You've seen this rifle before with my minimal photography skills. This is a set photographed by Gary Bolster. thought you might enjoy the professional eye appeal version.
Posts: 3727 | Location: Phone: (253) 535-0066 / (253) 230-5599, Address: PO Box 822 Spanaway WA 98387 | | Registered: 16 April 2013
Beautiful Duane, like it a lot. I cannot remember, what do you call the metal piece that runs from the trigger guard down the pistol grip to the grip cap? Lovely wood too.
Posts: 684 | Location: N E Victoria, Australia. | Registered: 26 February 2009
But if the photographs were made to show quality photography, a Rifle that handsome and of that quality deserves far better than a plain cloth background with wrinkles in it.
Also, on many of the photos one can see that the light is coming from the rear of the gun to highlight the gun and provide some contrast, but there is not enough fill light or bounce light in the front of the gun going back into the shadows. The problem with that is its difficult to see the quality and beauty of the wood and checkering in the shadows in the front on a number of the photos.
A rifle of this quality and beauty deserves even better!
No, your work is still better than the photos, I have a weakness for that type of barrel work also. May I ask where the stock blank came from...never seem to have one when I'm on the prowl for one.
_____________________ Steve Traxson
Posts: 1641 | Location: Green Country Oklahoma | Registered: 03 August 2007
Beautifull rifle and mount! You prefer the "Einhakmontage" - and this a Special Kind of it - for your custom rifles? My "Büchsenmacher" has develloped a Special "Schwenkmontage" for Mausers with single or with double square bridges!