plane. The plane was nearly full and some lady had already taken my seat thinking it was free. Not so fast sweetheart.

I was pretty grumpy on flight to Dublin / DC but then there was some poor African woman with a twelve-year-old daughter who needed an exorcism. This girl wailed, screamed and flung her body all over the place in a wild anxiety fit. It went on for a couple hours. Her poor mother was crying why holding a two-year-old in her lap. A couple of stewardesses and passengers helped to keep her restrained. My daughter is a real travel trooper and had already fallen asleep. If that girl had been a full-sized adult, I am sure they would have had to divert the plane. I took a couple sleeping pills and felt gratitude.

We arrived in DC too late to make our connection to Los Angeles but even if we had arrived on time I doubt if we would have made it. They don’t have any self-check in kiosks and since it was a Sunday morning not many booths were open. We somehow managed to gravitate to the end of the line. I haven’t been through D.C. with firearms in a long time and the procedures have changed and take forever. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.

Travel with Guns came through and had already booked us on the next available flight which was only nine hours later. I had to recheck our bag and gun case but managed to hit the TSA shift change perfectly. Luckily, we had an extra nine hours to kill. We made it home.

In summary, you need a high level of tolerance, patience and extra cash to travel internationally in the age of Covid. You can double those levels for Africa. We made it there and back and had a great hunt and mostly rolled with all the delays, stupidity, security checks, airport sprints, inconsistencies and gratuity fishing we encountered. I do believe Ethiopian Airlines and/or the Ethiopian Government is really blowing it with these unnecessary firearm checks. I never considered flying with them until TWG told me they were the only airline that was sticking to their schedules and flying consistently to Africa. That may be true but because of all the above I don’t ever want to fly with them again.

Hopefully this rant helps you be better prepared for your own travel adventures to come.


Mike “Guns” Core

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Karl Evans

Posts: 3031 | Location: Emhouse, Tx | Registered: 03 February 2010Reply With Quote
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Traveling with guns can be such a joy. One time we were traveling business through London. We were relaxing in the lounge having a G&T when they called for boarding. We leisurely walked up to the jetway and showed our boarding passes. We were told that I could board but Sadie could not. WTF!

To fast forward Sadie and I both were carrying ammo. The baggage handlers x-raying Sadie's bag determined that her ammo box was a battery which was not allowed. I was wild by that time and causing a controlled ruckus. Sadie being of somewhat sound mind in these situations asked if she might talk to the guys x-raying the bag. She listened to what they were saying and explained that they were looking at an ammo box. She suggest they roll the bag 90 degrees and re x-ray. They did and an ammo box appeared. All turned out fine and my blood pressure returned to normal.


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Mike - I was sweating just reading this. I hope Part 2 isn’t worse!


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We fly Ethiopian on Sept 13. I have heard several mentions of the pcr test upload but I’ll be damed if I can find the info on their website.
Any help?


What counts is what you learn after you know it all!!!
Posts: 713 | Location: York,Pa | Registered: 27 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Traveling with guns can be such a joy.

This is the Emirates advantage.

One never worry about their guns in transit.

I have many friends flying through Dubai with guns, some drop in for a visit.

Makes life so much easier.
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 70510 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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We fly Ethiopian on Sept 13. I have heard several mentions of the pcr test upload but I’ll be damed if I can find the info on their website.
Any help?

Thanks is the website the African CDC and Ethiopian uses. The covid upload is not bad. The gun check goat rope in Addis is manageable, but not fun.
Read this thread:

Posts: 83 | Registered: 10 September 2018Reply With Quote
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One never worry about their guns in transit.

That is so true, one doesn’t need worry about your firearms making it to your destination…the Emirates gate agent won’t let you board until they verify your firearms have been placed on the airplane. I like that.

Karl Evans

Posts: 3031 | Location: Emhouse, Tx | Registered: 03 February 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dulcinea:
We fly Ethiopian on Sept 13. I have heard several mentions of the pcr test upload but I’ll be damed if I can find the info on their website.
Any help?

Thanks as Highstepper mentioned is the place to go and where I downloaded our Covid results. Where they went I have no idea as at no time did Ethiopian / United ever ask for or even mention Covid tests. It wasn't until we arrived in Harare that we were asked for our test results on paper which I had printed out. Not sure it even matters but I would go ahead and download them anyway.

Posts: 1858 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 25 July 2006Reply With Quote
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I suggest for all travel, have a printed result with you.

Don’t rely on anything electronic!
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When we went through Addis in late May, they did not check ammo and drove us form the inspection area to the plane without having to go back into the terminal.

Prior to boarding with United and then in Washington with Ethiopian we were asked to see copies of the Covid results. Something must have changed.
Posts: 403 | Location: Tennessee, North Carolina | Registered: 01 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TNJohn:
When we went through Addis in late May, they did not check ammo and drove us form the inspection area to the plane without having to go back into the terminal.

