I just took delivery of my first Remington 700, Right Hand, DBL stock out of the new mold. This stock will also work very well with a variety of Remington 700 BDL variants as long as the variant rear tang duplicates the Remington 700 factory tang. These stock design is strictly for standard weight hunting rifle and has no tactical or target application. I have made a few minor inletting revisions to re-submit to Dick Davis and team at McMillan. I am very pleased with the results. With the mold now finished special orders or general inventory orders are now ready to begin. For those that want more information about this stock they can go to my Blog Site echolsrifles@blogspot.com or call me at the shop from 8-5 MST. 435-755-6842
That's a very well thought out design. What is the length of the forend 9 1/2, 10"? Also what's the circumference of the wrist? Hope it's not too small.
Doug Humbarger NRA Life member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club 72'73. Yankee Station
Try to look unimportant. Your enemy might be low on ammo.
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001
The for-end is 10" long from the front of the recoil lug on a 700 Long action and the grip is 4 3/4" in circumference. To date no one has said the grip is to small or to large. I'm sure for some the For-end will appear a 1/2" to 1" to long or to wide or to deep.
Doug Here are a few more details. The drop from the center line of the bore at the nose of the comb is approx. .550 and the same at the heel and was designed for typical scoped use. The stocks come out of the mold with a 14" LOP. The right hand CAST OFF at the toe with a 14" LOP is approx. 3/8" and a 1/4" at the heel. The molded in grip "cap" shape on the shrike is one of my caps made with a 45 degree ellipse that is 1.780 in length and 1.300 in width. The "cap" on my Model 70 Legend is the same ellipse but slightly longer 1.847 and 1.367 in width. I used the "smaller" cap to better blend with the 700 grip geometry.
The fore-end length and cross sectional pear shape is almost 100% identical to my Model 70 Legend stock. Some have said it is way to long, to wide, etc. All I can say is in the field, off hand, laying prone or sitting and wrapped up in a sling this style for-end is pretty damn user friendly. An english splinter it is not.
The grip has circumference on my Model 70 Legend Stock is 4-7/8". As stated above the Shrike is 4-3/4" as the tang angle on the Remington 700 is much more severe than a Model 70 and coupled with the more acute tang angle and the shallower depth between the rear tang and the Remington OEM style trigger Bow assemblies I made the grip geometry, shape, style, etc smaller in circumference than the Model 70 Legend. My desire was to make the Shrike grip look and feel appropriate for a hunting stock when coupled with the original Model 700 metal-work.
I hope I have done this but you just never know!!!!
Having actually built a couple Classic's on a Remington 700 I am aware of how perplexing and challenging a 700 can be in the grip area. At least for a mallet hand like me.
At this point I can only give you the similar weights of the Legend model 70 stock. If anything the Shrike might be .5 to 1oz lighter all things considerer
Carbon Fiber Edge 20-21oz Standard Fill Fiber Glass 28-29oz Magnum Fill Fiber Glass 32-33oz
Carbon Fiber Edge shell and Magnum Fill Fiber glass 26-27oz