Did BRNO make a VZ-64
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I know that BRNO made a 24, and a 33 action. Did they also make a 64 action. The reason that I ask is because I saw one so marked with the 64. It did not have other BRNO markings on it, but it had a BRNO type safety that flipped down on the left side.
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64 is the date stamp.
there should be a matching stamp on barrel and action.

safety on the left that flips down is a model 21/22
but here is the problem the 21 /22 was not made in 1964.

The Galas Rifle ZG 47 was listed until 1964 at which time the Koucky brothers rifle ZKK was on the cards.

The ZG47 has a rotating safety on the right.
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I have heard of ZG47's turning up with 21/22 bolt sleeves and safeties.
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Originally posted by lindy2:
this is a model 98 style action. I don't think they were being made anywhere in 1964 were they?

VZ500 intermediate length 98 actions were made in Yugoslavia in the 1960s. They are the commercial version of the M48.

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The ZG 47 is a Model 98 action
ZG47 actions as well as ZKM and ZKW barrelled actions were used by other manufacturers under their brand names.
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Originally posted by xausa:
I have heard of ZG47's turning up with 21/22 bolt sleeves and safeties.

I have a 21-22 series long tubed 7x57, rechambered to .280Rem. with the round bolt handle, but, came with the 21 left side crappy flap safety. Changed to a Wisner and a Micky MKX Edge stock with FN bottom metal------shoots VERY well and is nice to carry.

I have seen photos of 21/22 rifles with the ZG bolt handle and reverse safety, these are, IMO, THE finest production aporters ever made, all factors considered.

I would love a mint one in 7x64B paired with the most pristine of my original ZGs in 9.3x62, no better combo for western-northern Canadian hunting and wilderness work.
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Very early and during WW2, German customs had Brno build a mod. 35 ( I think mod. 35) and it was a G-3340 carbine..Can anyone give me more information on this particular action and rifle, I don't recall if it has the rail cut the G-33-40 had and don't recall if it was a round top or double square bridge..I built a manlicher carbine in 7x57, used it a year or two and eventually sold it. Ive only seen one other..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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No vz 35. The highest designation Brno went to was the Vz34 ( Brazilian rifle)
Essentially a VZ 24.
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I checked with Jack Belk and he told me that German Customs was issued a G33-40 designated the mod. 35, and Ive been told that Brno used that action early on..Lots of stuff took place when the Germans left and the Brno factory started up again, apparently much that's not of record perhaps. The fellow that told me that was in some way connected to Brno at that time in the 1940 to 1944 time period, or about the time WW2 ended..Im always interested in such history, sounds like Savage Arms, they mismatched gobs of 99s that shouldn't be but they are!

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Modelo 32
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WOW! What a beautiful little action. Wonder how come we don't see more of them.
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The following Mauser derivatives were built by Brno ( Zbrojovka Brno )

The term Vz is the abbreviation for Vzor which translated means "pattern"
1. The Jelen Mauser ( Pushka Jelena ) after
engineer Rudolph Jelen of Brno Pushka = long rifle
2. Pattern 22 Type 1 and Type 2
3. Pattern 23 and 23 A
4. Pattern 24 ( the VZ 24 is the quintessential
Brno Mauser) This was also found with minor variations by other Czech
armouries and designated VZ 32 and VZ 35
5. Model G 24 ( German occupation Vz 24)
6. Pattern 33
7 Model G 33/30
8. Pattern 24 / 26
9. Model 08/34
10.Model 1912
11. Model 12/33
12. model 98/27
13. L rifle

CZ Air rifle military trainers
Not Brno built but CZ built
Designer engineer Franticek Myska
Designation: Vzduchovka Vz35 and Vz47 Vzduchovka = "air rifle"
1935 the Czech military buys 9850 VZ35 from CZ
No 10 BB type pellets of caliber 4.46mm
The VZ35 had a Brno VZ 24 Bayonet lug
The VZ47 had no Bayonet lug and is a post war rifle
The air rifle was unique in that it had a gravity fed reservoir on top of the
action just behind the tangent sight for the pellets.
The action had a bolt hand which operated like a mauser and when pulled back
cocked the air rifle.
The sight was marked in 5 m increments from 5m to 25 m.
This is a heavy rifle at 9.5 pounds and accuracy was not great.
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Just to add:

The Peruvian Modelo 32 is a special light weight VZ24 and the number 5000 comes from The book
Dějiny koncernu brněnské Zbrojovky. Díl 3, Koncern brněnské Zbrojovky v letech 1939-1945
by Otakar Franěk

The Peruvian Modelo 35 is not a Brno rifle but a FN Herstal model 35
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Well, that answers my original question. Thank you.

Too bad they don't make some of that same stuff today.
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