Prior to boarding with United and then in Washington with Ethiopian we were asked to see copies of the Covid results. Something must have changed.

Wait for Part 2 - inconsistencies all over the place.

Posts: 1858 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 25 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by K Evans:
One never worry about their guns in transit.

That is so true, one doesn’t need worry about your firearms making it to your destination…the Emirates gate agent won’t let you board until they verify your firearms have been placed on the airplane. I like that.

Exactly. I had been asked to step aside in boarding my connection in the past so I now make a point of checking into the ticket counter at the gate so they may do what is necessary to “check them in.”

There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1457 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dulcinea:
We fly Ethiopian on Sept 13. I have heard several mentions of the pcr test upload but I’ll be damed if I can find the info on their website.
Any help?


Bring a printout or copy on your phone. You need in Harare anyway.

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I had the same experience as Gunscore. Be forewarned

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Picture of Labman
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Posts like this make me glad I decided not to book another African hunting trip in 2020 and 2021. I'll just sit on the sidelines until I can travel without all this needless aggravation .

Tom Z

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Originally posted by GunsCore:
Learn from my mistakes.

My daughter and I both had small carry-on bags, one gun case and one bag to check in. On these flights you are only allowed one check in bag and then it is $ 100 for the second one. The only reason we needed two checked in bags in the first place is one for the firearm and the other for the ammo locked up in a hard case. No problem I thought as I will just put the second one in my daughter’s name and save $ 100. Remember this as it caused me an unbelievable amount of stress and anxiety in Addis Abba.

I was sweating it as my bag with the ammo was the absolutely last one off the conveyor belt but arrive it did.


Mike “Guns” Core

The above put everything in perspective.

1. You were traveling with a Firearm.
2. You placed "YOUR AMMO" in your daughter luggage.

This has been covered before in many different postings. If you are traveling with a firearm the Ammo need to be in your checked luggage. Travel agents pass this information on to their clients. You have traveled to Africa before, and you knew this.

It comes down to you trying to save a $100 to check a second bag.

From your posting, Your daughter did not need a checked bag, you needed a second checked bag for your ammo case.

This is not the airlines fault, you need to look in the mirror.


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Originally posted by Bwana338:
Originally posted by GunsCore:
Learn from my mistakes.

My daughter and I both had small carry-on bags, one gun case and one bag to check in. On these flights you are only allowed one check in bag and then it is $ 100 for the second one. The only reason we needed two checked in bags in the first place is one for the firearm and the other for the ammo locked up in a hard case. No problem I thought as I will just put the second one in my daughter’s name and save $ 100. Remember this as it caused me an unbelievable amount of stress and anxiety in Addis Abba.

I was sweating it as my bag with the ammo was the absolutely last one off the conveyor belt but arrive it did.


Mike “Guns” Core

The above put everything in perspective.

1. You were traveling with a Firearm.
2. You placed "YOUR AMMO" in your daughter luggage.

This has been covered before in many different postings. If you are traveling with a firearm the Ammo need to be in your checked luggage. Travel agents pass this information on to their clients. You have traveled to Africa before, and you knew this.

It comes down to you trying to save a $100 to check a second bag.

From your posting, Your daughter did not need a checked bag, you needed a second checked bag for your ammo case.

This is not the airlines fault, you need to look in the mirror.

I never blamed the airlines and I told everyone to learn from my mistakes. You are grumpy bugger!

Posts: 1858 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 25 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Our air charter back to Harare went smoothly and we had our PH recommended Covid courier, (Joseph) pick us up and take us directly to the Covid test site near the center of Harare. It was smoothly efficient and was better than anything that I have encountered back home at a cost of $ 95 each. We did a little city tour and returned to the Covid clinic to get our test results on paper about two hours later. No downloads this time. I ended up spending $ 890 for Covid tests for my daughter and I, $ 300 too much due to my own screw up. I also had to fork out $ 400 for our Covid/Firearm/Guesthouse Transport assistance and another $ 260 for the Guesthouse. I wouldn’t have had any of these expenses two years ago before Covid. We spent the night at the very nice Woodland’s guest house.

Gunscore, thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to help us better understand the nuances and potential issues associated with international travel during these strange times.

I'm scheduled to depart for Harare soon and will also be staying at the Woodlands Guest Lodge.

I've read the above paragraph a couple of times and I'm still a little confused.

Perhaps you could provide a little more information regarding the unusual expenses that you incurred.

Thanks in advance!

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I have friends who travel a lot.

Every single one tells me there is no hard and fast rules that apply at airports today..

Each trip stands on its own.

Two trips through the same airport and you get two different experiences!

