CZ 9.3x64
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Finally got my CZ 9.3x62 converted into 9.3x64 Brenneke.
Only had it a couple of days so I haven't had a chance to reload or shoot it yet but I made up some dummies and it feeds absolutely perfectly and positively. It holds four in the mag. The dummies were with 320gr Woodlieghs as I plan on having these as one of two loads for this rifle. The other will be a 250gr like a TTSX etc.
I'm very happy with my choice of open sights and as its the Recknagel Universal sight, it can be switched easier as well as fine tuned unlike the Masterpiece.

Please ignore the stock as it will get re-worked. I cant stand the new age "checkering" so this will be re-done and I'll add an ebony tip, grip cap, oil finish etc.

I would be greatful if anyone has any 320gr loads for the 9.3x64. I can't seem to find to much info on them.

Posts: 61 | Location: Adelaide, Australia | Registered: 21 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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Damn you!

I had plans to kill off a couple worthless 270's and turn them into 400 Whelens.

Now I find this idea.
Posts: 7782 | Location: Das heimat! | Registered: 10 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Big Wonderful Wyoming:
Damn you!

I had plans to kill off a couple worthless 270's and turn them into 400 Whelens.

Now I find this idea.

If you have a couple of donors, you don't really have a problem. Go one of each and you'll have the best of both worlds.

My original plan was to build this on a Brno zkk 600. I bought one in 7x57 and decided that it was a nice original rifle that l should just leave alone. Then l bought a zkk in .30/06 on an online auction. It turned out to be unfired, so l decided to leave that one alone.
I have a couple of .308's but this was my first .30/06 and l can see why they are so loved. I really like the rifle and with it's long freebore l can easily load 180gr to 2800f/s-no way you can get that out of a .308.
Posts: 61 | Location: Adelaide, Australia | Registered: 21 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by gk1:

I would be greatful if anyone has any 320gr loads for the 9.3x64. I can't seem to find to much info on them.

I use the following load for my Winchester M70 in 9,3x64, 26" barrel:
RWS cases
CCI 200 primers
320gr Woodleigh RNSP
67grs Vithavuori N550
COL: 84,6mm (3,33")
Muzzle velocity: 2420fps

I plan to reduce the powder charge 1gr when loading 320grs FMJ, to get the same velocity and point of impact.
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Originally posted by gk1:
Originally posted by Big Wonderful Wyoming:
Damn you!

I had plans to kill off a couple worthless 270's and turn them into 400 Whelens.

Now I find this idea.

If you have a couple of donors, you don't really have a problem. Go one of each and you'll have the best of both worlds.

My original plan was to build this on a Brno zkk 600. I bought one in 7x57 and decided that it was a nice original rifle that l should just leave alone. Then l bought a zkk in .30/06 on an online auction. It turned out to be unfired, so l decided to leave that one alone.
I have a couple of .308's but this was my first .30/06 and l can see why they are so loved. I really like the rifle and with it's long freebore l can easily load 180gr to 2800f/s-no way you can get that out of a .308.

Funny - I'm having a ZKK 600 in 270 converted to 9.3x62 at the moment.

It's an older one with a pop-up peep sight on the rear bridge.

Promise me, when I die, don't let my wife sell my guns for what I told I her I paid for them.
Posts: 1048 | Location: Canberra, Australia | Registered: 03 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by maral:

I use the following load for my Winchester M70 in 9,3x64, 26" barrel:
RWS cases
CCI 200 primers
320gr Woodleigh RNSP
67grs Vithavuori N550
COL: 84,6mm (3,33")
Muzzle velocity: 2420fps

I plan to reduce the powder charge 1gr when loading 320grs FMJ, to get the same velocity and point of impact.

Thanks for that Maral, that's nearly identical to a load that l found just yesterday on another forum. He was using 69gr of AR2209 for similar velocity (with a 24" barrel).

It turns out N550 is "equivalent" to AR2209 so l'll start at 66gr and go from there.

Posts: 61 | Location: Adelaide, Australia | Registered: 21 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Bren7X64:

Funny - I'm having a ZKK 600 in 270 converted to 9.3x62 at the moment.

It's an older one with a pop-up peep sight on the rear bridge.

All three of mine have the pop-up peep. It's a great design- probably the best integrated sight of all time.

