I would like to introduce myself. My name is a Paul Tunkis, a few years back I decided that the architect, builder thing in my life had run its course and began devoting my evenings to developing my water color painting technical abilities and remembering everything I was taught by a couple of great teachers about painting and drawing in general. Things worked out pretty well. After only a year or I landed the “Montana Emerging Artist of the Year” show at the Kalispell, I know where? What? Ok, it Montana I realize I’m not knocking heads in the LA art market. After a few more years and some more one man and nationally juried shows, I became a signature member of the Montana Watercolor Society, I entered three straight shows, was accepted each time and I am now a “signature” member. Paul Tunkis MWS. The next year I was chosen Artist in Residence for the BLM’s Missouri River Breaks National Monument, did a couple of shows off that and sold quite a few paintings. The original painting was then made into a poster for the monument and the painting was selected from all the National Monument poster paintings to represent the National BLM Program in Monuments, with another poster.
Over years I have posted here on occasion using a “handle” and well that was then. I haven’t posting anything hunting or gun related anywhere in a long time. I really like the general tone of this site and find the people on it enjoyable, amusing and infrequently annoying. My desire to utilize may own name rather than the semi-anonymity of a handle comes not just from an innate artists desire for self promotion but al so from a rather tough period in my life I am still crawling along in. In Nov of 2016 I was diagnosed with stage 2/3 cancer of the tongue throat and adjacent lymph nodes. The treatment protocol is noted as the perhaps the most brutal and painful in oncology, hell would have been a real vacation paradise; 34 straight days of radiation, three chemotherapy treatments with some stuff that even the EPA wouldn’t touch. I’m 36 days removed from my last radiation and 40 from the last drop of chemicals shot into my veins and the doctors’ figure my recovery will take, another 6 to9 months to get whole again. Did I mention that I lost 40 pounds, every muscle of any use in my body withered. I weigh 155 now, up a whole 5 pounds from rock bottom.
Enough of that crap, you will not have to hear about that again, ever. I would prefer just to discuss art, wildlife art, sporting art, African art, the influence of the hunt in the artists that portray the hunt and fishing as an aesthetic to be pursued and glorified because, well that’s I what I think and wish to do. Thanks for wading through this little introduction, here are a few of my painting, if you like them, please let me know, if not why, and we and can see where that goes.
Here are a few pieces of my work. To see more go to
www.paultunkis.com Thanks.
This was the painting chosen as the poster for the Missouri River Breaks National Monument.
The White Cliffs