Hope Saeed doesn't mind and if he does, I'll pull this thread. Back in 2005, Safari Club International published a book of mine with the title, Mastery of Wood & Metal, David Miller Co. The book was released at the SCI Convention in January 2006. At the time they contracted with me on the book, SCI, or at least parts of SCI,envisioned getting into the book publishing business. Between then, and the release of the book, they changed their minds and decided that they didn't want to be in the book publishing business. Consequently, they did nothing to promote the book and their idea of selling it was to publish an 800 number in a SCI publication or two and wait for a phone call. Needless to say, very few folks ever heard of the book, let alone seen a copy. That is very unfortunate as, if I must say so myself, it is a hell of a good book on the building of custom rifles.
I've had a number of inquiries about the book. How the inquirers even found out about it is a mystery to me. Anyway, after three or four years, I managed to get my copyright back from SCI , and went looking for another publisher to reprint the book. I found one with Krause Publications.
The SCI published book sold for $70.00. The Krause published version will sell for $59.95. However, the book is currently available from Krause for a very nice discount off that price. It is presently selling for $37.97. Amazon is running the same special although I don't think that Amazon has books yet.
For those that contacted me and anyone else that might be interested, check the Krause Publications website or Amazon for details.
Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004
Hang onto that original copy. Last time I checked those SCI published copies were going for around $200 per copy. Wish I could have sold a few for that.
Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004
Winner, winner, chicken dinner When you combine Toms photographic and writing talent with David Miller's and Curt Crum's rifle building skills how can you loose?
Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship Phil Shoemaker Alaska Master guide FAA Master pilot NRA Benefactor www.grizzlyskinsofalaska.com
Posts: 4226 | Location: Bristol Bay | Registered: 24 April 2004
Wow! I paid... somewhat more than the original $80 if I remember right for my copy. It was well worth it at that price. For $40, I may buy a second copy to... thumb through.
If you do not have a copy, you would do yourself well and purchase a copy.
Nathaniel Myers Myers Arms LLC nathaniel@myersarms.com www.myersarms.com Follow us on Instagram and YouTube
I buy Mauser actions, parts, micrometers, tools, calipers, etc. Specifically looking for pre-WWII Mauser tools.
Posts: 1546 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 06 June 2010
Tsquare2 I acquired both of you're books a few years ago. The above mentioned and the Modern Custom gun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading both of them. They are full of knowledge, wisdom and eye candy. I hope a third book is on the way. Hint hint! I highly recommend them to any rifle loony. It was a pleasure to read and view the Fine craftsmanship displayed by American gunsmiths.
You missed one. Custom Firearms Engraving came out a couple years or so after Modern Custom Guns. It has been out-of-print for several years now and copies are hard to find. I've been looking for a copy for a friend of mine for a couple years now. However, when I do find one available, the collector's pricing is too high for me.
Many thanks for all your nice words. I appreciate them greatly.
Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004
Thought you guys might like to see a comparison photo of the two versions of the book, side-by-side. On the left is the original book as published by SCI, and on the right, the newly published version by Krause Publications.
Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004
Tsquare2 Thank you for setting me straight. I'am on the hunt for a copy and if I find an extra one consider it yours. 458WIN if you see fit to throw us a chicken bone instead of dinner in the form of a book every once in a while. All of us rifle loonies will be mighty obliged. My fingers are itching to lock the gate, tune the world out and delve into the world of hunting and it's ancillary unobstructed. Best wishes to all of you. Charles
I have one of the originals. I have studied it in detail and there is a great deal of information here. Photography is first rate. A rare look inside of David Miller's shop. On the back of mine it states published 2005.
Posts: 1556 | Location: North Texas | Registered: 11 February 2001
I never knew this book hadn't been marketed very well.......even without the marketing I managed to aquire a copy a couple of years ago and get it shipped to New Zealand. I also have Tom's other books, Modern Custom Guns and Custom Firearms Engraving........sorry Tom you can't have it back. Thanks for the information about the book I need a copy for a friend so will order a couple. Kiwi
The next one will probably be an updated version of Modern Custom Guns, with an all new cast of players. At least, that's what I've proposed to the publisher. There are a lot of talented artisans out there that weren't covered in the first edition, and a lot of new talent that were not practicing their craft when that book came out. There's plenty of material for a new edition of the book.
Again, this is only a proposal. Nothing has been decided at this stage.
Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004
Just wanted to thank you once again. I received a report yesterday from the publisher that Amazon has upgraded their projected sales of the book substantially, based upon sales so far. That is very good news. That means that my proposal to do a new edition of Modern Custom Guns, with substantial new material featuring lots of "new" talent, has a good chance of being approved. There is a long way to go yet, but the first step is a positive one.
Without the support of you guys, that would not have happened. Many, many thanks.
Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004