I have had a very nice TIG machine for years and I can weld with it pretty well but I have never been great at very small welds and much of the older steel I work with has impurities which can lead to porosity. I just purchased a new machine and am delighted with it so far. This is the first weld I did with it laying down layers of material .004" thick. The edge of the action had taken a pretty good hit and a nice sized dent was the result. Quite happy for the first go. This machine should work very well for re-joining actions. The heat affected zone is incredibly small allowing me to weld external pits on shotgun barrels as well. The amount of heat involved is so low that you can hold the piece you are welding in your hands and not use gloves! Really looking forward to using the new machine in the shop.
I always pulse the weld, with the foot pedal not the pulse function. Keeps the heat way down so you don’t cook the steel, cause thats when the bubbles start and you end up tearing your hair out if you have any.
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