Custom Shop Model Seven
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Anybody seen this?

Near as I can tell, all it is, is a Model 7 with a plywood stock. MSRP $2991. In their dreams.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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That's called a Custom Shop Model 7 MS, for Mannlicher Stock. I've had 7-10 of them over the years, in calibers 250 savage, 260 Rem, 7mm-08, 308, 35 Remington, and 350 Rem Mag. They are sweet-handling little carbines, and accurate as well. I wouldn't pay the near-$3,000 MSRP for one, but usually buy them slightly used for $1,350 or so.
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Picture of rnovi
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Ahh, the Remington M7MS. Ok, I have one in .257 Roberts (my namesake of course!) and it's a superbly accurate rifle. I've shot more 1.5" groups from that 20" pencil barrel at 200 yards than I care to mention. It's just plain remarkably consistent - 100 gr. H-IL's, 100gr. SGK's, 117 SST's, 117 SGK's - it shoots them all like a dream over the right amount of H4350.

Half a dozen deer, half a dozen's a helluva great rifle.

Yes, I saw and read the article and thought to myself "Well, that's one great big marketing ad Remington paid for."

And then I went to safe and smiled. I just plain love that rifle.

PS: Yes, it's a full length laminated stock that's fully bedded around the action. The factory trigger is ok (I replaced mine with a Basix 2#), the bluing is superb. Supposed to be a factory blueprinted and trued action with a hand-selected barrel. Dunno about that last part but the accuracy is there. The full wrap forend checkering is actually quite good for a laminated stock. Worth $3k? No, but I got mine for $1,250 and it was a steal to me for that rate. Topped with a Leupld VXIII 2.5-8x and it's ready for darn near anything.



H4350! It stays crunchy in milk longer!
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Rob, imagine what it could do if you could really shoot! :-)
Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bren7X64
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Pretty little rifle.

Sorta reminds me of my CZ 527 FS - but I prefer the Rem stock.

Promise me, when I die, don't let my wife sell my guns for what I told I her I paid for them.
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Originally posted by Biebs:
Rob, imagine what it could do if you could really shoot! :-)

LOL! There's truth in that!

In retrospect that original comment could well be taken the wrong way! Deleted original.



H4350! It stays crunchy in milk longer!
Posts: 2326 | Location: Greater Nashville, TN | Registered: 23 June 2006Reply With Quote
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I own one I bought (used) years ago in .250-3000. It's as nice a deer rifle as one could ask for. I find it easy to carry, well balanced and like the short action.

Killed a nice six point whitetail with it a few years ago and, like most heart shots with the 25 caliber, it went about 30 feet and fell over dead. Conveniently, it died near a large puddle so I could wash my hands and less than 100 yards from the road (I was walking out quietly from a stand and something pushed it in front of me).

Mine likes Remington factory 100 grain bullets and a lot of different handloaded bullets in 75, 87 and 100 grain. I topped it with a Leupold 1.5-5 Vari-XIII and never wished for anything more.

$3,000 is a stretch for one, but, given current used gun prices, finding one without a scope in good condition under half that is a pretty good deal, particularly if it's scoped with anything but a throwaway.
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Mine is a 308 & a steady 1" rifle. It is normally my opening day rifle because it is such a handy swanp small stand rifle.

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Picture of bigdoggy2bore
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Please tell me about the 2nd rifle. Very nice looking. I usually post in the big bore forum.

Used to be bigdoggy700 with 929 posts . Originally registered as bigdoggy 700 in July 2006.
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M700 in 270 built by Bob Green..Hart #2 bbl, Borden Rimrock stock. 3/4" rifle every time.
Posts: 1125 | Location: near atlanta,ga,usa | Registered: 26 September 2001Reply With Quote
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The Remington Mod 7's are highly under rated rifles. I have shot several of the standard ones in 223, 243, 6mm, 7mm-08, a bunch in 308, and a fiberglass stocked 350 RM from the Custom Shop.

All of them shot Great.

They are a very good hunting rifle.

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For three grand I would hope so.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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