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15th Annual Shilen Swap Meet in March
One of Us
15th Annual SWAP MEET


March 19, 2022

2501 North Interstate Highway 45 Ennis, TX 751119

Please post the enclosed flier in a visible location and help to pass the word. ANYONE can come and ANYONE can be a vendor. There are NO entry or vendor fees and we will persevere RAIN or SHINE! There will be gun stuff everywhere, buy and sell as much as you like. There will be complimentary lunch as always.

**See Barrel Making in process! A small crew will run machines from 8am to 11am and answer questions you may have about the process.

**Sign up for Drawings – There will be a table set up with a large sign-up chart that automatically enters you in drawings for free or discounted Shilen apparel or merchandise. This drawing is open to Vendors and Attendees. FIVE drawings will be held between 9am and 1pm. Find that table and get signed up!

** “Swap Meet Barrels” will be put out at 9:30am!! Swap Meet Barrels are barrels from J’s Rack that were originally ordered by our customers throughout the year that were either canceled or the customer changed their mind on contour, chamber, etc., we place these barrels in J’s Rack to assign to orders as needed but anything still remaining in stock will be sold at unbelievable discounts to our Swap Meet Customers Only! Please note that these barrels are in NO WAY factory “seconds” or any lower quality than what we produce every day here at Shilen Rifles. The warranty on these barrels is the same as any of our barrels!

**Have stuff to get rid of? BYOT (Bring your own table) – Everyone has stuff to clear out to make room for more stuff. Anything gun-related; presses, reloading, triggers, scope rings, doesn’t matter how big or how small someone’s here looking for it. Space is available on a first-come first-served basis. Vendors may start setting up at 7am. Vendors will be able to pull their vehicle up and set their table up behind it or drop their tailgate. Shoot us an email to get on the website vendor list. There is an exclusive Vendor Drawing at 1pm, you must be present to win and FIVE vendor names will be drawn.

**HOST – We just host this thing, people come and go as they like, we start early and don’t run late. Once things are gone, they are gone so if you are looking for something particular get here early and find it quick! Keep an eye on the website Swap Meet page to get an early look at some of what will be here.

Please see the attached flyer for time and date, YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!!

See you here,

Team Shilen
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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