The 270 STW.
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When I told my smith what I wanted to do I kinda got a queer look,but Randy at Accurate Rifle Works, understands me pretty well.
The object was to drive a 270 110g TTSX as fast as possible out of 26 inch barrel.
My idea was to use the STW case necked down.The round itself has been pretty easy to work with.You can see the pressure comming if you get to hot.But its still seat of the pants reloading/wildcatting without a way to measure pressure.What you think is a ok load will show itself to be to hot after a few loadings.So I ended up backing down from what I though was a good load in some cases.
All in all I havent spent this much time dicking with a rifle in a long time.But I have to admit.I enjoyed it.
Some things I learned
The TTSX was kind of disappointing in the accuracy department.I ran a range of powders and seating depths and im just not happy with the accuracy.I'd get two in a hole and one out.I'd play somemore and just could not get the consistency
that I was hopeing for.For the number rounds I fired,well over 100 TTSXs,I would say that the average of the best of the best was like a .85.Good enough to hunt with for sure but I wanted better.
Had a box of 110g GS-HV bullets.Gave them a good go and I'd say that the rifle went to .5 accuracy from the start.I also found that I could run more FPS with less wear and tear on the cases.
I ended up hunting with 110g GS-HV and 84.5g of Rel 22 with a CCI-250 primer.This combo netted me 3850fps,15 feet from the
muzzle over my old Ohler Model 33.
Flat shooting it is.Only requires 3.25 of up to be on at 400 yards from a 100 yard zero.Thats pretty flat.

The seating depth on the GS bullet was about a tolerant as you could hope for.Didnt seem to matter much where it was.Pretty much all good.Night and day difference from that to the TTSX.
Rock No4 1-10 5R
McMillian HTG/GP in campfire camo.
Rifle basic Trigger
PTG Bolt,M700 knob.Sako Extractor.
NULA lock down.
Nikon Tactical X 4-16x50
Leupold QRW rings
Farrel rail.
All ready to go.


Playing around I found that the Federal 215 mag primer is very soft.You can actually distort the shape of it with a Lee Auto Prime just putting them in.I've loaded truck loads of the 205 Match primer in PPCs and never seen that.Didnt seem to have the problem with the CCI-250.I dropped them on the STW.
I played with 130g Nosler ballistic tips and the very first load went sub .6 right off the bat.Could have saved myself alot of work if I had just stuck with them.But I have to be different.
I played alittle with the 130g Hornady GMX bullet.Very sexy looking bullet.Damm fine looking.But I dropped them as about the only thing small enough you could hit, would have to be the size of a barn door......
86g of Rel 25 with a 110g TTSX makes for a one foot diameter fireball,on the end of the Rock barrel.Thought I had a flame thrower going.Dammed impressive, kinda fun and neet looking but didn't shoot that well either.
All in all.Its been a fun project.

..I've been running a 270 WCF for a number of years now with a 113g Groove EXP bullet.Its a screw machine bullet no longer in production.Made from C-110 copper.Out of a 24 inch Hart barrel I seem to remember it running 3387fps over 58.5g of Norma N204.Its been a very good rifle for me.
Comparing the two rounds is pretty interesting.

The 270 WCF on the left out of my dads 270 with a 130g BT.
The 270 STW on the right with the 110g TTSX.
The Bullets from the top down.
130g Ballistic Tip.
110g GS-HV.
110g TTSX.
Notice there pretty much all the same length.

So I had to run 26 grains more powder to gain 463 feet more a second.It just goes to show how hard it is to beat a 270 WCF.
Did I have fun?You betcha.I havent spent this much time dicking around with a new rifle in a long time.
Was it worth it?To me,it was
I capped off my deer season with this.

Thats an exit hole.Blind man could have follewed the trail.But he only went 10 yards and piled up against that tree.
He tried to slip by me at 215 yards.he didnt make it.
Poured what was left of the lungs out of him.
I'd say I capped off my 270 STW experience pretty well.
Now I'd like to turn it loose on some hogs....

Only accurate rifles are interesting.
Posts: 91 | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of vapodog
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Great photos and good story.....Very flat shooting rifle ya got it!