If you have to travel, go with the flow.
Instagram : ganyana2000
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I never considered flying with them until TWG told me they were the only airline that was sticking to their schedules and flying consistently to Africa. That may be true but because of all the above I don’t ever want to fly with them again.

Most of my clients have flown Ethiopian since last Aug when things started to open up. Travel with Ethiopian has not always been perfect but my hunters all arrived when they were scheduled.

The ammo thing GunsCore experienced on the way out of Harare is a new one on me. I have a client coming out through Harare in a couple of days. I'll ask what he ran into once he returns.


7094 Oakleigh Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89110
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Originally posted by Cajun1956:
Our air charter back to Harare went smoothly and we had our PH recommended Covid courier, (Joseph) pick us up and take us directly to the Covid test site near the center of Harare. It was smoothly efficient and was better than anything that I have encountered back home at a cost of $ 95 each. We did a little city tour and returned to the Covid clinic to get our test results on paper about two hours later. No downloads this time. I ended up spending $ 890 for Covid tests for my daughter and I, $ 300 too much due to my own screw up. I also had to fork out $ 400 for our Covid/Firearm/Guesthouse Transport assistance and another $ 260 for the Guesthouse. I wouldn’t have had any of these expenses two years ago before Covid. We spent the night at the very nice Woodland’s guest house.

Gunscore, thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to help us better understand the nuances and potential issues associated with international travel during these strange times.

I'm scheduled to depart for Harare soon and will also be staying at the Woodlands Guest Lodge.

I've read the above paragraph a couple of times and I'm still a little confused.

Perhaps you could provide a little more information regarding the unusual expenses that you incurred.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Cajun1956,

The unusual and new expenses were the added costs of the Covid tests ($890) and staying in the Guest House for the night ($260) in order to get the Covid tests before leaving. Plus the additional cost of Harare Covid / Firearm clearing assistance ($400). The clearing assistance was discretionary as I could have muddled through it myself but remember this was a hunt originally booked with the late Phillip Smythe. The PH that was now organizing the hunt for the benefit of the Smythe family was out hunting on his own account therefore I didn't have the normal Safari Company assistance upon arrival. If it wasn't for the Covid procedures my arrival times would have allowed me to fly straight to camp and also straight home without having to spend the night in Harare. I do look forward to going to Africa after I retire when I won't have to rush back to work anymore.

Posts: 1858 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 25 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by GunsCore:
Originally posted by Cajun1956:
Our air charter back to Harare went smoothly and we had our PH recommended Covid courier, (Joseph) pick us up and take us directly to the Covid test site near the center of Harare. It was smoothly efficient and was better than anything that I have encountered back home at a cost of $ 95 each. We did a little city tour and returned to the Covid clinic to get our test results on paper about two hours later. No downloads this time. I ended up spending $ 890 for Covid tests for my daughter and I, $ 300 too much due to my own screw up. I also had to fork out $ 400 for our Covid/Firearm/Guesthouse Transport assistance and another $ 260 for the Guesthouse. I wouldn’t have had any of these expenses two years ago before Covid. We spent the night at the very nice Woodland’s guest house.

Gunscore, thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to help us better understand the nuances and potential issues associated with international travel during these strange times.

I'm scheduled to depart for Harare soon and will also be staying at the Woodlands Guest Lodge.

I've read the above paragraph a couple of times and I'm still a little confused.

Perhaps you could provide a little more information regarding the unusual expenses that you incurred.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Cajun1956,

The unusual and new expenses were the added costs of the Covid tests ($890) and staying in the Guest House for the night ($260) in order to get the Covid tests before leaving. Plus the additional cost of Harare Covid / Firearm clearing assistance ($400). The clearing assistance was discretionary as I could have muddled through it myself but remember this was a hunt originally booked with the late Phillip Smythe. The PH that was now organizing the hunt for the benefit of the Smythe family was out hunting on his own account therefore I didn't have the normal Safari Company assistance upon arrival. If it wasn't for the Covid procedures my arrival times would have allowed me to fly straight to camp and also straight home without having to spend the night in Harare. I do look forward to going to Africa after I retire when I won't have to rush back to work anymore.

Gunscore, thanks for your feedback my friend.

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I've had difficulties in some of my flights but none like you experienced. Sorry you had to go through this.

This is why I stay in the US and fly to SA from here. I avoid Europe, central or North Africa, and the Middle East. I never had any problems there but could see the potential. Next year I am bringing several hunters to Africa and will keep the flights as simple as possible. And, I will always use TWG.


