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A mtter of taste
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I recently purchased a model 700, in 6mm Rem, with a very well executed Mannlicher stock. AA wood, with well executed wrap around checkering. Barrel is Douglas featherweight and blue is 99%. The above barrel is bare as a baby's butt. No irons. To my eye, Mannlicher stocked rifles without irons, particulary ramped front sights, look really odd-unfinished. Comments? Stoney
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They also suck if not executed on a MS, Brno 21/22, factory Mauser.....or in an absolute pinch...early Sako.

Mind you....that is just my opinion.
Posts: 10 | Registered: 18 August 2010Reply With Quote
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Needs sights but doesn't need 'suck' comments from newbies. A well-executed stock is a joy regardless of the action.
Regards, Joe

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Needs sights but doesn't need 'suck' comments from newbies.

Only from "One of us"? I find that language inappropriate whoever says it. My son (33) uses it and I have told him not to use it in my presence! My wife agrees!

Perhaps no-one has been around this board and thinks he needs to use this language to "fit in"? I hope not.
Having said all that, my CZ550 in 7x57 has the iron sights and I do like them. I can't imagine what it would look like without them. Perhaps Stoneybroke could post a picture?

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Show us a picture!

I paid $$$$ for a MS full stock and now that I have handled it more I don't like the feel of it. Those rotary magazines make the balance point for one hand carry in front of the trigger guard much too wide.

I am reminded of those Sako full stock carbines when they came out. It might have been in the 60's. I turned up my nose at them for some no-good reason.

They were a neat little rifle. I would like to handle one now.

To add that a search of the net turned up a SAKO AII MANNLICHER CARBINE 243 WIN #330XXX, 20" BBL for $1500. Its not the price, its the look of it! Somehow I swear they were better looking 50 years ago.

Posts: 111 | Registered: 20 August 2010Reply With Quote
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J.D.Steele, the Gentleman asked for comments....if you do not like my opinion you may feel free to ignore it.

If my opinion or my language offends any to the point that they cannot ignore either....then stiff sh!t.
Posts: 10 | Registered: 18 August 2010Reply With Quote
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i'm really quite fond of full stocked rifles and really don't care if they have irons on them or not. probably because i can't see the sights anymore and so they end up as brush catchers. but as J.D. says excellent workmanship on a beautiful piece of wood is always a joy to behold
Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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If my opinion or my language offends any to the point that they cannot ignore either....then stiff sh!t.

Very classy no-one! You should fit right it on the Political Forum. You are added to my ignore list (after only two posts), which by the way is a record.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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I agree that a Mannlicher stocked carbine needs iron sights to "look" right.

But any carbine ought to have sights, no matter the stock, right?


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Absolutely. A Stutzen stocked rifle just has to have irons. Saw a really nice rifle on here over the past year, beautiful stock, no irons, just looked unfinished.

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Mannlicher stocked rifles without irons, particulary ramped front sights, look really odd-unfinished. Comments?

I used to be a "bare barrel" man.....and then one day I decided that proper sights look quite nice on a barrel and I didn't care if they ripped up a case or I even add Williams ramped sights on my Winchester bare barreled featherweights! Guess what;....I really don't care if someone else don't like them.....It's my (bleeping) rifle and I make it the way I like it....

Same for the Mannlicher....if you like it...that's all that it!

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
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Why thank you must be one of the overly sensitive left wing pansies that I was warned about.

I honestly did not think that I would manage to converse with a club snob and a lefty on the same forum....I appear to be wrong.

Cheers on the tip about the political forum....I shall go and see if there are any who can give a decent conversation without getting their panties in a twist.
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"decent conversation"?!!
Might you be a participant?
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The pejorative use of the word 'suck' comes from nautical terminology, where a vessel is said to 'suck' if there is a large vortex created in the wake immediately behind its stern. Such a vortex indicates a partial vacuum in the vessel's wake, actually causing a suction to lower its forward speed. IOW the less a vessel 'sucks', the higher its natural speed through the water.

The term 'suck', much like the term 'balls to the wall', has absolutely nothing to do with anything sexual or vulgar, except in folks' minds.

However, both terms have come to have a low-class and vulgar connotation in the general public's mind and so they aren't appropriate for polite company.

Newbies on any forum need to be even more polite than normal, to ensure a pleasant welcome. Telling the man that his rifle sucks is not being polite, it's acting like a dildo-head. (dildo-head: cheap imitation of the real thing)

You can call us names from the safety of your long-range keyboard but I seriously doubt you would dare to do it face-to-face, up close and personal-like.

Back to the subject. Yes the newer Sakos don't have the look of the older ones. IMO it's the straight lower line of the forearm and that awful Monte Carlo. The forearm looks clubby and the buttstock looks, to me, a lot like a canoe paddle crossed with a hunchback.
Regards, Joe

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i'm thinking this is not a newby, but one who is returning after being booted out a little bit ago
Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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posted Hide Post are wrong in believing that I need to impress you, nor that I would not give my opinion to your face.

I am a forty-six year old bloke that does not feel the need to be chastised by fellows who believe themselves to be the thought police....and snobby so-and-so thought police you are, at that.

At the end of my post you will have seen my disclaimer of the post being my I said before...if you do not like my opinion...stiff, ignore it.