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In gun magazines I sometimes read that as the powder capacity of the cartridge increases for a given bore diameter so should the bullet weight. I think that might be true for example if one is using a 7 x 57 Mauser for deer and wants to use a 7 MM STW for moose. I agree with your strategy of using a light bullet for the caliber if one is trying to get maximum range for a dead on hold with a cartridge that holds a lot of powder for the bore size. That is, the 110-grain .270 bullets probably give about as flat of a trajectory as possible for 400 yards and with their starting velocity in the STW case would have more than enough power to for deer well past 400 yards. Heavier bullets might buck the wind better. However the wind does not always blow but gravity is always at work. I have a 7 MM STW with an 11-inch twist barrel intended for use with light bullets. The idea was to use 120-grain Ballistic Tips for the flattest possible trajectory out to 400 yards. However, even with the slow twist the 120-grain bullets (at 3,750 fps) gave poor accuracy and the 140-grain Ballistic Tips (at 3,550 fps) gave very good accuracy. Anyway, I was trying to get a rifle to funtion like yours but it did not work out quite as well.
Posts: 278 | Registered: 25 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Cool stuff Dave, thanks for the share. I am a 270 nut, and whenever I am fooling around with other cartridges, and looking for velocity with comparable bullet weights, I end up where you did, saying to myself again how hard it is to beat the classic 270 Win.

I have been enamored with the Dakota cartridges and have thought about doing a 270 version of one, I am fooling with my 7 Dakota now.....

I have experienced need to reduce powder charges a lot with TSX's sometimes, I believe that it is because engraving pressure for them can be high, and you get a pressure spike early that is detrimental to accuracy--just my own personal theorization, but a rifle mfg. I know personally is the one who got me thinking that way--and I just know he knows....since you've got good accuracy with other bullets it's probably moot.

I wish Jeffe would chime in with comments about the 270 AR and it's performance.

Where do you buy your GS bullets by the way?
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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I just order them from Gina.


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Whenever my barrel gets here, I am going to put together a 6.5STW.

Have you tried H1000? I have seen some great reports for it in the 257 and 6.5 STWs.

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I tried H1000 and IMR 7828SSC and neither didnt seemed to do awhole lot for me.


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Originally posted by IOWADON:
I agree with your strategy of using a light bullet for the caliber if one is trying to get maximum range for a dead on hold with a cartridge that holds a lot of powder for the bore size. That is, the 110-grain .270 bullets probably give about as flat of a trajectory as possible for 400 yards and with their starting velocity in the STW case would have more than enough power to for deer well past 400 yards. ........ I have a 7 MM STW with an 11-inch twist barrel intended for use with light bullets. The idea was to use 120-grain Ballistic Tips for the flattest possible trajectory out to 400 yards. However, even with the slow twist the 120-grain bullets (at 3,750 fps) gave poor accuracy and the 140-grain Ballistic Tips (at 3,550 fps) gave very good accuracy. Anyway, I was trying to get a rifle to funtion like yours but it did not work out quite as well.

I used a 280 Ackley Improved for many years with the 140g Ballistic tip.And had very good results on deer.
Later on I built a new 280 AI and and used the 120g Ballistic tip.....on deer ....just once.
Shot fantastic.Super small groups.Shot a deer in the chest at 250 yards and never recovered him.Soured me for life on the 120g Ballistic tip.Then later on I started hunting hogs.I wanted a bullet that would not come unglued.
I have have never been all that happy with the accuracy of the X Bullet.I have tried.
So I ran 110g GS customes in a 270 WCF with excellant results on deer and hogs.And was very happy with it.I just figured the 270 version of the STW would give me alittle more reach.Its not intended for heavy bullets.The whole object was to run high speed 110g copper bullets out to 500 or so.
SO far so good.


Only accurate rifles are interesting.
Posts: 91 | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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The 270 STW with 110g GS-HV Drops at 3850FPS
Im thinking barrel life is going to be short.
2 inches high at 100 yards.
3 inches high at 200 yards.
1.5 inches high at 300 yards.
5 inches low at 400 yards.
Thats how I had it set up for my hunting.Distances were all lazered with Geovids.I shot a nice 2 inch 3 shot group at 300 yards just before season.
100 yards.

200 yards.

300 Yards

Im still playen with it but I dont think I can gain much beyond what I've already done.
Now I get ot live with it for awhile and see how the thing holds up over time.


Only accurate rifles are interesting.
Posts: 91 | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by dave7mm:
I just order them from Gina.


Thanks Dave, I'll check into them, always like Gerards postings here--very interested in these bullets.
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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