Cal Pappas, Willow, Alaska
1994 Zimbabwe
1997 Zimbabwe
1998 Zimbabwe
1999 Zimbabwe
1999 Namibia, Botswana, Zambia--vacation
2000 Australia
2002 South Africa
2003 South Africa
2003 Zimbabwe
2005 South Africa
2005 Zimbabwe
2006 Tanzania
2006 Zimbabwe--vacation
2007 Zimbabwe--vacation
2008 Zimbabwe
2012 Australia
2013 South Africa
2013 Zimbabwe
2013 Australia
2016 Zimbabwe
2017 Zimbabwe
2018 South Africa
2018 Zimbabwe--vacation
2019 South Africa
2019 Botswana
2019 Zimbabwe vacation
2021 South Africa
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As to the ammo being left behind. I do the same as you, yes the ammo there is VERY expensive. Only in 2017 did I get just a touch of grief over this, but the lady did not really push the issue. In 2019, and 2020, nary an eyebrow was raised. Not sure why you had trouble, but I suspect it was just dependant on the person you got that day.
Your outfitter should have known about the 2 forms your required to fill out in Harare, as I had to fill them out in 2020. The strangest thing I had happen in 2020 was at the second security check in Addis. I always use a small backpack for my carry on, and I had probably 6 or 8 pens stuck in various pockets on the outside of the pack. The guy doing the security check must have felt I had more pens than any mere mortal should own, so he just took 4 of them and said "Thanks".
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Mike, when I booked my trip to Botswana earlier this year, Ethiopian was ridiculously more expensive than Qatar and the flights were longer.

After reading of your experiences in the "firearms dungeon," I'm sure glad I chose Qatar!


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My experience as well for my upcoming trip on QA from ATL to JNB, then on the Botswana. Business ticket was $3400 compared to almost $6000 on Ethiopian and Emirates.

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Originally posted by MARK H. YOUNG:

Most of my clients have flown Ethiopian since last Aug when things started to open up. Travel with Ethiopian has not always been perfect but my hunters all arrived when they were scheduled.

The ammo thing GunsCore experienced on the way out of Harare is a new one on me. I have a client coming out through Harare in a couple of days. I'll ask what he ran into once he returns.


I just came back after spending 25 days in Zim. I left all of my .500 NE behind and did not have all the spent brass of 9.3x74R. No issues whatsoever. All they did was verify serial numbers and count the ammo.

There were other American hunters there as well and they did not have an issue or extra scrunity either.

In regards to Covid test, CMS had arranged a doctor to come to Amanzi Lodge and do the test and bring the results back 3 hours later, cost $80.
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I just got back as well.

I had no such ammo issues.

I ended up spending the night at Amanzi both coming and going . I was more bothered by the time than the cost.

My Zimbabwe COVID tests were a non-issue . Very efficient. I did get multiple tests in the US just in case one didn’t come back timely. My choice but totally unnecessary.

Sorry for the stress.
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Picture of Cajun1956
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If you’re traveling to Harare, hire a ‘Meet and Greet’.

You won’t regret it.

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I have 2 client using the Harare Meet/Greet next week. For a $150 split between the two of them it seems a good deal as I'm told it notably speeds up the process.


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Originally posted by MARK H. YOUNG:
I have 2 client using the Harare Meet/Greet next week. For a $150 split between the two of them it seems a good deal as I'm told it notably speeds up the process.


We used Wengai for meet and greet. His employee Joseph was great. He got us Covid tested and through the airport smoothly. Well worth the $150. I can’t imagine trying to negotiate all that myself.

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Curious why people are paying a service in Harare. I don't believe they can come through customs to help you and your PH or the outfitter is typically there to meet incoming hunters. You can download the permit application ahead of time and the process takes a few minutes once you collect your bags. Covid Tests are $50 or $60 and take 2-3 hours. Plenty of good shuttle services and places to stay.
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Originally posted by TNJohn:
Curious why people are paying a service in Harare. I don't believe they can come through customs to help you and your PH or the outfitter is typically there to meet incoming hunters. You can download the permit application ahead of time and the process takes a few minutes once you collect your bags. Covid Tests are $50 or $60 and take 2-3 hours. Plenty of good shuttle services and places to stay.

Joseph met us as exited the plane and got us through covid, immigration, customs and gun checks. Each time we went to the head of the line. He was worth every penny and more. We were too late to fly to camp so he took us to Malcom House and picked us up the next morning to take us to the airport.

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All good information! tu2
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Originally posted by TNJohn:
Curious why people are paying a service in Harare. I don't believe they can come through customs to help you and your PH or the outfitter is typically there to meet incoming hunters. You can download the permit application ahead of time and the process takes a few minutes once you collect your bags. Covid Tests are $50 or $60 and take 2-3 hours. Plenty of good shuttle services and places to stay.

The guy working for CMS is an airport security employee. Met us at the gate and sped us through all the lines. We were out of there within 30 minutes or so instead of a couple of hours (100+ people and only 3 checkers for Covid screening). Well worth the $20 each.
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For $20.00 I can seeing doing that, not $150.00
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