Now be a good little boy and annoy someone who gives a toss about your efforts to control.
Posts: 10 | Registered: 18 August 2010Reply With Quote
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No Butch...I have never been on these forums before.

I generally post over on the campfire as no_one....and prior to that as J Stuart.
Posts: 10 | Registered: 18 August 2010Reply With Quote
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I agree that full-stocked rifles look best with iron sights. In fact, I'm starting to like them again on most rifles (as a kid I unscrewed every iron sight I could from my rifles) and will be adding a banded ramp and NECG rear to my .308 Featherweight once shortened to 20". On something heavy/long barreled I think smooth is more appropriate, but it's all in the eye of the beholder and opinions certainly vary.
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No-one, a suggestion: knock it off.
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Not a problem tell the other tossers the same thing.
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Originally posted by no_one:
Not a problem tell the other tossers the same thing.

I too am new here but not new in the world of collecting or posting. Most people visits sites to learn something new and contribute whenever possible.

Firing a shot over the bow first thing teaches nobody anything.
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Tex.....and your post says ....what?

Anyone else going to have a shot....or would you like to practice what you preach.
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I too think a Mannlicher needs irons, preferably a ramped front WITHOUT hood.
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My memory fails me, but wasn't someone banned recently that used that signature line of "panties in a bunch"? The manner of presentation, and the rather rigid phraseology is eerily familar. If he moves to standard "homosexual" references his ID should be easy to place.

This is a classic example of what can happen to you if you don't eat your leafy green vegetables as a young person.


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Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Hello Rich, panties in a bunch seems to be peculiarly Yank.....I am Australian.

And I am not inclined to use someones purported sexuality against them.
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no-one, I notice that you have made eight posts so far on this thread and only one had anything to do with the thread topic.

Posts: 5686 | Location: Nampa, Idaho | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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You are correct....the rest were replies to posts directed at what is the verdict, should I meekly turn the other cheek....or should I smack the smart-arse mouthy gits with a reply.

Soooo.....what would you do?
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Originally posted by no_one:
You are correct....the rest were replies to posts directed at what is the verdict, should I meekly turn the other cheek....or should I smack the smart-arse mouthy gits with a reply.

Soooo.....what would you do?

A period of silence Big Grin
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That was actually very least you have a sense of humour OLDUN.
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Originally posted by no_one:
Soooo.....what would you do?

I'd just back outta this one.

The bad thing for you, is while it seems your only trying to "get back" at posters that say something about you, it was your initial post that likely got folks' "panties in a bunch" to begin with.
While you did in fact say "my opinion", its your newness and low post count that most wont take good to when posting negatively to something.

IMO your making yourself look bad. The guys around here have a long memory, and I'm afraid that if you dont just leave it alone, your reputation will follow you as long as your may not be too late to make ammends!

I'm not sure if you've been lurking around here in the shadows, but I AM sure that you will find this board to be one of the most knowledgable ones there is.

Welcome to the board & good luck with the outcome.


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Mr. Steele, I've never met you, but think if I ever do that we will get along just fine.
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Alive, I appreciate it muchly! And I know something of just what it takes to survive in Corpus, you have my sympathy!
Regards, Joe

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Ignored post by no_one posted 27 August 2010 00:19

I've read enough!

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by J.D.Steele:
Needs sights but doesn't need 'suck' comments from newbies. A well-executed stock is a joy regardless of the action.
Regards, Joe

Come on J.D. and others. You were all sparkly white and virgin once yourselves.


One thing you might consider doing here on AR is backing up your opinions with either evidence or telling the experience you had which made you form your opinion.
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I have trouble visualizing you as "sparkly white or virgin".
New guys usually ease into groups, here or in person...

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I have not seen enough manlichers but do think they look naked without open sites, as to which sites look best on them, I'd have to have pics to form my opinions.

Also a record for me, ignored after 2 posts. Damn I wish I could do that with people in real life, staff in particular.

Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by no_one:
That was actually very least you have a sense of humour OLDUN.

Blimey, I've been elevated to capital letters, now there's an honour, better than a knighthood. rotflmo
Posts: 1374 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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no one,

while it's always nice to have new posters here on the old AR, I must admit I may not be a newbie after three years, but I am certainly a less experienced hunter than many here. I can certainly sling it over on the political forum but in general I find it to be more appropriate when newly entering a social situation, be it electronically as in here or in real life to keep a low profile and be polite when no one know you.

It's a little like you stormed into the room and announced yourself and then invited anyone who doesn't like it to fuck off. Probably won't get you too far here and may get you a bloody lip in real life. Lots of folks here are a great resource and perhaps you even have something of value to offer, but keep it on the downlow for a while, eh?
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OK, here's a few pics I have collected from websites and posters. I too think you need irons on a Mannlicher to look right.

This is a 1920's Special Range Rifle from the Mauser Waffen site(for some reason I like the handguard):

Next up is a current Mauser 03 Stutzen(my personal fav):

Now a Sako Bavarian from their site:

An original Mannlicher Schonauer from an AR poster:

Lastly, an FN carbine from Guns America:

The vision thing was bugging me too. Up until age 40 I had crisp 20/5 vision in both eyes. By age 50 I was wearing trifocals! My optometrist sold me on progressive lenses and even ground a spot on my shooting eye lens to give me a sharp focus on the front sight. Now I can hunt with irons again.
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