New 222 is ready to shoot
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About 18 months ago, I decided I wanted a 222 for varmint hunting. I usually shoot a factory Ruger 204, but I wanted to step things up a notch in accuracy for my walking varminter.

I chose a 222 because of its old-school reputation for accuracy and its relatively mild charge. I didn't want a cartridge with screaming velocity, but I wanted something with enough punch to drop a coyote at about 250 yards.

I decided on a Borden Alpine action. It arrived about a year ago and was beautifully put together. It is as smooth as any action I've ever touched. I then decided to have Krieger put a barrel on, so I had them put on a 23" with a 1-14 twist. The contour is between a #2 and #3.

I then sent it into McMillan to be stocked with an Edge stock. It just arrived yesterday and I put on a Leopold 3.5-10 with Talley rings. The weight is 7 lbs 12 oz.

I can't wait to shoot it and today I loaded up some 40 gr and 50 gr V-Max bullets with IMR4198. I'll post the results, but I sure hope it shoots.

Posts: 519 | Registered: 12 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Keep us posted on results. I have a Rem 788 in 222 Rem that shoots very well.

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Nice rifle. The .222 is one of my favorite cartridges!!

I've had very good luck with the 50 grs VMAX in almost all the rifles in which I tried it.

- mike

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I use the Max book charge of Hodgdon's Benchmark under a 50 grain Balistic tip. I seat the bullets to just touch the lands. I feel that I could be very competitive in a Bench rest match on a calm day. My rifle is a rem 700 ADL from the early 80's. There are no fly's on the triple deuce. For you ultra-accuracy minded rifle-loonies, Lapua is making their fantastic brass again. Certainly not necessary for Coyote hunting though, or any kind of hunting really.
That is one sweet rifle you got there!


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Thats a good looking set up. I have been using a 222 for years its on its second barrel now. I use 23 grain IMR 3031 with 52 grain berger match hp work great on coyotes.
Posts: 130 | Location: Floresville,TX. | Registered: 12 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Congratulations on a great looking rifle, I've no doubt that it will shoot as well as it looks. I am also a 222 Rem fan and shoot a Sako 75 in 222.
regards Toby
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Picture of Rub Line
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I found the 222 an easy cartridge to load for in my m700. You have a very nice rig there, if it shoots as nice as it looks, you'll have nothing to worry about.


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Not to worry-its a Triple duece -it will shoot


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Picture of vapodog
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A .222 I had holds my personal all time record for consecutive hits on prairie dogs.....39...the 40th shot hit a barbed wire fence in front of a dog and a resultant miss.

It'll take care of that 250 yard coyote easily!!!!

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Well, I had a chance to shoot the rifle today. I tried the 40 and 50 grain Vmax and the rifle liked them both. 50 Vmax and 19gr of IMR4198 was superb. Load development with this rifle is going to be frustrating because everything seems to work well!! What fun is that, right? Smiler The Jewell trigger does take getting used to though. It is like a feather. I just barely think about pulling the trigger and the gun fires. I'm used to 4 lb. triggers, so this one surprises me a bit.

By the way, vapodog, that 40th shot doesn't count because you can chalk that up to bullet failure. Varmint bullets are supposed to go right through barbed wire and still hit the dog. Smiler
Posts: 519 | Registered: 12 November 2007Reply With Quote
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I know you want to hunt it, but for bragging rights I would suggest Berger 52 grain or Sierra 52 grain match bullets.

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Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I'll give one of those bullets a try, just to see what she can do. I've never tried a Berger bullet, so it might be time that I ordered a box.
Posts: 519 | Registered: 12 November 2007Reply With Quote
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I switched to the 52 gr bergers 4 or 5 years ago and havent looked back. We where trying to finish our culling and I put four deer down with mine this past saturday all head and neck shots. The longest was a doe at 325 yds.

Posts: 130 | Location: Floresville,TX. | Registered: 12 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Send me a PM with an address and I will send you some match 22s. No charge.
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Thanks! PM Sent.
Posts: 519 | Registered: 12 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of 6.5BR
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Been looking forward to hearing about this build and report.

Very nice. Having shot many 22s, the 221 and 222 are my favorites unless I wanted a speed freak larger round w/fast twist. Never had a 223 that shot as well as my 221 and 222s.

If you want another option, my 221 did 3600+ w/40 vmax/Lil Gun and one hole, it was an SG&Y rifle, sporter.

The Deuce will do around 3700+ w/40s and Lil Gun.

Enjoy that rifle, I would not have changed a thing Smiler
Posts: 2898 | Registered: 25 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Use Enough Gun
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Very nice! Congratulations!
Posts: 18609 | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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I sent you 200 52grn BR bullets by Shilen, 1 box of Sierra 52grn match bullets, 1 box of 40grn Ballistic Tips and a partial box of 80 grn VLD moly Bergers. Hope this helps. Supposed to be there Thursday or Friday.
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Stunning Duckboat.
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