Make sure you post some pics when you've built it. It should be a great rifle in a great caliber.
Posts: 61 | Location: Adelaide, Australia | Registered: 21 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by gk1:
Originally posted by Bren7X64:

Funny - I'm having a ZKK 600 in 270 converted to 9.3x62 at the moment.

It's an older one with a pop-up peep sight on the rear bridge.

All three of mine have the pop-up peep. It's a great design- probably the best integrated sight of all time.

Make sure you post some pics when you've built it. It should be a great rifle in a great caliber.

Thanks - i'm pretty excited. Got to wait for the TS Engineering people to get back from holiday before the barrel arrives .... they seem to be the only company in Aus that makes 9.3 barrels.

All my rifles except one are either on BRNO or CZ actions ....

Years ago some old fart in RSA stood up at a meeting and told us all about how his mate had been stomped by an ele or a buffalo or something like that and his mate had been carrying a BRNO and the safety worked wrong and the mate was found with the stomped unfired BRNO next to him and thus BRNO was a pile of ordure. Coincidentally he was the agent in RSA for every expensive German make you can find .....

So I took him to heart and decided that if every safety worked the same way, I was unlikely to get it wrong and then standardised.

I have pop-ups a number of mine - my 7x57, my 30-06, and my 458 (and the 9.3). The 458 is very useful, since it is unscoped - the others not as useful.

Maybe we should ask for a special forum here - the BRNO Admirers Corner maybe Wink

Promise me, when I die, don't let my wife sell my guns for what I told I her I paid for them.
Posts: 1048 | Location: Canberra, Australia | Registered: 03 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Yes they are a great action and very good value. As much as l like the M98 as a basis for a custom, the zkk/CZ's work out much better value. The integral scope dovetail alwalys looks cleaner to me.

As far as barrels go, my Gunsmith has told me that the pre-chambered m98 lothar n walther barrels are ideal for zkk/cz's as the thread can be machined off and re cut to suit (large ring diam. vs small ring). That's something to keep in the back of your mind. Not that there's anything wrong with the TSE barrels, l used one on my 9x57 and it shoots very well.

You were lucky to find a zkk 602 with the peep. I'm always on the look out for one. l normally replace the front bead with a recknagel flat post.

The safety has never been an issue for me as l tend not to use them much. When l do, it's pretty simple to get used to them.
Posts: 61 | Location: Adelaide, Australia | Registered: 21 August 2012Reply With Quote
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I can attest that the Lothar barrels are good barrels. I used one on my Brenneke with a M98 VZ24 action. It will shoot 1/2" groups, with 250 (accubond), 286 (partition) and 300 (swift) grain bullets. The only rifle that I have that doesn't seem to prefer a specific load.

On my rifle the magazine is standard length (3.34" max OAL). If yours is similar, boattail base bullets are hard to load if you use slower case filling powders. The base takes up too much space and you can't physically get to your max charge weight for powder. I really like IMR 4350 behind the 286 and 300gr bullets, but it just doesn't work with the boattail 250 grainers. For those I went to Varget and RL15. If you stick with flat base bullets, this issue goes away.

I hadn't run into this issue with other cartridges that I load for.

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9.3x64 is a great cartridge, perhaps better than a 375 H&H, perhaps not?? but they are fully equal.

69 grs. of AA4350 for 2450 FPS was a very accurate load in several 9.3x64s that I played with, as was 62 grs. of Rl-15 for the same velocity. I would start a couple of grains below this and work up as they were max loads.

Vitavuori VN 160 showed real promise but I never followed up on it.. I suggest you start at about 73 or 74 grs and work up. I belive you should be able top 2500 FPS safely.

A 320 gr. 9.3 bullet at 2400 plus FPS is deadly on anything that walks, talks, or crawls..

I have found that Pierre van der Walts book, African Dangerous Game is probably the best reloading book available as he has researched all the sources and compiled them into one book, so that is where I start as a rule wehn working up loads for big bores..It is without a doubt the best book I have read in many years, not just for reloading but for gobs of great information. I have studied it, read it and reread it and when I have nothing to do I read it again and again..high praise.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Thank you for the above loads.
Much appreciated.
Posts: 61 | Location: Adelaide, Australia | Registered: 21 August 2012Reply With Quote
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Vitavuori, Vithavouri.....Bull shit ! It´s VIHTAVUORI, named by a village in Middle Finland. BOOM .
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