Joe Smithson - Kurz 250sav.
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Simoly: WOW !

Any chance at a close-up of the rear peep sight?
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I believe Smithson lives here in Utah?

A guy showed up at the range several months back with a just minted 375 H&H with most of the bells & whistles on a $2k stick of turkish.

Man, the work and design were beyond any reproach. Nothing plain, nothing gaudy or ornate. He's really something special.
Posts: 718 | Location: Utah | Registered: 14 September 2008Reply With Quote
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That is very very nice....
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Picture of M1Tanker
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That is one beautiful rifle!!!! It is rifles like the rifle shown that feed my addiction to custom rifles.

William Berger

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Oh, yeah!
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NRA Life Member, Band of Bubbas Charter Member, PGCA, DRSS.
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somebody should make that action today (at an affordable price of course).
Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Outstanding rifle, and that round knob adds an elegance of its own!!
Posts: 690 | Location: Arizona | Registered: 21 May 2009Reply With Quote
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Very nice work and design for an open sight rifle. The grip is interesting as I haven't seen this style in a long time.

The problem I have is when the eyes fail you can not see the sights. A scope is a must for me.
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it's alright, i guess... Big Grin

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A truly amazing little rifle. Well done, indeed.
Posts: 1366 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: 10 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Awesome! while I'm not a fan of that grip style I'm a big fan of that stock blank! one of my favorites ever maybe. gorgeous figure. doesn't get much more beautiful than that.It's also one of my favorite things when a builder does a stepped effect on the rear sight like that. saw that on a 275 rigby barreled action for sale here and have loved it since.


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I'm a big fan of that stock blank! one of my favorites ever maybe. gorgeous figure. doesn't get much more beautiful than that.It's also one of my favorite things when a builder does a stepped effect on the rear sight like that. saw that on a 275 rigby barreled action for sale here and have loved it since.


The whole package is simply delightful.
Posts: 351 | Location: Junee, NSW, Australia | Registered: 13 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 22WRF:
somebody should make that action today (at an affordable price of course)..

Such actions are available in new production.

The better rifle smiths charge; $3-5k labor for stocking a rifle, $3k for an integral barrel, $2k+ for top walnut,
... $3-5k for a high quality low production Kurz action is not unreasonable.

There are those who attempted to make M70 type clones, and most went ass up or never got of the ground, and they fall somewhat short of the effort required to make an authentic M98.

The fact that a select few have managed to create and actually reliably deliver new Kurz actions, is testimony to their efforts and perseverance. The prices in my mind,are justified.

If one was aware of whats involved in making such, one would not whine about the price.

If such things are out of ones budget,just accept the fact.

If making high quality new mauser actions for the budget conscious type was such a realistic business prospect,
Pete Grisel would still be making them.
In stead he got involved with Dakota to produce a M70 clone receiver that needs accurizing/working over too be acceptable for a top grade rifle project.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of ForrestB
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That is a very well executed project. Joe is a terrific craftsman in wood and metal and an all-around nice guy as well.

The engraving is nicely done but (in terms of styling) does't belong on that particular rifle, IMHO.

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Francis Bacon
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If you by now[after all this time] on these gumsmithing/custom rifle subjects, cannot yet understand why M98 design is more complex/expensive to manufacture than m70, then you probably never will.

Current new production Kurz mauser actions are affordable, maybe just not affordable to you, or you simply don't like the price one has to pay for such limited run high quality.

I guess if your after a $500 Kurz action you'd also be searching for a $500 stocking job to match...good luck.
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True, but Porsches and BMW M3s' are for pure driving pleasure enthusiasts, much as H&W Kurz mausers are for pure premium rifle enthusiasts.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 22WRF:
but Porsches and BMW M3s' are for pure driving pleasure enthusiasts

Gee, I always thought they were for snobs.

You probably have the same view to those rifle enthusiasts who have the pleasure of owning a premium H&W Kurz for their hunting and shooting pleasure.
Its foolish assume that everyone who has a rifle like that Smithson Kurz or similar, has a lot of wealth.
It does not necessarily mean they are on some high income leading a lavish lifestyle.
Some guys will sacrifice owning a cupboard full of average rifles and/or forsake other hobbies, simply to have the joy and pleasure of owning such a fine rifle.
others will keep their 20 Remingtons, but complain about the price of a Kurz.
Everyone has choice.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 22WRF:

Again, what I did assume is that there are a lot of folks who cannot afford an orginal kurz action, or one of the small shop custom made ones, who might enjoy a less costly action of about the same size as the kurz to build their own 250 savage (or similar) on. Everyone does have a choice and I also assume that if such an action were available many folks would choose to purchase one.

There probably a number who cannot afford and those who can, but are not prepared to pay market price for such rare item as an orig. Kurz.

You originally asked if a premium world class rifle builder [Weibe] could bother to build a lower priced/lower spec Kurz type.{however you have since deleted his name from that post]
If I was such a person as Weibe or any other high grade rifle/component builder, Id be very hesitant to create anything below my usual trademark high standard.
Attempting to satisfy the lower spec-budget conscious would not be my priority, Id remain focused on the high grade conscious customer/enthusiast.

If you want a de-spec budget priced Kurz and feel there would be good demand, why not ask the Mark-X mauser manufacturers, intead of badgering the premium high grade custom builders, who have better things to do with their time.
Posts: 9434 | Location: Here & There- | Registered: 14 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kabluewy
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So, is this a Smithsonian Rifle? Wink



Posts: 12818 | Registered: 16 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Nope, the rifle is For Sale, just photos ripped from a reputable site... Hallowell & Co.

And Very reasonably priced! Check: New Arrivals

ACGG Life Member, since 1985
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Wow, what a nice rifle, Kudos to Joe and I love the "Prince Of Whales" extended grip, like to see the bottom of it as it appears to have a bit of Ebony to top it off. The POW fits those beautiful short Kurz actions, an action I would kill for and a caliber I have used all my 76 plus years and have so much respect for its game killing ability that seems way beyond it paper balistics...

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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I love how the extractor is blued and the bolt body is polished. A very nice touch.
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It is still just amazing to me what a true artist such as the many who frequent this site and those from the past can do with steel and wood. Beautiful.

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Ruined by the engraving.
The bolt peep is too big and bulky.
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While not needed for this particular rifle, the POW grip is very comfortable to carry Africa style.
Posts: 2827 | Location: Seattle, in the other Washington | Registered: 26 April 2006Reply With Quote
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I visited his shop or better discription" Museum " a couple of years ago on my way to Idaho hunting. I was floored as a kid in a candy store. Mausers mostly GMA actions were the norm in various stages of completion also some double rifle restoration purdey's etc...He's a gentelman, an artist of the highest order, his passion for his work was evident,meticulous, organized ,need I say more. He has a web site...Feast your eyes.
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