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Pics of early Germanic Mauser sporters?
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An unusual request for which I apologise, but would anybody have any pics of early Mauser sporters? Specifically examples with side plates, POW grips, schnabels, etc.? I'm building one and have run up against some road blocks proportion/aesthetics-wise.
Posts: 332 | Location: Annapolis,Md. | Registered: 24 January 2006Reply With Quote
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The only book to get. They are hard to find and not cheap. I got mine new.

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Typical pre-WWII Suhl Mauser by Haenel:

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This Mauser was built during World War II by Germania Waffenwerk, a trade name of the Anschütz company. It is in caliber 9.3X57 and probably intended for the Swedish market, since Sweden was Germany's main supplier of high grade iron ore during the war.

Since I have two other 9.3X57's, this one probably needs a new home.

Posts: 1748 | Registered: 27 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Nice rifle... what are you looking to get for her?

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

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Please you guys, come to some sort of agreement before I do something I shouldn't.
FLA and xusa - thanks for the pics.
Posts: 90 | Location: Cleveland, Ohio | Registered: 13 January 2010Reply With Quote
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I have a super 1929 Mauser looks to be of the Simpson mfg. style with over stamp from dealer.
23" F/S horn caps engraved either silver or nickel plated sling loop's screws ect.., Case colored, Oct-round barrel, of course bases with no claw rings. WWII vet bring back.. Oh-ya.. Mint bore and it's a 9.3X62

If somebody would post the pics I'd be happy to email them to you..

Posts: 1112 | Location: Southern California USA | Registered: 21 December 2006Reply With Quote
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I have a pretty nice Haenel made very early, using the GEWEHR 1888 action as the basis for a lovely Sporting Rifle. Model C.G. Haenel G-88 Custom Sporting Rifle. DST.s panelled sides, even a barrel key, and schnabble for end. Octagon 28" barrel, with matted rib. Caliber 8x57, and Lyman sights. Yes, the two blade folding rear, and an adjustable side peep with two size apertures. I was amazed to learn that Importer A. H. Funke, NYC offered them with a factory Lyman set of sights. Receiver is case hardened.

Just a neat little rifle. I hope to take it to Africa next spring and see how it works on Eland and Impala.

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Idaho, I inherited a nice "88" carbine thats made by Haenel in Suhl. I am going to shoot it in the morning just for something new at the range. I would send someone pics if they would post them. DW
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PM posted.

Bill Warren
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I also have a project of creating an early mauser sporter and was lucky enough to find an original stock in excellent condition on auction arms. I used it to have several duplicates made with the mauser stock exterior and inletted (3) for Mauser standard length actions, (3) for Springfield 1903 actions and two rof Remington 700 actions. So far, the Springfield 1903 - chambered for 6.5 x 55 - is the furtherest along. I happen to have some nice English and several Claro Walnut blanks and put them to good use for the project. Plans are to finish all of the wood in the S.B. McWilliams Classic Oil Finish after a good "washing" with his Alkanet Oil. Where are some instructions on posting pictures? Wouild like to share...
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Stock man, looks like we need a volunteer to step forward.. Wink

Posts: 1112 | Location: Southern California USA | Registered: 21 December 2006Reply With Quote
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I have one that sounds almost the same except no case color.

One thing that amazes me on the gun is how incredibly well done the floorplate is. It was made as a single stack with a bottom lever release. It is also the earliest gun I have seen with a .323 barrel. During the window of time it was made, there was a separate proof mark denoting this.

Always wished I had a scope mount to match the claw bases. Too bad the value of the gun doesn't justify the cost of custom rings.
Posts: 1238 | Location: Lexington, Kentucky, USA | Registered: 04 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey Guys - Please keep the pictures coming. I have a Mauser Oberndorf Model B from 1910 with a very rough stock (all metal is really nice) in my "project" cabinet.

One day I'd like to restock it with a "proper" period stock.

Cheers - Foster
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Oberndorf Type B Deluxe sporters:

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Picture of bwanamrm
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All of the rifles posted are unique and beautiful but the last rifle of Rich's is phenomenal! What caliber is it and who did the work on the gun Rich?

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
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Thanks fellas. I'm gratified to see I guessed right on most things, and alerted myself to subtle design features that I was unaware of. One thing I learned in doing this project is that one needs to jettison most ideas concerning modern stock dimensions. When you think you've gone far enough, you probably need to get the rasp out again!

Pictures to follow completion. First coats of finish going on as soon as I hang up here!

Keep the pics coming. We don't get to see enough of these grand Mausers.
Posts: 332 | Location: Annapolis,Md. | Registered: 24 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Sniff....sniff. Frowner

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